Monday, December 30, 2013


Let's talk a little without any precise subject to conclude the year 2013 and this blog together because I've got to move on with different things that won't allow me to go on for a while, and because I have already in mind my next blog that will be devoted nearly exclusively to Torah. It will be named: "Recapturing Torah" and the main purpose will be, with Hachem's help, to show that the Torah has been totally misunderstood and hijacked to promote sectarian interests, and that its true message is really what it should have always been: a light in the darkness of man's mind and social life.

-  please let me remind you that my somehow 'homepage is HERE -

My last thought after five years of blogging, and around forty of intellectual evolving,  is that 99,9999% of mankind is living in a prefabricated illusory world. Day after day, century after century, humanity is adding bricks to its artificial view of the world. Without erasing the previous chimeras it has built, the main game is to add new ones. Layer after layer, humanity has burried itself under its own mountain of illusions.

The net result is that we live illusory lives centered around fake beliefs that no one even try to challenge because it would not only mean a separation with the great majority of contemporary people but also with what one views as mankind's history, as the reality of life. The whole society is an illusion coopted by us all and driven by a faction of people that have a huge interest for such a fallacy to exist because they make their profit of our ignorance and complacency to remain in our bubble.
(>Space-Time and Imagination)

Those people who are called these days the 'Powers That Be', the Illuminati, the NWO ... have in fact always existed since ancient times with different names and appearance but with always the same components: the mixture of brute power with maleficent brains. One of the oldest recording of this type of wicked people might be Nemrod. The drive behind those evil spirits is individual profit at the expense of the majority.

Mankind's knowledge is both too much and too little. We know, learn and teach too much of artificial information, what Platon would call opinion, but not enough of real expertise based on nature. Most of the science is devoted to see the world through theories, most of the people try to become someone instead of researching who they are. Man tries to find year after year what is the best way to look like but not to find out who he is originally intended to become. No need to be a criminal to be placed in a cage because mankind has created its own universal cell since millenaries. In the picture below, not only the young woman stands behind bars* but all those who look at her, you and me included.
(>The Creative Flowering of Humankind)

* ... And man ! On what grounds ? She's not even a criminal !!
The police state is worldwide, from America to China, Russia
to South Africa, Japan, the Arab states, Israel, everywhere.
Reminds me that imo, the most important event of 2013 had
been the aborted American attempt to step in the Syrian war
end the possible ignition of a third world war ...
'They' are at it, People !!!
Good Cops ? -
There is “The Law” – and there is Right (and Wrong) -

American, German, Japanese, Chinese, French, English, democrat, constitutional, holydays, technology, Christian, Muslim, Jew, championships, olympics, peace, war, nation-states, freedom, equality, liberty, brotherhood, gnosticism, secrets, drugs, Burgundy wine, Heineken, videogames, evening news, tomorrow, next year, Freud, Voltaire, Mandela ... Whether you're for or against, whether you engage or you abstain, whether you prep or you drink, no matter what, you know what ? you're like hamsters who get the big wheel turning.

Nation-states for example are better than a global tyranny, but they have been one major tool of mind control for millenaries. "I am American". Big deal. Then what ? "I am Republican". Gosh !! "I am Buddhist". Yep, you know, I need some fresh air because the two former are heavy to get along but wooo !! It's my pride, my duty, my ... All wrong from scratch, flunk, total loss.

James Brown was on the right path. "I'M A MAN",endpoint. The door is open because you too are a man. And the guy on the other side of earth is also a man. People who kill people are no more men. They are mind controlled robots. They need all that they think their identity is made of and they need to fight for their illusion because at the beginning, they don't know who they are, or better said, they have been taught from birth that they are so and so ad nausea. The first stone being the national flag, the national anthem, the nation-state. Yeah ! In what name people have killed the most in history if we don't take into account the root cause (greed, power, pride ...) ? Religion and nation, the two basic concepts by which men are defining themselves. Think of it !! (Add corporation & u get the whole pic)

Life, real life is not what you have learned to believe. Real life is not a place furnished with preconceived bricks of knowledge, real life is a walk on the edge of a sword. Real life means evolving on the razor's edge. If we had the courage of not relying on artificial concepts, if we were brave enough not to fight for the comfort of being a prefabricated person, if we were real men, we would not fight for keeping our artificial nature against that of our neighbor, we would not fight to defend the illusions that are creating our own slavery, we would open our eyes, our arms, our hearts to life in all its forms, no matter what because the only thing we share that is not an illusion is life. Life is not a precast scenario where you got to fit as a lego.

Life is a walk on the summit of the existence, between past and future, between birth and death, between good and evil, life is a very tenuous path where the slightest move left or right can change the destiny. But, to become aware of that, you must beforehand get rid of all the social illusion you've been fed with from all the years you've lived around. Life is a delicate process, the most fragile experiment that exist in the universe but it takes a long time to become aware of that because we are immersed in a world of deception, of trickery, of subterfuge. And not only on the part of the NWO but quite 'naturally'. That is the main colossal problem we have to face, alas with so little hope to win, in the end.

The concept of life as a permanent tipping point is not weird at all when considering the extraordinary accuracy of the balance that the universe has achieved to reach the exact and specific conditions for the apparition of life. This pinpoint equilibrium is not only related to the material part of the world since matter and mind are intricated to the point that it is increasingly difficult to draw a partition line between both.. This makes me wonder how, humanity being what it is, and considering all the harm that it has inflicted upon itself for ages, the world has not tilted toward a faster extinction. Is it that there would be a sort of 'reserve of good', from an 'existing tank (Gen: "God saw that it was good") as to compensate gradually our fatal aberrations ? Or that despite the enormity of the evil we perform, it finds a compensation in the good we do anyway ? Or, more probably as I believe, is that all evil would not need to be balanced against by good because it would not really impact the universe's fate because the good is the one and only cause of its existence and sustainability ?

The sole reality of evil doing is its none existence beyond the apparent destruction. When we do evil, we do no good. Evil is destroying twice by its immediate effect and by the lack of good that could have been performed instead but, in the end, it does not affect the balance of the world that does not rely upon it to exist. Then, the only path of recovery for man is not to cry for his misery but to get along the right path as mush as one can ... Yes we can ! That's easier to say than to do because we're so used to the thinking that we have to fight evil. Nonsense. Evil is like a blackhole that does not exist by itself but by its potential of sucking the good that would have existed if it was not there. We just must concentrate on doing good and of course, doing good includes reporting the sources of evil to be able to avoid them, to get away from them and not to literally 'fight' them. Such a task is as much individual as collective. One does not go without the other.

In order to walk along that path, we have two ressources, one inside, the consciousness, and one outside, the perennity of nature and particularly the animal world that has not been perverted by man's illusions, I'd say by the brain's rational side, by the cartesianism. The first law we should obey is that of the heart and about it, the (true) Christians are well positioned to lead the way. It is not enough to awaken because one must revolt and to get there, you need a heart that bleeds for others. However, it is still not enough to revolt but we must organize and confer to work together in the same direction ... Every individual is a whole universe by him/herself. What we need though is finding common ways to get the society welcoming all those unique worlds without falling prey to the ones among us that are using this diversity to ponder us with laws destined to enslave everyone at their profit and reign by the lowest common ground in which I would both include depravation and illusion.

Well, that's it for a while !!

Saturday, December 21, 2013


The one answer at our disposal TODAY is Boycott.

Boycott everything they use to make money out of us, every item fit to enslavement. CocaCola, Walmart, New Cars, TVs, Movies, Shows, Beer, Perfume, Meds, War toys, Airplanes, 'Holydays', Voting, Gadgets, Games, Sport's mass events, Mac Dos' ... Whatever, the list is yours.

Boycott is everyone everyday's vote THAT COUNTS !!!!!

If you can afford a $10.000 new car, buy one for$1000 and give $9000 to the local mechanic to fix it, you'll get a better deal and you'll provide for a few other families instead of financing the Big Asses. Just an example. 

Corporatism is Nazism because corporations are evil oriented and protected by the governments. We can hurt them there and it is a non-violent legal action. We can starve them and make them crumble while we will create ties with our local communities. 
In the precedent example, when you bring your new-old car to the repair shop, tell him why you did it, explain to your neighbour why you did that, to your children ... It will not go unnoticed.
It can even become the new trend !

The important point in trying to starve the beast as an individual 
may not be the act in itself because it might take many years but
showing the way and giving an opportunity to talk about it:

"Everyone, and I mean everyone needs to become a citizen journalist and report on the abuses of this administration and the banksters  who control the politicians. For if we do next to nothing, we are very likely sealing our fate."

We must reorganize outside of the evil empire, and TALK together. There are ways !!!
Don't wait for God or a Leader !

My new-old car under the snow ...
I bought it $1500 (cars are expensive in Israel)
It has costed me $4000 with repairs.
Works like new now except a few secondary things that must wait for cash ...

>How to Boycott Factory Farms
>Why We Should Boycott the 2014 NFL Season
>Mom-Turned-Activist Launches National Movement to Boycott GMOs

I like the last sentence of this comment picked on the

"33 thoughts on “All Major League Sports Facilities Are the New FEMA Camps

CEO constitutional enforcement officer
January 30, 2014 at 6:22 am

You are so right brother Dave we have the most coveted weapon to stop this demonic assault on our personal integrity and freedom, bill dollar bill , it is the only weapon that has more power by NOT using it,or withholding it. Americans willfully without any critical thought line up and march to spend their hard earned money to have their families humiliated and for what?. Stop flying and tsa will go away, stop attending sporting events in which owners not only want your money but your free dignity given to you by God not man.
Just the treasonous decision by these owners should not only stop all thinking Americans from attending but also not watching on tv or buying their products , this problem would disapeer overnight, instead we refuse to defend our God given freedoms by just simply witholding our coveted weapon which happens to be their god the doller. We could turn this thing around and not even fire a shot, I mean everything would change by just keeping your money and freedom, what power and we refuse to use it.
Americans have put God in a position to judge us because we wont even execute judgement on ourselves. Stupid is as stupid does!!!

Concerning false flags, martial law ...

The PTB players are like gamers who crave to win more & more, "they" crave to rule until "they" die of it with us all. It is like heroin, the ultimate addiction. Money is just a medium. Luxury a boring hoby. Wars an appetetizer. The real thing comes in the end, literally. Neron, Rome in flames. Skull & bones. 

These are the ones who gives the cards, from DC to Beijing, Ryadh to Jerusalem, Moscow to London, Berlin to Rio, and behind the doors, prominently. I believe we could still win over at a certain point, between day and night. After the outrage, because we need a majority to stand up and without a big event it won't raise up, but before the final round up that will take a certain amount of time. There is in my opinion a critical time with a portal to snatch the victory under their feet. Very elusive but decisive  as a swift pinion puts on the overdrive.

Obviously, mankind needs to (re)act now, NOW, because we are already enslaved, for a great part physically - India, China, Indonesia + Africa, Middle East, South America and the world's poors - and a lesser mentally - the West - but the global countdown has begun. Fukushima, viruses, chemtrails, GMOs ... all of which are threats unleashed and in their infancy. We MUST REVOLT !! The sooner the better !

While in the universe there must be darkness for the stars to shine, should we wait for Armageddon so that those heroes who lie dormant in all of us dazzle ?



Friday, December 20, 2013


The only people in the world who could call themselves 'Jews' are those who live in Israel and who abide by God's laws - NOT what the 'religious Jews' say about them. And those people should not even call themselves 'Jews' but Hebrews, from the world 'Ivri' derived from 'ever' meaning 'the other side'. 

There is no Jewish religion, this is an illusory invention. Hebrews are supposed to form a people who live together and share the same rules. There has never been a Hebrew outside of Israel. There has never been a Hebrew who does not practice God's laws.

When a Hebrew leaves Israel, he is no more a Hebrew, neither a 'Jew'. When a Hebrew does not practice God's laws, he is out also. When most of the Hebrews in Israel stop abiding by God's laws, they are deported, conquered, annilihated. 

Today, there are some 15 million people who claim to be Jews. These range from:
- 'Orthodox Jews' who wear 18th century black clothes and practice a religion* that turns them  into followers of sects 
- to 'leftist Jews' who are atheists and believe in communism or socialism,
- and 'liberal Jews' who strongly support capitalism and keep an edulcorated form of religion.

There are other categories of 'Jews' according to their geographical origins: Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Mizrahim, from India, Ethiopia ... These categories are themselves subdivided with no end.

There are also categories of 'Jews' according to the place they presently reside: 'Israeli Jews', 'American Jews', 'French Jews', 'English Jews', Italian, Turkish, Morrocan, Russian ...

There are also 'gay Jews', 'porn Jews', 'news Jews', 'Jews for Jesus', 'Satmar Jews', 'mafia Jews', 'zionist Jews', 'anti-zionist Jews' ...

What do all these 'Jews' have in common ? Nothing except the illusion to be 'Jews'. Israel is not a 'Jewish state' and more so not a Hebrew state because in the first case, to be 'Jewish' is an illusory concept and in the second, the illusory 'Jews' who live in Israel are as far as being Hebrews as horses are from being birds.

Except for a few Sephardim, 99% of the people who call themselves 'Jews' have not one drop of blood from the original Hebrews. 'Jews' are neither a race nor a belief-system. 'Jews' are only a comfortable invention for those who use the concept to provide themselves with an identity and at the same time for those who have an interest in creating scapegoats. 

So, let me tell you a great truth: by punching the 'Jews', you're punching an empty bag, and that's precisely what the Powers That Be love most !!!

*Let me remind you what is a religion. He who consider himself religious believes in God, I don't deny that. However, the God he believes in has been crafted by men, rabbis, priests, imams, monks ... Religious people trust their God Who is a particular God because He is not the God of other religions. Religious people ask the delegates of their God to know what to believe and how to perform their religion. Although they believe in God, they obey human surrogates. According to Wikipedia, there are some 4200 religions on earth ...

NB I could have inserted, as examples of their astonishing differences, photos of all the kind of 'Jews' but here is but a small example in words (source):

NB2 What's true for the 'Jews' is not wrong either for most kinds of groups on earth as defined by notions of nations, states, religions. (see my last post)


De :avi gleitzer 
Envoyé :dim. 08/12/13 13:41

You are making appear on a google search page of my name, Avi GLEITZER, a twitter message that I do not want to be known of publicly.

- I cancelled my Twitter account for months,
- I do not appear in your own search engine,

I ask you to remove the link that you made appear for no reason.

Sincerely yours, 


  1. Avi GLEITZER (@AviGLEITZER) has 1 followers on Twitter and has ...

    Translate this page
    Oct 30, 2012 - m......0000 Bonsoir, ......

“When Benito Mussolini was asked in 1932, to define fascism, he stated, 

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism 

because it is the merger of corporate and state power”. 

Look around you and tell me what you see. This my friends is reality plain and simple!”

I'm the individual, as John Rappoport likes to say, and they are the machine. I make mistakes and when I see them, I try to come back from them but the machine takes into account every single move and store them forever, and it is not only a machine, but a driven entity.

I made the first mistake by not taking into account that Twitter is public; the second was to put a personal fantasy on that media and the third to complain. When I noticed the tweet, it was on the 4th or 5th page of result from a search with my name. Now it is N°1 on the first page ...

I don't really care anybody sees it because I don't have anything to hide but I love fairplay and what this well named site does, 'CRUMBLE', is evil driven and I hate that. Such sites are designed to entrap people with their past and their innocence as individuals, and as it is named, to make them crumble under their own past.

"Who you were you will be". This is also in some way the goal of the NSA and the spying. Corporations that are evil not because of what they are, producing stuff - if this stuff is 'neutral' and not evil oriented -, but because they are driven with the aim of destroying individual identity, making of the individual a record, an immovable entity, a stone. This is why they hate the concept of repentance*, of forgiveness, of charity, and please notice this is not only a Christian idea although Christians have made of it their basic belief for which I applaud them.

At the end of the corporation's road, there is no Paradise. The future must be what was the past, no less, no more. They need to predict the future to do profit and to go on leading the world and if the future were different fundamentally from the past, they would be dumped. Can't be. They're here to succeed and they kill for that. That's why the worst predictions about the future of humanity are not out of sight. That's why there has been Hitlers and Nerons in the past and that there is more chance that there will be such evil faces in the future than none.

Be aware people, humanity is an evil driven charriot with the Guillotine always looming at the end of the road.

This Secret Group Controls the World
"First, You've Got to Get Mad !" 

Google is Going to Blackmail You ... MUST SEE !
Google Launches 'Right to Be Forgotten' Webform for Removal Requests


I tried a few other search engines and the result from "Crumble" does not appear at all ... 
Looks like that rogue company is linked with Google !! 
"Don't be evil" is fine except it seems that Google has a previous hidden motto: 
"light is darkness". 

Fascism under your eyes:
Obama, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Schmidt ...
(US Gvt., Apple, Facebook, Google ...)

* from unknown:

"Repentance is a double edge sword. Nothing is or will be erased. Everything that happens is created for eternity and will have its implications, either good or bad, or both written in the stone of time. Time is a stone harder than any existent mineral, so much harder than diamond that the comparison is pointless. Every instant that goes by is engraved with billions' billions of events and you and I are adding from birth to death sentences to that register. It is a register so much encompassing, so much filled that all the atoms in the universe would not suffice to contain it.

I don't deny the fact that you can repent but, repentance must be viewed as a new event that does not erase the fact from which it has risen but adds a new component to it, a side effect, a reverberation, an echo, a new dimension another atom like oxygen is o² and ozone is o.3.  Both are made of an oxygen atom but one has 2 electrons and the other 3. Each event that is has its followings. And every following has its own consequences." 


Human societies are and have always been based on the law of the strongest. 

Say or believe what you want, survival of the fittest is the norm. 

And, who is the fittest ? The one who has no heart, no feelings, no morality. 

If you want your children to succeed, teach them to be perverted, greedy, insensitive.

Who does not see or want to see the oppression will make it. 

The ones who get to the top are either dumbs, idiots, blinds, indifferent, vicious ...

You get it, the cream of societies are perverted people, by nature or by will. 


- I could expand a lot on the subject but what's the point ... -

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Who has seen an angel except in dreams ? Do you think that angels would need a terrestrial attribute to visit the material world if they did ?

Most of the people who have achieved a decent life in society succeeded because, just because they were able to fit in the existing system and walk along its rules, only because they did not criticize the rules whatever corrupt they were.

Money is evil. If you don't have money, you're just nobody. If you have money, whoever you are, you're someone, someone important.

System, success gives you wings. Angels don't need wings. You and I would better have the means to provide for our families to get them decent lives than have money wings. Normal lives, moral lives, where you and I would be proud of our integrity, of our honesty, of our goodness.

I've raised my children with the best principles but they have to forget most of them to make money in order to live, to survive. The goal in the system is making money, not growing angels' wings. We don't need wings but if we just wanted to fly by our moral compass, we would stall. No wings, no morality, money, only money.
Money makes you someone, morality leads you to misery, distress. Better forget what's real life is about if you want to live, well, to survive. In the system, be it Roman, Hindu, Chinese, Russian, Latino, Black, whatever, money will open the doors for you, not morality.

We People, need a revolution, but a true one, a collective desire to overcome the money system and send its apostles to where they belong: Hell. Money should be given for free to every human being and not being made the retribution of the ability to fit into the system.

Morality should be the only norm, not money making. Kindness should be worth money, not intelligence. We must re-invent human life. We must put to jail all those who work for destruction, who cheat, who rob, who maim, who ... We must enforce the way for Life. There is largely enough for all on earth if we would help each other. It is not enough to criticize the system, and being happy not to approve it as a moron 'Zen Gardner' advises, we must change it, now, because it is accelerating toward a global death for mankind, and all living creatures.

When Darpa robots will be able to take over, when Boston Dynamics monsters will patrol the streets, it will be too late*. The time is now, not next year. It is still 2013 ... Who knows what will be in 2014 ? Ah ! You're still fine with the Superbowl ? You still need burgers ? Still want a counterfeit perfume or Vuitton handbag ? Let it be, but you're the first cause of humanity's death, not the Power That Be, you are, yes, you ! You, you and you, personnaly, definitely, and I don't thank you for that.

Mankind's problem is not in its size but in what is done of the monstrous means of productions it has that are in the hands of a few because "They" have evil purposes of profit and enslavement.

"Ultimately, society is complicit in its own enslavement and destruction. That's why Satanists reveal their agenda, to compromise us by our inaction."

"The work of most of people on earth is drawn, regulated and managed by a few people and teams who believe it is their privilege to ordinate things - and people, because of their wealth, their lineage or their ego alone. "They" see us as means of producing what they want, power and pleasure tools. Most of mankind's mind is hijacked to be inserted in violence, military, social and individual vices, moral disorders, crime. This creates a perverted environment that hides together misery and high crime. This perverted environment then becomes the norm because of the apparent innocence of its birth, to escape the tyrant's power."

The only real angels I have ever been able to meet are children, our children, mankind's children and these little angels are asking us: what are you doing for us not to suffer as you did when we'll be grown up ? Is it enough to preserve us when we're young to be thrown into a deeper chaos than the one you've experienced yourself ?

Have you only read Jack London's "The People of the Abyss" ? Or Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities" ?

*Google is Setting Up to Become the World’s Next Superpower

Democracy, Deception, Deceit - They're All the Same

Getting Organized for Making Things Better
Strategies for Building a Neighborhood Prep Cooperative
Building a More Connected, Compassionate and Free World

"Untold millions (billions?) of people across the world are waking up to official lies, cover stories, and conspiracies.

These people are crossing the bridge, so to speak, to see what’s on the other side.

The question is, do they stay there once they’ve crossed over, or do they try to retreat back to their former positions as ordinary citizens with dimmed perception?

It’s quite a trick to a) maintain the status of “normal person” while b) seeing through the enormous ruse.

In fact, in the long run, it’s impossible.

Therefore, the retreat backwards involves self-induced mind control. In other words, the enlightened person un-enlightens himself. He re-educates himself to accept all the lies he saw through.

He “rejoins the church” he once quit. And he does so with a fervor."

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Answer: Their 'expat' strategy. 

And they are, were not alone in mankind's history since such a protocol is, has always been the basis of the greatest conquerors of humanity.

'Once a cheater, always a cheater'. But that sentence also means that some people not only never change but will remain who they think they are even in the midst of the most altering environment. It's kind of an original load of personality that they will never alter for if they did, they would not know anymore that they are the same person. That's a supernatural identity that trumps all other cards. I'd call it the sociopathy of national identity. Even if those people have completely changed their uses, and more or less live the same life of the naturals in the country they have landed, they remain in their mind Brits, Romans or Jews although not for the same reason, just add Muslims to the 'Jews' and so on.

Concerning most expats, they become more than often second class citizens. Not so for British. They are nurtured by the mother land more than those who live in it. And they become more English than the ones who stayed, more royalists than the queen, even after many generations. Same for the Jews even is they have turned completely non-jewish. Nationality and religions have been turned as weapons for conquest. The qualities destined at the origin to provide cohesion for a local group have become a strategy for domination.

Thailand: Fighting the "Superpower"

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Yeah people, literally. 32°F/0°C here in Jerusalem. Looks like the storms that have just hit Northern EU has got down here pretty fast for this time in the year. North America has also got its share of frost. It's 25 years I first came to Israel and, well that's unprecedented. Snow at the beginning of december. Like this very year, it was still cold at the end of march for Pessah (Jewish Passover) for it should already had been much warm.

Is it that the chemtrails have exceeded their officially admitted goal, or that the numerous volcanic eruptions have sent enough ashes to reduce the sun heat, or that the lower than normal sun activity is responsible, or all together, or a freak move of Haarp in the ionosphere ? Who knows ?? At the common guys level, noone. But it's here. Rogue weather worldwide. And who suffer most from the cold ... Low income people, displaced populations.

Maybe the depopulation agenda is the real goal of the chemtrails ? Anyhow, people are already dying from the cold in Syria, Lebanon and Turkey in the refugee camps that house Syrians and still some Iraqis. Beyond the nasty chemicals that are supposed to be in the chemtrails, they ought to be stopped at once. Maybe the earth's core is heating as the volcanoes or the new islands creation off Pakistan and Japan attest, as does the methane release in the permafrost arctic regions, but the atmosphere is not !!

Yes, for all the reasons in the world, chemtrails have to get buried NOW. And let's remember that ice ages have in the past been the first cause of global depopulation.


Snow hits Golan, Lebanon, Syria as Israel braces for storm
Snow begins to fall in Golan as Jerusalem braces for snow storm. Meanwhile, refugee camps in Lebanon, Jordan ill-equipped for coming winter. From Beirut to Tel Aviv, rain slowly turns to snow.

Is Chemtrails the Most Ignored Conspiracy of Our Time ?
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering

Seniors Struggle to Pay for Heating Amid Extreme Storm


Well, since I wrote that page, I've experienced a 3 days blackout of electrical power !!! People, until you've not lived the real thing, you can't get it ! First night was still 14°c inside. Second was 9 and third was 7 - don't know in farhenheit.

Let me tell you: 3 hours after the power returned, and full heating in the main room where it reached 30°c, I still felt my body cold and my breath was still chilling. One more day and I was good for the hospital.

However, I survived and the most difficult was to be in the dark 15 hours a day with absolutely nothing to do, but, I thought, I thought about the prople "living" only 100 kilometers north in Lebanon, refugees from Syria where the cold was even bitter, where the don't even have a roof over their heads, where they literally see their children and parents freeze to death ...

I've thought about them before, I've written about them also, but that time, I came close to understand what it is like, and this makes a huge difference. I can't help them in any way, but I can tell more closely to the point that, the leaders who don't help them are paving their lives to hell, for ever. Bush, Obama, Nethanyahu, and most of the world's leaders including the private corporations that support them will never see the light again. They buy a one way ticket to an eternal black hole from where they'll never come out. Right so.

And let me give another thought to those 100 kilometer south in Gaza which fame is not that better except less cold. People, there are humans all over the earth who are living in hell and all I can do is telling them: "You will see the light again, for your suffering is not the end of life because life is more than material and because of that, there will be somehow sometime somewhere an afterlife where you'll get your turn to rejoice knowing that those that didn't help you and let you rot in your misery won't be around forever to have you suffer as you did."

What ought to be said also is that, although it was nothing near the scope of Sandy for instance, the official response was ... none. All the public offices did near to nothing to get prepared, except PR, and did not assist in any way. Municipalities were out of reach, emergency lines did not answer, we've been left in the dark literally and in the cold with noone to turn to. No salt had been poured in advance on the streets, no snow plowing tractors to clear the streets, we were stuck inside as it was. I live 30 kilometer north of Jerusalem in a small 'village' but it was absolutely the same in Jerusalem, Israel's capital ! When I manage to get out 3 days after and I came to Jerusalem, I saw it with my own eyes.

And that's not all. Do you want the whole picture ? Here it is. If the public offices can let us down for a few inches of snow, what do you think will be their help in case of a really serious disaster? Nothing more, if possible. The government will let us go down to the point that we'll fight each other to stay alive and at that point, they'll send the army to "bring back order" ... And then 'harvest' half of us, the ones listed, into detention while the other half will become controlled slaves under orders number this or that. They test us all the time to see how we respond, get organized and help each other, and the sad reality is we don't.

Read Dave Hodges for further informations on that subject !!!

David Cameron Confronted by Angry Residents of Flooded Village
Is The Machine Already Awake
Effects of an EMP Attack or Severe Solar Storm on Nuclear Power Plants


and the sheeple go on drinking Coca

Successful test from the PTB in Israel: 


The Powers That Be can go to Level 2 ... or is it already 22 ? or 222 ?? ...


Israelis have yet shouted a little but not against the opressors. They had this outstanding understanding: "If we are victims, isn't there other people who could share our shame ? Yes, the palestinians and yes, their only response was to say: 'make them pay too' so that we will not be the only victim. So, you can read a majority of comments that ask the Gvt to get back the PA owes Israel in unpaid electric bills. I don't say palestinians should get free electricity from Israel because they have lots of cash and their economy is not bad at all. But the average Israeli seeking to share his burden with another victim is unequivocally a syndrome of the dumbness where people have fallen into. The public reaction instead of blaming the root of the problem went to a new low of cowardice !!

PA Begins to Pay Back 1B in Electric Bills Owed to Israel

LAST UPDATE (01/10-2014)

After the cold wave that just hit North America and the possible HAARP implication, I thought back at what happened here a month ago and I do remember that the storm that brought so much havoc around Jerusalem did in fact present an anomaly because it did not move north east as it should have been going but remained on stand by right over Israel for a few days before vanishing from the map. I followed it here and I can certify that my observation was right. Was that behavior 'natural' or 'designed' ? In case it had been helped by technology, was it a rehersal to what just happened in the US ? What can be said for sure is that both events were very unusual, at least, and, concerning Israel, if you except the winter 1991/92 that had a natural cause in the Mount Pinatubo eruption, such a snow storm had not been seen since a 100 years.

How many days this child has to live ?

Latest Atrocity in Syria: Death Squads Bake Civilians in Ovens
We Are at the Beginning of a Mini Ice Age