Thursday, September 23, 2021

A.True Ott, Phd, ND, a 2009 Rense article

Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

The Engineering of 'Pandemics'

By A. True Ott, PhD, ND



The year was 1921. America was entering a decade of robust prosperity. Later called "The Roaring Twenties", it was a time of unparalleled economic expansion. Debt money from Wall Street banks was plentiful and easy to obtain. The "Great War" was over.


America was flexing her industrial muscles. Factories were being built and expanded in every major city. Automobiles began rolling off Detroit assembly lines in record numbers. The stock market began making millionaires. People were HEALTHY and HAPPY ­ largely because the dreaded "world mystery disease" (which decades later became known as the "1918 Flu Pandemic") had disappeared. Two entire years had passed with no dreaded "mystery deaths" being reported. America had cause to celebrate, and celebrate they did!


As a matter of fact, the American Public in general was so optimistic and HAPPY in 1921, that relatively few people were unhealthy as well. For the first time in decades, hospital beds were empty. The fledgling American Medical Association, formed by John D. Rockefeller just a few years earlier, was worried. Business was sagging.


Profits from vaccines and drugs were spiraling. Something had to be done, and done immediately. False, faux epidemics of smallpox were created to solve the problem, and keep the Medical Mafia's cash registers ringing.


We know this dastardly plan actually happened, thanks to a citizen's WATCHDOG GROUP in Kansas City, Missouri named "The Advertiser's Protective Bureau", who filed, and successfully prosecuted criminal charges against the Missouri state chapter of the AMA ­ the Jackson Medical Society. The 'Protective Bureau's" official report of this cold-blooded plot reads as follows:


"In the Fall of 1921, the health of the city was unusually good, but slow for the doctors. So the Jackson Medical Society met and resolved to make an epidemic in the city. According to the minutes of this meeting: 'MOTION WAS MADE AND SECONDED, THAT A RECOMMENDATION BE MADE BY THE COMMITTEE, TO THE BOARD OF HEALTH, THAT AN EPIDEMIC OF SMALLPOX BE DECLARED IN THE CITY. (Investigation later revealed that there was NO SIGN OF AN EPIDEMIC at the time, in the city, or anywhere in the state or region!)


'It was moved and seconded that a day be set aside, termed VACCINATION DAY, on which physicians would be stationed at ALL SCHOOLS, clinics, public buildings and hospitals to vaccinate "free of charge". (Vaccinations are never "free". The taxpayers are always forced to pay for every one of the "free" vaccines.)




The Protective Bureau proved in court that there WAS NO EPIDEMIC before the vaccinations!! The court records show that the Medical Society manufactured vast amounts of posters, fliers, newspaper stories and ads featuring horrific and lurid pictures of diseased children covered with massive smallpox sores and open wounds. Some pictures actually showed children's corpses covered with the same ugly sores. The PANIC-DRIVEN message was clear --- VACCINATE EVERYONE, or face a deadly public disease. There was a "sweeping epidemic" in the city; the disease was "highly contagious" and would "strike anyone who was not vaccinated" was the bill of goods sold! (Does this sound at all familiar today ­ 88 years later??)


The Medical Mafia's propaganda blitz was successful, and over a million previously healthy and happy American citizens were hypnotized and terrorized into placing the vaccine toxins into their bloodstreams. All public school children in the region were vaccinated while at school! Parents who dared question the vaccination of their children were ostracized and publicly vilified.


THE COURT RECORD ON THIS CASE IS VERY CLEAR. In the weeks and months following the "mass vaccinations" ­ the area's hospital beds were filled to over-flowing with VACCINE-INDUCED SMALLPOX CASES!


Tens of thousands of people became ill, and many hundreds of innocents died, and many more were permanently crippled! Of course, THE NEWSPAPERS THEN TRUMPETED HOW WISE THE MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT WAS TO PROMOTE THE VACCINES ­ stating how much worse the death toll would have been without the vaccination campaign!! Untold MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of profit was generated by this massive "medical" fraud.


Thanks to the ADVERTISER'S PROTECTIVE BUREAU, however; the massive fraud was exposed and criminally prosecuted to a successful conviction. During the trial, three amazing facts were proven beyond any "reasonable doubt".


Fact 1: The poster and advertising pictures showing the diseased and dying children used so successfully by the "doctors", WERE NOT EVEN CASES OF LOCAL SMALLPOX CASES AS THEY WERE BILLED TO BE! The Protective Bureau documented that they were pictures of ENGLISH CHILDREN who were victims of "court-proven" cases of SMALLPOX VACCINE POISONING!! One of the pictures was of a 5-week-old baby named Mona Stevenson, of Humphrey Street, Burnley, England. A previously healthy and happy baby, Little Mona had been vaccinated for smallpox at 5 weeks of age. Four weeks later, her pox-ridden little body was placed in a tiny coffin and buried. The horrific photos of Little Mona and others in England had previously been published in British newspapers where details of the resulting CRIMINAL TRIALS were also given. The full details of the trials, as well as the pictures, were also included in a comprehensively large medical boot titled "THE HISTORY AND PATHOLOGY OF VACCINATION" by Edgar M Crookshank, MD ­ professor of Bacteriology at the ultra-elite Kings College, London England.


Fact 2: Vaccines containing LIVE VIRUSES, weakened (i.e. attenuated) or otherwise universally causes more diseases than the vaccine ever could prevent.


Fact 3: Vaccine-Induced-Disease (VID) is an extremely effective socio-economic tool. It has the potential to generate BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF WINDFALL PROFITS, while permanently changing the social structures of large groups of people.


While the Protective Bureau won the criminal court case ­ the American People lost. The case should have made front-page headlines around the nation, showing the Modus Operandi of certain corrupt "medical practitioners". How, by means of fraud, treachery, and trickery, they made millions of dollars in windfall profits while thousands of innocent, trusting, and naïve Americans suffered and died. The entire sordid affair, with all its damning details, was kept out of the American Press. John D. Rockefeller's AMA, with its millions of dollars of influence ­ made sure of that!


Amazingly, even though thousands of people had died or become crippled by this managed manslaughter, the doctors involved were only given a light penalty in the form of a token fine. The medical establishment as a whole was not upset in the least by the exposure ­ and has continued on unabated perpetuating the same crimes against humanity ­ creating vaccine-induced-diseases while fleecing the people continually until this present day.


It is a proven (albeit little-known) fact, EPIDEMIC/PANDEMIC MANUFACTURING IS STANDARD PRACTICE with the world-wide "Medical Mafia" circles. In order to maximize profits and re-shape geographical regions, they often manufacture a false-flag "emergency". If there is an outbreak of mild seasonal virus, they call it an influenza pandemic, give it a fancy new name, and then actually CREATE THE PANDEMIC by means of mass vaccinations using ATTENUATED, or LIVE VIRUSES!! Remember the shocking words of the AMA's Dr. Simon Louis Katzoff who said: " DOCTORS LIVE BY DISEASE, SO THE PUBLIC CAN EXPECT THE SUPPLY OF DISEASE TO MEET THE DEMANDS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION."


OTHER DOCUMENTED CASES OF V.I.D.E.O.s (Vaccine Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks.)


Case 1: Following the lead of their colleagues in Kansas City, the exact same events occurred in Pittsburgh, PA under the direction of Pittsburgh's "Health Director", Dr. C.J. Voux in the autumn of 1924. As in Kansas City, a group of public watchdogs brought suit against Voux and his vaccine-promoters. As in Kansas City, the vaccine promoters were found guilty. The case documented that over 1,000,000 vaccine shots were "sold" to the residents of Pennsylvania, even though there had been ZERO documented cases of smallpox in the region. It was successfully proven that ONLY AFTER the million shots had been given, that a smallpox epidemic began.


This vaccine-induced, manmade "epidemic" resulted in 330 deaths and at least 1,680 cases of severe smallpox that caused permanent, crippling damage to the survivors. Moreover, it cost the city a total monetary loss of $3,069,616; although Dr. Voux and his accomplices had collected more than $10 million in hospital and related care revenues ­ they were not forced to pay for damages or reparations. As in the Kansas City trial, a small, insignificant fine was levied, and the case was not widely publicized.


Case 2: The initial batches of Dr. Jonas Salk's polio vaccine produced thousands of cases of poliomyelitis in vaccinated individuals. (One such case was Franklin D. Roosevelt ­ who was stricken weeks after receiving a vaccine.) This was due to an unsafe amount of LIVE VIRUSES in the vaccine itself. Dr. Sabin then introduced his "improved" vaccine with "attenuated" or "weakened' live viruses in 1958, and the following year his vaccine was made to be compulsory (mandatory) in all school-age children in a number of states. As a result, polio increased a whopping 300% in these states. For example, Tennessee reported 119 polio cases in 1958, after "vaccination" this total increased to 386 cases in 1959, Ohio ­ 17 cases in 1958, 52 cases in 1959, Connecticut ­ 45 cases in 1958, 123 cases in 1959, and North Carolina: 78 cases in 1958 compared to 312 cases in 1959 AFTER forcing compulsory shots in school children. The modern record is equally damning. The ONLY cases of recorded polio in the modern era is immediately following vaccinations.


Poliomyelitis, you see, is a water-borne virus and is caused by drinking contaminated water.


During the early 60's, water-treatment facilities became standardized across America ­ small amounts of CHLORINATION effectively wiped out polio viruses. The conquering of polio had NOTHING TO DO with the vaccine needles and swallowing sugar cubes.

In fact, as author Ed Haslem documents so well in his book, "" Dr. Mary's Monkey, the Sabin vaccines were actually contaminated with mutated GREEN MONKEY VIRUSES (SV-40 viruses to be specific) which has caused untold millions of SOFT-TISSUE CANCERS and deaths worldwide. (The cancer "industry" has reaped BILLIONS of dollars from this "contamination" over the years, of course.) "" Dr. Maurice Hilleman has actually confessed as being a part of this very activity.


Case 3: Knowingly added to "hepatitis" vaccines, HIV viruses were inoculated into thousands of homosexual men and intravenous drug users in America's inner cities resulting in the "AIDS epidemic" in the 80's. Purposefully placed in SMALLPOX VACCINE SYRINGES, HIV was also introduced into African nations as a tool of ethnic cleansing and GENOCIDE. The covert development and weaponization of the HIV/AIDS virus and its monkey-virus origins, along with the amazing story of how the scientists involved are tied to President Kennedy's assassination is well documented in "" Dr. Mary's Monkey. The covert biological experimentation labs responsible for this mayhem are today consolidated into the NIH, the NAIDS, the National Cancer Institute, and Ft. Detrick, Maryland. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta became the centralized hub of pandemic and epidemic creations and propagation.


Case 4: The 1976 "Swine Flu" Fiasco and Fraud is perpetrated. A solitary soldier at Ft. Dix collapses and dies following a reaction to an "experimental" vaccine while completing an intense physical "forced march" exercise at Ft. Dix. Immediately, the CDC swings into action, declaring a nationwide SWINE FLU PANDEMIC is pending. Providentially, of course, the CDC just happens to have 200+MILLION DOSES of Swine Flu vaccine already stockpiled, prepared with ATTENUATED (live, yet weakened) viruses and experimental ADJUVANTS.


President Gerald Ford, (with proven ties to Big Pharma and Nixon's covert viral weapons labs ­ also a key member of the "Warren Commission's" obfuscation of the JFK murder) rolls up his sleeves on national TV and dutifully takes the vaccine. 40 million vaccines are given to naïve American human guinea pigs. A rash of auto-immune disorders (Guillan-Barre Syndrome GBS, and lupus) as well as a large number of deaths is immediately attributed to the vaccine, and the mass vaccination campaign is halted. (What happened to the other 140 million vaccines, one may ask?) In 1979, the television news magazine 60 Minutes did a documentary investigation on this travesty-for-money scandal. Against all odds and the threats of Big Pharma, the OBJECTIVELY FAIR 60 Minutes program aired ONE TIME. There was no follow-up story, No criminal indictments were ever issued. There was no MASS- MURDER-FOR-HIRE trial. As a result, America has largely forgotten the 1976 SWINE FLU SCANDAL! Click here for "" Part I of the 60 Minutes story; and ""

Part II.


Case 5: During the first Gulf War ­ Operation Desert Storm, an experimental anthrax vaccine was forcibly given to 140,000 rear-echelon support troops. This experimental vaccine included an oil-in-water adjuvant called squalene (aka MF-59 made by NOVARTIS). Despite voluminous studies showing dangerous toxicity factors conducted on "oil-in-water" adjuvants at such prestigious research labs as UCLA ­ the U.S. Military brass consented to the experimental injections. As a result, ALL 140,000 troops developed a condition subsequently named "Gulf War Syndrome". This sordid tale is explained in a very honest and credible book by "" Gary Matsumoto, called, Vaccine-A.



 As this author has repeatedly declared during many public radio interviews, the deadly 1918 Influenza Pandemic was the direct result of live-virus-contaminated Typhus Fever Vaccines mandatorily given to U.S. and Allied military personnel during World War I. During that era, viruses were not yet discovered and diseases were thought to be bacterial only. These deadly typhus fever vaccines were manufactured by John D. Rockefeller's research labs and Chinese pharma factories. The vaccine "seed stock" consisted of viruses harvested from human typhoid fever patients, cross-injected into swine herds to create increased "seed stock", and then injected into chicken and turkey eggs for further incubation of the pathogens. The final, harvested "vaccine material" then was injected into HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF HUMAN VEINS. The result was a massive 'pandemic' that claimed the lives of as many as 50 million people worldwide.


In 1918, the viral pandemic was an honest mistake ­ the result of a combination of a very bad vaccine and gross ignorance about viruses and the diseases they cause. However, the continued denial of these FACTS, and the subsequent REVERSE ENGINEERING OF THE KILLER VIRUS in Ft. Detrick labs (1997-2003) is inexcusable and constitutes a veritable crime against humanity.

 Moreover, the ONLY WAY a modern "SWINE FLU PANDEMIC" can actually materialize is by injection of certain LIVE VIRUSES via vaccine needles. Make no mistake, the world is NOT experiencing a true pandemic explosion at this time ­ but it most assuredly WILL when and if the planned mass influenza vaccinations are completed worldwide.




"Modern Medical Practitioners", including some well-meaning "osteopaths", would have the world believe the MYTH that vaccines containing attenuated (weakened) live viruses cannot cause the viral disease conditions they are targeting. This is a most dangerous misconception for the following SCIENTIFIC reasons.


Traditional "common" vaccines targeting measles, mumps and rubella for instance, contain small amounts of "attenuated" live viruses which have been "weakened" but not 100% killed outright. Research has shown that these weakened "live" viruses create a very mild form of the disease in the human that has been vaccinated, which in turn creates a cellular immunity from that pathogen. The science behind this is correct, and valid for the most part. To keep the targeted viral pathogen in a perpetually weakened state, specific amounts of formaldehyde and ether are typically added, and in some formulations, mercury in the form of thimerasol is added as a preservative to keep the egg albumin cells from decaying and dying prematurely. The established theory behind all of this 'vaccination' is the "protect the herd" theory which originated with Pasteur in the late 19th century. As in all vaccines, a certain small percentage of the herd will develop severe, 'full blown' disease states CAUSED by the attenuated viruses in the vaccine itself, and another percentage will exhibit side effects from the chemicals added to the vaccine ­ but if the vast majority of the herd is "protected" from the disease condition ­ the vaccine is approved and stamped "safe and effective".


Science has also proven that each viral pathogen has its own unique characteristics that produce its own set of symptoms in the human hosts. Thus, each viral pathogen has its own unique fingerprints of replication and reproduction as well. Each virus also has a different level of effectiveness in its attenuated (weakened) state.

Moreover, some viruses have shown the ability to "drift" and acquire additional genetic alterations over time. THIS IS ESPECIALLY TRUE OF THE SO-CALLED "NOVEL" RECOMBINATION VIRUSES that have been "reverse engineered" in the world's weapons laboratories!


When the RNA of the virus is spliced with other viral genes, the resulting "Franken-virus" is very unpredictable. Studies conducted (yet currently unpublished) by Terrence Tumpey, Jeffrey Taubenberger, and others at the NIH and CDC show that these 'resurrected pandemic viruses' do not exhibit the NORMAL tendencies of traditional, NATURAL influenza viruses such as seasonal H3N2 human strains. They are best described as "Viral Wild Cards".


This is just one problem with the headlong, mad rush to vaccinate Americans with a series of reverse-engineered lab-created viruses, attenuated or otherwise, in an UNTESTED, UNTRIED, EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE that has not been subjected to LONG-TERM CLINICAL TRIALS TO DETERMINE THE LEVELS OF "DRIFT" or even ATTENUATED TENDENCIES OVER TIME.


To supposedly minimize this "safety" issue, the CDC is now recommending a DUPLEX vaccination, of all things. A "duplex" vaccination basically involves a two-shot series. The first shot consists of a VERY WEAK, HIGHLY ATTENUTATED dose of the live virus.

This is intended to create an initial immune response patterning the specific virus injected. Within a couple of weeks of the 1st shot, a BOOSTER SHOT is given. The booster shot has only lightly attenuated, or even FULL STRENGTH VIRUSES in the injection. This 2nd shot is then intended to create a full-strength immune system response in the human subject.


This is, at the very least, BAD SCIENCE and borders on insanity for self-evident and fairly obvious reasons. By their own admissions, the NIH scientists in their various writings have declared that the level of potency of these REVERSE ENGINEERED VIRUSES show abnormal, almost RANDOM tendencies in their attenuated states. Nobody really knows what will happen over time as the inevitable "genetic drifts" occur. It is a literal crap shoot. It is highly probable that even the HIGHLY ATTENUATED FRANKEN-VIRUSES can swiftly regain their FULL POTENCY even in the presence of ether and formaldehyde. (See Addendum Below) Secondly, the full-strength BOOSTER shot viruses could just as easily "DRIFT" into something much more deadly than the "original' recombinant virus that it is targeting.


I submit that the scientists responsible for this "pandemic" are not stupid. They have to know these facts as well as I do.


Therefore, I can only conclude that this entire affair is following the Modus Operandi of the medical elite since the 1920 engineered smallpox epidemics. It is all being ORCHESTRATED first and foremost for MONEY, and secondly, for social and geographical restructuring of the "human herd".


Also, it must be understood that this "Novel 2009 Influenza" is not easily nor readily transmissible between humans. (See published study in the addendum). If this report is accurate, how then did the "Pandemic" begin, and why the need for mass vaccinations at all?? Like the "study" shows, the only way the test ferrets could contract or transmit the 2009 "Novel Swine Flu" was by and through INOCULATION OF THE DISEASE!! Humanity demands an answer, and demands it NOW!!!

A.True Ott, Phd, ND


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana


"Those who are ignorant of the past, cannot be expected to remember it."

True Ott, PhD, ND

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

the last of the last


Mankind, this is your prophet :)

(skip to 0:30)

Beware all you fools,

who do not believe,

as you should,

this is year 2021 !

One cannot say he doesn't know.



"3 weeks and 3 days ago, Lee Scratch Perry died on the 29 August 2021 

at the Noel Holmes hospital in Lucea, Jamaica, from an unspecified illness, 

aged 85."

Must be some unknown feeling that made me think of him some weeks ago !!!

He was the last of the firsts. 

Hear that video above made 10 years ago, he was 75, as;

and listen to the words, he !!

Fire the politics, Fire the governments, Fire the back-kickers,

!!! FIRE !!!

- Them OR Us -

Time to choose, brother ...

Clear enough, isn't it ???

Won't we wait for the next round !

The One and Only One solution:


"A We Just Wanna Be

just see !


(france, israel & greece are some 1/10° less)

Note the 6th place of the UAE ... 
USA far ahead, France next, the two countries that fought for liberty,
no matter the desperate present outcome,
and third is Russia, 
that always dreamed of freedom, 
in conditions sometimes worst than black slavery;

and for the last year, it is USA, Sweden, Portugal !

salut, bye, avi

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Saturday Closed


See that pic ? This is where my life began, at 40 ... And where it stopped. Don't tell you why, but the main root cause is that it is our damned wicked 'civilization' that took my happiness away, no doubt.


Dear fellow human beings, I'm done with you but nonetheless, I'll reveal to you at the end the secret of all things because the time has come. If only one individual understands me, I will feel good with what I tried to achieve for you.

First of all, our future, as it is, reaches a dead end. Illusion has driven humanity since its inception and I don't see the end of it. Among the countless false beliefs that are driving man, I see three of them critical. 

The illusion of nationality, of land ownership and of religion. They are to stay in man's mind and they are the root of the 'final solution' that hangs upon us like a Damocles sword although this very sword lies inside.

Now look. 

God, Life, Man are all one and the same, that is: Love and Liberty. 

Love is a power, a vibration, a wave. 

Liberty is an essence, an individuality, a particle.

These two terms have been so much overused that they have no more signification, but man ! This is it, and nothing else.

Best !!!

(nb: my blog in French, "M for MANKIND France", somehow will be the continuation of my reflexion that unfortunately I cannot continue in english because I will enter fields of thinking too difficult for my level in Shaekespeare's language)

Monday, September 13, 2021

Reign of The Law


1792 silver double Louis
"Year 4 of the liberty"

All began here, with the French revolution which was the first real success of the original powers that be. 

In fact, the roots of 1789 are to be found in Germany with the German occult organization of the Francs Judges, ancestors of the Freemasons under the clout of Rothschild and Weishaupt who then sent Guillaume d'Orange who took control of England through the 1689 Bills of Rights.

Everyone must understand once and for all why the powers that be so badly desired to impose parliamentary regimes and get rid of the monarchies:

"The Election, extended to all, 

gives us government by the masses, 

the only one that is not responsible, 

and where tyranny is boundless, 

for it is called The Law."

... elementary dear Watson !!!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon ?" Mercola / Fleming



  • In his book, “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” Dr. Richard Fleming documents evidence showing SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon created over the past two decades
  • Once you conclude that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, you must also recognize that the COVID shots are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon. In other words, they are bioweapons too
  • The same people involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the development of these COVID shots
  • Health care workers are injecting people with something they cannot possibly give informed consent for, which means health care workers are violating their Hippocratic Oath
  • Health care workers who give these COVID shots are also violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and other legal statutes

Helping you take control of your health in these crazy times is Dr. Richard Fleming, a prolific author in addition to being a physicist, a nuclear cardiologist, researcher and attorney.

Here, we discuss his latest book “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” slated for release September 7, 2021. It’s currently available for preorder on Amazon. It’s an incredibly well-documented book and contains history that many of us aren't aware of. As it turns out, the creation of this virus goes back not a year or two but two decades.

“My area of aptitude [is] physics and calculus, the mathematic language for that. Physics, and particularly high energy particle physics, is something that I find very fascinating.

I eventually wound up doing some of that later on in life as a nuclear cardiologist. So, [I’ve done] 53 years of research in physics, and in medicine, I actually developed the inflammation in heart disease theory and presented it to American Heart in 1994.

I joined American Heart in 1976 as the youngest faculty member at that time, and I got put in several standing committees as a result — basic and advanced cardiac life support as well as the physician cholesterol education faculty.

I did a lot of research on dietary influences and factors that are critical, not only for in the end — heart disease — but other chronic inflammatory diseases, be that cerebrovascular diseases, strokes, diabetes or cancer,” Fleming explains.

Standing on Principles of Ethics

Fleming is also a scientific reviewer for more than 16 different journals. He was on the external clinical review board for The Lancet, but quit in protest of the fake hydroxychloroquine article they published — an act I believe demonstrates his dedication to scientific integrity. He also resigned from the British Medical Journal Open Quality due to similar concerns.

“Eventually we either stand behind principles or we acquiesce and become nothing more than the German doctors of Nazi Germany during World War II,” he says. “And as history showed us, they eventually paid a price at the Nuremberg Trials …

There are people — powers that be — that think that they have things going their direction, but it's very clear to me that they're not confident that they've got everybody under control. The way in which this is all being handled demonstrates that they're more worried about the truth coming out than not. And I think they're worried about the consequences, as they should be.”

Digging Up the Truth

Early on in 2020, Fleming started researching treatment options for SARS-CoV-2 using the Fleming Method, which you can learn more about on Using this method, you can measure how a given intervention works on the tissue level, and how infection or inflammation is responding to the treatment.

He ended up developing 52 treatment combinations, and over the course of that study, the length of hospitalization stays went from five to six weeks down to one to two weeks. But he also learned something else.

“In the process of doing that research, I dug more and more and investigated what was going on, and that led me into the background of the research that many of these people had been doing,” Fleming explains.

“Tens of millions of dollars have been funneled out of the U.S., and Anthony Fauci has helped with that. He's been on those committees. You can see the grant numbers in the book.”

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?

While gain-of-function can be used for benevolent purposes, it can just as easily be used for nefarious ones, “and that's kind of what you see happening,” Fleming says.

“You see real efforts to produce viruses, coronaviruses, in particular. Spike proteins of coronaviruses to be even more specific, as I show in the book, paid for by the federal government by people who say they were not involved in gain-of-function research.

Well, their fingerprints are on the documents, or on the published papers or on the grants or on the patents. You can't say that you're not involved in things when the documents show differently. They show the work and the money that came out of the federal government that went to Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, that went to Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other places.

For me, as a researcher, obviously, once I start to investigate something, the only way you can stop me from doing that is to put a bullet in my head. Otherwise, I'm going to stay after it. There are things that are not in the book that are going to come out in international criminal court, things I'm saving for that, because this virus is, by definition, a biological weapon.

It violates the biological weapons convention treaty. You just have to look at the definitions. It provides nothing useful to humanity. It's dangerous. When Fort Detrick is involved and the Department of Defense is involved … and you see these monies and you see the people that are involved, you realize that … the United States was playing China, China was playing the United States, and you saw who got caught in between. And they're still playing the game.

For lack of a better term, this book is an indictment. That's now my attorney hat going on saying that I have provided in this book evidence that I would take to a grand jury … I'm not somebody who is going to give up on having these people dealt with, because all the freedoms that we have lost, and the rights that we have lost as individuals, not to mention just the numbers of people who have died.

My argument is … the reason why they died is because they didn't get treatment for the inflammation and the blood clotting that I and other doctors have shown works. The ultimate argument is that you can't kill somebody more than dead … they can't do worse than kill the patient. And we've already seen what doing nothing does. It kills the patient.

At no other time in American history have doctors looked at patients and said, ‘We can't do anything for you. Go home and come back when you get sicker.’ We have always treated people with breathing problems with medications for breathing problems. We've always treated people with clotting problems with medicines to stop the clotting.

And so, the reason why this is so critical to understand is because the same people who were involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people who have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people who have been involved in the development of these vaccines.”

While Fleming carefully lays out the evidence in his book, he leaves it up to you, the reader, to decide whether SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon or not. However, he says, if you do come to that conclusion (and he believes you will once you’ve seen the evidence), “then you have to recognize that the vaccines are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon.” Hence, the COVID shots are bioweapons too.

Warning to Medical Professionals

If you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or other health professional administering these COVID shots, you may be wise to reconsider your participation in this scheme. A significant problem is there’s no way to provide or obtain informed consent. As noted by Fleming:

“If you're injecting someone with these drug vaccine biologics, you are injecting them with something that you cannot possibly give them informed consent for, which means you're violating your Hippocratic Oath, you're violating the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Treaty, you're violating the Nuremberg Code, you're violating the Declaration of Helsinki.

It's right across the board. It's not even something that you can pretend doesn't happen anymore. It's just in everybody's faces. And you can see that the powers that be are so stressed out right now that they are cajoling and coercing and manipulating and attacking. My friends in Italy tell me that vaccinated people are behaving in the same way that they did during World War II towards the Jews and the intellectuals.

And let's remember, the first people Hitler put in concentration camps weren't the Jews. The first people were the intellectuals, because if you take the intellectuals and the doctors off the street, if you stop people from talking, you can control the people.

So, the pressure being put on the medical community in this country and in countries around the world to simply go along is nothing more than the equivalent of what Adolf Hitler and the SS did during World War II when they rounded up the intellectuals. One [thing] will lead to the next and there's nothing about this that has been a successful campaign to control an infectious virus …

All you have to do is read the emergency use authorization documents. I'm just stunned at how many people have not read these. I'm stunned at physicians not having read these.”

On, you can find several video presentations and PDFs where Fleming goes through the emergency use authorization documents. With that data in hand, Fleming suggests asking yourself some fundamental scientific questions, such as: “Is there any statistical difference in the number of people who developed COVID-19 or died among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated?”

The answer provided in the documents is no. There is no statistical difference between the two groups. The vaccines do not statistically reduce COVID-19 infection or death thereof. There are fewer cases in absolute numbers, but statistically there’s no difference. Add to that the risk of side effects. If you take the shot, you risk developing inflammation and blood clotting.

The same people that were involved in the funding of this bioweapon are the same people that have interfered with doctors providing treatment to patients, and the same people that have been involved in the development of these vaccines. ~ Dr. Richard Fleming

As noted above, coerced administration of these shots violate any number of laws. Fleming also cites supreme court rulings in which the court ruled people have the right to choose their own health care.

“Rochin versus California had to do with an individual who was forced to undergo emetic medications to force him to vomit, to bring up things in his stomach. The Supreme Court said, ‘You do not have a right to force this medication on people.’

Griswold versus Connecticut showed that the U.S. government cannot take away the personal rights of health care in individuals unless there's some type of compelling and substantial reason, and then it has to be put into law. It can't come out of the executive branch.

Cruzan versus Director of Missouri Department of Health in 1990, specifically stated that patients have a right to refuse any treatment. You cannot force treatment on people. Well, this is forced treatment. This is coerced treatment.

And Doe v. Rumsfeld proved in 2004 that investigational drugs could not be forced upon people unless there is a presidential waiver or informed consent. Well, here's the kicker on presidential waiver, which is what they're going to go to.

Anybody who takes an oath of office — the president of the United States, senators, representatives to Congress, governors, police officers, judges, lawyers, administrative officials — cannot violate the U.S. Constitution. If they do, they've committed treason, by definition.

In the U.S. Constitution, it states that Treaty Law and the Constitution and statutes are the supreme law of the land. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights specifically states that you cannot force people to take a drug; that they have to have informed consent, and that animal research has to have been done beforehand to prove it's safe.

So, if a president, including this one, issues an order that this is a mandate and is required, then he is violating the U.S. Constitution by violating Treaty and therefore has committed treason.

It's not only an impeachable offense, it is punishable by death because that's [the punishment for] treason. You can't force U.S. citizens to undergo forced experimentation.

And you can't get around that by doing something cute like having the FDA say, ‘Whoa, well, we've now approved it, OK?’ Because the Supreme Court has already ruled that you cannot force people to take a treatment and the only party that can change that is the Supreme Court.”

Moderna Has Been Aware of Risks for Years

You’ve probably heard that the mRNA in the COVID shots are designed to stay right around the injection site. However, Fleming points out that Moderna knew this wasn’t the case, as they published research in 2017 showing a lipid nanoparticle vaccine for influenza ended up in the brain, bone marrow, liver, spleen and just about everywhere else in the bodies of the test animals.

“So, for people to come up now and say, ‘Gosh, golly gee whiz, we just didn't expect that’ is a little disingenuous,” Fleming says. “And I think you have to ask yourself, why does the cardiologist know about the 2017 paper but the people responsible for the technology claim they don't?

And so, what you see are normal healthy people responding to a massive production of spike proteins and healthy people should make a massive immune response. What does that immune response do? It produces inflammation and blood clotting, and then the spike proteins go across the blood-brain barrier and cause prion diseases just like what's been shown in humanized mice and rhesus macaque models.

I'm willing to bet that the people who made this gain-of-function virus already knew that, because one of the things that had the government and Big Pharma coming after me in the 1990s [and] early 2000s was the fact that the research I was doing in dietary and inflammatory disease had the same Neu-5-Ac raft receptor that the glycoprotein 120 of HIV — which Shi Zhengli put [into the virus] in 2004 — attaches to.

So, the people that were doing this were paralleling my research … It turns out that that information is critical for getting this virus to be able to attach and to infect people like it's doing. So, it's interesting how you can be minding your own business and doing really good research, trying to answer some questions, and it might just expose the people that are doing nefarious things.”

What You Can Do if Your Job Mandates the Jab is a real treasure trove of information that you can surf through. There, you’ll also find sample documents for medical, religious, legal and Constitutional exemptions to vaccination that you can present to your employer, educational institution or anyone else trying to bully you into taking an experimental COVID shot.

He also has fliers you can print out and distribute that lay out your U.S. Constitutional and statutory rights as a citizen, as well as petitions for the President of the United States, Senate, House of Representatives and state governors, calling on them to investigate those responsible for this gain-of-function bioweapon. You can find all of those petitions under the “Actions” tab at the top right corner. Fleming also encourages people to take legal action.

“I'm working with a number of attorneys to file suits in [the U.S.], [and I’m] one of the experts in the International Court and Italian courts for suits being filed for crimes against humanity. So, the bottom line answer to this is going to be everybody deciding that they need to take action and [hold those responsible] accountable. And yes, this may mean you lose your job …

You have to look at this, at this point in time, and ask yourself what type of world are you leaving your children and your grandchildren? This is never about you. This is never about me. This is about the children and the grandchildren.

Whatever we leave them, they're going to essentially be stuck with it. If we abandon them — and the founding fathers did not abandon us — then we are responsible for allowing this to happen. It's on us, so there's no easy way … If you ever wondered what you would have done in 1930s Germany, today, you know.”

Cases Filed With International Criminal Court

According to Fleming, Italian lawyers have already filed a case in Italian Federal Courts and plan to file with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Attorneys from six different countries are also putting together a joint case. While the U.S. did not ratify the ICC, American citizens can still be held accountable in the ICC.

Laws and statutes being relied upon include the Biological Weapons Convention treaty, the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It’s now up to the ICC to decide what it wants to do, and when.

“It doesn't really matter how long this takes or to whom this has to go. I'm a firm believer that there are enough good, honest people on this planet that if the people communicate and work together, the tide on this can and will be turned,” Fleming says.

“It’s the same story all over the world. All the people that I’ve talked to in the different countries that I've been working with have the same feeling. They're coerced. Their citizens are being bribed, which, as a side note, anytime the government has to bribe the people to do it, you have to say, ‘If it was really a good idea, why would you have to bribe me? I would be lining up for it.’

I'm the ultimate, I think, research scientist. After 53 years, I really feel very strongly about being a scientist physician. And I am incredibly offended when Anthony Fauci says he is science, because he's not …

If these ‘vaccines’ actually worked and there was scientific evidence, I'd be on here telling you to take it. What you're hearing me tell you is, ‘Don't take it.’ These things are biological weapons. They're nothing more than a genetic code of a biological weapon that was made, that was paid for, and put together by nefarious people … I'm not anti-vaccine. I'm anti-stupid.”

We’re Battling the Biggest Propaganda Campaign in History

In closing, Fleming says:

“One of the things I do want to make a comment on now is for the people who have not been vaccinated. When you're looking at people who have been vaccinated, step back for just a moment and recognize that many of those people got vaccinated because they were told that this was the only way to protect the people that they loved.

What we need to do is have the intelligence and the compassion necessary to look at those individuals and say, ‘I get it. No judgment.’ If there's a shedding problem or something like that that you're dealing with, there are treatments available that you can look at. I put those on the website, too.

But come together and support those people, because they were just doing what they thought was right. Many of them are scared, and they have been made so scared. By the way, what type of country, what type of world, spends so much effort frightening the blazes out of its citizens? That says something.”

Indeed, this is undoubtedly the most effective propaganda campaign in the history of humanity, and it’s hard to blame someone for cracking under that type of a coordinated assault. The good news is that common sense has not entirely died yet. Fleming says:

“I think there's a lot of people that are very concerned that things have gone south, so to speak. I'm actually encouraged. One of the things that I've noticed about being here in Texas is that common sense has not died … [and] what I've repeatedly gotten from people is ‘Don't dumb it down.’

It's not a matter of turning people into Ph.D., M.D.’s or whatever, it's a matter of just being truthful and honest with them. People have a really good capacity, when they get away from all the nonsense happening, to look at the truth and realize it's the truth and to listen to nonsense being thrown at them and realize that it's just garbage and manipulation. So, common sense is a really useful tool for everybody to have. That and compassion …

We used to frequently sit down and have conversations with families and friends where you'd argue back and forth and you discuss things, and I can't be the only person that would walk away from a conversation and go, ‘Well, I hadn't really thought about that. Let me think about that’ because that's kind of a different point of view.

That exchange stopped when they quarantined people, when they isolated us, put us in our homes and controlled what you could see on the Internet and on television. Well, we've come far enough back out of it that that exchange has started again.

People have had to fight to get that information out, but it's that sharing of information and knowledge that is so critical to turning this around, and actually bringing all of this nonsense under control. Not just the virus, but the manipulation of people that has been going on and the lies and the deceit and the abuse of power. They used our money to do it. They used our lives to do it. They used our livelihoods to do it.”

More Information

To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation.” You can also find a lot of information on, including science-based treatment suggestions for COVID-19 and side effects from either the COVID shot or spike protein transmission from a person who got the shot.



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Friday, September 10, 2021

"IBM colluded with Hitler, now makes vaccine passports" from Joseph Mercola


IBM colluded with Hitler, now makes vaccine passports

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


Former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf warns that mandatory COVID-19 passports will spell the “end of human liberty in the West”

IBM has partnered with COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna to develop a digital Health Pass system that ties our biometric IDs to our health data through its smartphone app and shares data between governments, health care providers, life science organizations, individuals, food supply chains and global financial systems

IBM aided the Nazi regime in its efforts to eradicate Jews. Without its information technology, Hitler would not have been able to accomplish this genocide at the scale he was able to

At the time of Hitler’s rise to power, the world was unaware that massively organized information capabilities had emerged to become a means of social control and weapon of war. Today, we cannot be accused of not understanding that massive data collection can be used to manipulate societies across the globe, and must look to history to see how personal data can be misused

It would be naïve to think that digital vaccine certificates, tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories, health and food allocation data could not end up being used as a tool for social control and the destruction of certain groups of people

In a March 28, 2021, interview with Fox News' Steve Hilton, former Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf warned that mandatory COVID-19 passports will spell the "end of human liberty in the West":

"'Vaccine passport' sounds like a ne thing if you don't understand what those platforms can do," she said. "I'm [the] CEO of a tech company, I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine, it's not about the virus, it's about your data.

Once this rolls out, you don't have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all. It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency.

Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans. Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included.

This has already happened in Israel, and six months later, we're hearing from activists that it's a two-tiered society and that basically, activists are ostracized and surveilled continually. It is the end of civil society, and they are trying to roll it out around the world.

It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized."


The Forgotten History of IBM

Wolf also points out the horrific history of IBM, whose Digital Health Pass will tie our biometric IDs to our health data through its smartphone app. This "health pass" will then grant or deny us access to public spaces and events, based on our vaccination status.

This is essentially the modern-day version of the punch card system — the forerunner to digital entry on computers — that IBM developed for the Nazi regime, which allowed them to create a census of Jews and other undesirables, who could then be identified, tracked and sorted into groups slated for incarceration or extermination.

In no uncertain terms, IBM's technology facilitated the Third Reich's genocide of the Jewish nation, and IBM leadership aided and abetted the Nazi's reign of terror with full knowledge of what it was doing.

While it's hard to understand how a company playing such an integral role in genocide was allowed to survive past the end of the war, it's even harder to fathom why it would be entrusted to create the same kind of system decades later.

You don't need a tinfoil hat to wonder whether IBM might have been purposely chosen for the task of creating a "health pass" system, for the simple reason that the purpose of the system itself is near-identical to that deployed in Nazi Germany. IBM also has a relationship with the CIA, which has a history of mind control abuses and assassination programs.


IBM Played Strategic Role in the Holocaust

IBM's connection to the Third Reich is no secret, and IBM has never denied even the most incriminating details of its involvement in the holocaust. In 2001, Edwin Black, a historian and investigative author, published the book "IBM and the Holocaust," in which he detailed the company's pivotal role in this criminal tragedy.

The book was based on documentation obtained from archives in seven different countries. In 2012, Black obtained another cache of correspondence that revealed just how much IBM knew about what was going on in the Nazi concentration camps. In a February 2012 article in HuffPost, Black wrote:

"Newly-released documents expose more explicitly the details of IBM's pivotal role in the Holocaust — all six phases: identification, expulsion from society, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination.

Moreover, the documents portray with crystal clarity the personal involvement and micro-management of IBM president Thomas J. Watson in the company's co-planning and co-organizing of Hitler's campaign to destroy the Jews …"

The fact that Watson received a 1% commission on all business prots made from the company's business with the Nazis may help explain his eagerness to take on such a hands-on role in this gruesome business. Black continues:

"The new 'expanded edition' [of 'IBM and the Holocaust'] contains 32 pages of never-before-published internal IBM correspondence, State Department and Justice Department memos, and concentration camp documents that graphically chronicle IBM's actions and what they knew during the 12-year Hitler regime …

Among the newly-released documents and archival materials are secret 1941 correspondence setting up the Dutch subsidiary of IBM to work in tandem with the Nazis, company President Thomas Watson's personal approval for the 1939 release of special IBM alphabetizing machines to help organize … the deportation of Polish Jews, as well as the IBM Concentration Camp Codes including IBM's code for death by Gas Chamber.

Among the newly published photos of the punch cards is the one developed for the statistician who reported directly to Himmler and Eichmann."


IBM Guilty of Genocide

As explained by Black, the population census and identification of Jews were managed by IBM directly, at its New York headquarters, and later through subsidiaries in Germany, Poland, Holland, France, Switzerland and other European countries. IBM headquarters also directed the activities of a Dutch subsidiary charged with identifying and liquidating Jews in Holland.

"Particularly powerful are the newly-released copies of the IBM concentration camp codes," Black writes. "IBM maintained a customer site … in virtually every concentration camp to sort or process punch cards and track prisoners. The codes show IBM's numerical designation for various camps …

Various prisoner types were reduced to IBM numbers, with 3 signifying homosexual, 9 for anti-social, and 12 for Gypsy. The IBM number 8 designated a Jew. Inmate death was also reduced to an IBM digit: 3 represented death by natural causes, 4 by execution, 5 by suicide, and code 6 designated 'special treatment' in gas chambers.

IBM engineers had to create Hollerith codes to differentiate between a Jew who had been worked to death and one who had been gassed, then print the cards, configure the machines, train the staff, and continuously maintain the fragile systems every two weeks on site in the concentration camps."

A particularly noteworthy memo came from the U.S. Justice Department, which post- war launched a federal investigation into IBM's relationship with the Hitler regime. The memo, written by Howard J. Carter, the chief investigator of the Economic Warfare Section to his superiors, read:

"What Hitler has done to us through his economic warfare, one of our own American corporations has also done ... Hence IBM is in a class with the Nazis … The entire world citizenry is hampered by an international monster."

Black adds:

"It is important to remember that Thomas Watson and his corporate behemoth were guilty of genocide. The Treaty on Genocide, Article 2, denes genocide as 'acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group.'

In Article 3, the treaty states that among the 'acts [that] shall be punishable,' are the ones in subsection (e), that is 'complicity in genocide.'

As for who shall be punished, the Treaty species the perpetrators in Article 4: 'Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials, or private individuals.' International Business Machines, and its president Thomas J. Watson, committed genocide by any standard."


Massively Organized Information as a Means of Social Control

As noted in Black's introduction to his book, "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation," at the time of Hitler's rise to power, the world was unaware that "massively organized information" had "emerged to become a means of social control, a weapon of war, and a roadmap for group destruction."

Today, we cannot be accused of not understanding that massive data collection can be and is being used to manipulate societies across the globe.

Therefore, it would be insanely naïve to think that digital vaccine certificates, tied to our biometric IDs, banking, credit histories and health data would not end up being used as a tool for social control and a weapon for group destruction.

As Black points out, were it not for IBM and its information technology, Hitler, like other tyrants before him, would not have been nearly as successful in his plan to eradicate the Jews. Hitler also received help from other unexpected quarters:

"In the upside-down world of the Holocaust, dignified professionals were Hitler's advance troops. Police officials disregarded their duty in favor of protecting villains and persecuting victims.

Lawyers perverted concepts of justice to create anti-Jewish laws. Doctors deled the art of medicine to perpetrate ghastly experiments and even choose who was healthy enough to be worked to death — and who could be cost- effectively sent to the gas chamber," Black writes.

"Scientists and engineers debased their higher calling to devise the instruments and rationales of destruction. And statisticians used their little known but powerful discipline to identify the victims, project and rationalize the benefits of their destruction, organize their persecution, and even audit the efficiency of genocide."


Will You Allow Yourself To Be Turned Into a Monster ?

Eighteenth-century Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke once said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Put another way, good people need to gather their wherewithal and refuse to follow instructions they suspect to be harmful or know will lead to evil ends.

Unfortunately, as demonstrated in the 1962 Milgram Experiment, featured in an internet blog titled "Will You Obey the Criminal Authoritarians ? "most people simply follow orders when given by a perceived authority. "I was just following orders" was indeed a hallmark excuse during the Nuremberg Trials that followed the end of World War II.

That excuse won't suffice this time around, so just about everyone, at this point, probably needs to engage in some preemptive internal refection to orient their ethical compass in preparation for what might come next.

I have no doubt that the months and years ahead will test your ethics and humanity, and having a clear picture of recent history — how the greatest genocide in modern history was actually implemented and carried out using information technology — can be a valuable guide that can help you sidestep serious mistakes in judgment.


The Central Role of Information Technology in the Holocaust

In his book introduction, Black summarizes the key role of IBM's information technology in the holocaust:

"When Hitler came to power, a central Nazi goal was to identify and destroy Germany's 600,000 Jews. To Nazis, Jews were not just those who practiced Judaism, but those of Jewish blood, regardless of their assimilation, intermarriage, religious activity, or even conversion to Christianity.

Only after Jews were identified could they be targeted for asset confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and ultimately extermination. To search generations of communal, church, and governmental records all across Germany — and later throughout Europe — was a cross-indexing task so monumental, it called for a computer. But in 1933, no computer existed.

When the Reich needed to mount a systematic campaign of Jewish economic disenfranchisement and later began the massive movement of European Jews out of their homes and into ghettos, once again, the task was so prodigious it called for a computer. But in 1933, no computer existed.

When the Final Solution sought to efficiently transport Jews out of European ghettos along railroad lines and into death camps, with timing so precise the victims were able to walk right out of the boxcar and into a waiting gas chamber, the coordination was so complex a task, this too called for a computer. But in 1933, no computer existed.

However, another invention did exist: the IBM punch card and card sorting system — a precursor to the computer. IBM, primarily through its German subsidiary, made Hitler's program of Jewish destruction a technologic mission the company pursued with chilling success.

IBM Germany, using its own staff and equipment, designed, executed, and supplied the indispensable technologic assistance Hitler's Third Reich needed to accomplish what had never been done before — the automation of human destruction …

I was haunted by a question whose answer has long eluded historians. The Germans always had the lists of Jewish names. Suddenly, a squadron of grim- faced SS would burst into a city square and post a notice demanding those listed assemble the next day at the train station for deportation to the East. But how did the Nazis get the lists? For decades, no one has known. Few have asked.

The answer: IBM Germany's census operations and similar advanced people counting and registration technologies. IBM was founded in 1898 by German inventor Herman Hollerith as a census tabulating company. Census was its business. But when IBM Germany formed its philosophical and technologic alliance with Nazi Germany, census and registration took on a new mission.

IBM Germany invented the racial census — listing not just religious affiliation, but bloodline going back generations. This was the Nazi data lust. Not just to count the Jews — but to identify them.

People and asset registration was only one of the many uses Nazi Germany found for high-speed data sorters. Food allocation was organized around databases, allowing Germany to starve the Jews.

Slave labor was identified, tracked, and managed largely through punch cards. Punch cards even made the trains run on time and cataloged their human cargo. German Railway … dealt directly with senior management in Berlin. Dehomag maintained punch card installations at train depots across Germany, and eventually across all Europe."

Using a mere 2,000 precomputer automatic tabulators, the Third Reich was able to efficiently identify, sort, track and catch Jews of every stripe in multiple countries. Now fast-forward to today, where virtually every person on the planet has had their personal data siphoned off, hour by hour, day by day, year by year.

Decades' worth of data is catalogued and cross-tabulated in ways we probably cannot even imagine. How efficient do you reckon a modern-day holocaust by would-be dictators might be, using the technologies of today? I'll leave that for you to ponder.


IG Farben, Another Genocide Enabler

So far, no Big Tech company has vowed to ban their technologies from being used in an attempt to repeat the Holocaust, and that includes IBM, which played a central role in it.

In a 2002 Village Voice article, Black addressed this shortcoming, pointing out that while IBM has refused to discuss its role in Hitler's regime, other companies, such as the German media conglomerate Bertelsmann and Ford Motor have at least had the couth to correct their company histories, admitting to (and apologizing for) sponsoring Hitler.

While technology played a determining role in the Holocaust, leaders in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry were also working with Hitler. One of the most prominent ones was the German chemical and drug company IG Farben, which had a factory complex near Monowitz (the slave labor camp at Auschwitz) and actually housed the IBM facilities there.

IG Farben used slave labor from the Monowitz camp and IBM's technology to keep track of them. "The Monowitz systems were customized for the specific coding Farben needed to process the thousands of slave workers who labored and died there," Black explains. Auschwitz archivist Piotr Setkiewicz further told Black:

"The Hollerith once at IG Farben in Monowitz used the IBM machines as a system of computerization of civil and slave labor resources. This gave Farben the opportunity to identify people with certain skills, primarily skills needed for the construction of certain buildings in Monowitz."

Of course, IG Farben was also in the business of pharmaceuticals, and prisoners from Auschwitz were used for horrific medical experiments at the company's facility.

While IG Farben executives were put on trial after the war, their sentences were light. As just one example, Fritz Ter Meer, a high-ranking executive charged with slavery and mass medical murder, served just three of his seven-year sentence, and after release became chairman of Bayer's advisory board.

Some have speculated that the reason they got off so lightly was because of their connections to other powerful figures, such as John Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil and one of the masterminds behind the creation of Big Pharma. (There was actually a Standard Oil IG Farben company. Without the fossil fuels of Standard Oil, IG Farben couldn't have made synthetic fertilizers or fuels.) As noted by Jon Rappoport:

"You could say that, after the War, the emerging global pharmaceutical colossus was a reincarnation of the Farben pattern: Profit before safety; lethal medical experimentation beyond any legal limit; the use of drugs/vaccines as a means of control."


IBM Partners with Moderna

IBM has now partnered with COVID-19 vaccine maker Moderna and, together, they are producing digital COVID-19 vaccine passes to track vaccinated individuals in real time. A pilot program has already been rolled out in the state of New York.

IBM and Moderna will "explore technologies, including artificial intelligence, blockchain and hybrid cloud" to "support smarter COVID-19 vaccine management," according to a press release. In short, the partnership is aimed at facilitating data sharing between "governments, health care providers, life science organizations and individuals," but this data is not restricted to health data.

As reported by Raul Diego in a March 10, 2021, Mint Press News article, other "multiple blockchain ledger applications" being leveraged include IBM's Blockchain Transparent Supply and Food Trust services, which shares food sourcing and supply-chain data, and its Blockchain World Wire cross-border payment processing service.

Considering how similar kinds of data (but far less voluminous) were used to carry out Hitler's genocide, we really need to start thinking about how all of this data collecting and sharing today might be misused. While not discussed much, the collection of genetic data is part and parcel of this program as well, which opens all sorts of unpleasant possibilities.


IBM Is a Powerful Presence in Law Enforcement as Well

Already, in Israel, the requirement of vaccine certificates has resulted in the creation of a two-tier society where unvaccinated individuals are ostracized and forbidden from entering certain public venues such as bars, restaurants, hotels and public exercise facilities. 

Although right now in the U.S., vaccine passports are voluntary on a federal level, several counties and states have already either rolled out their own regional vaccine passports, or are considering them. IBM is also looking at its health pass as a model for what it predicts will be mandatory in the future.

According to IBM's U.S. public and federal market leader, Steve LaFleche, the passes will cease to be voluntary "once government guidelines and regulations force the private sector to enforce their implementation." As noted by Diego:

"Conveniently, IBM's strong presence in the law enforcement space, as one of the largest providers of digital profiling technologies and AI policing systems in the world, may also help with any obstacles Moderna may face among vaccine- hesitant populations."

When you look at the big picture, IBM is the best and worst candidate for the job of creating vaccine passports. It has a history of enabling genocide by misusing census data (which was its original business) and creating technologies to identify, track and capture individuals based on specific parameters such as bloodlines and religious affiliation.

They also used their technology to identify areas of food production where Jews lived in order to starve them, and now they're planning to leverage their Blockchain Transparent Supply and Food Trust services that shares food sourcing and supply-chain data, and its Blockchain World Wire cross-border payment processing service. How might all of that be misused? “Only through exposing and examining what really occurred can the world of technology finally adopt the well-worn motto: Never Again. ~ Edwin Black”

To get an idea, simply look at the services they rendered Nazi Germany. When you dissect IBM's history and compare it to its current role in the COVID-19 pandemic, it's virtually impossible to not reach the conclusion that they're perfectly equipped to carry out a awless repeat of the Holocaust, but at an unimaginable scale, and with unfathomable efficiency.

The only difference is they would not be helping to hunt a specific national, religious or racial prole. To start, they'll hunt down vaccine dissenters. After that, there's no telling what the target group might be. But whatever it is, they'll be able to identify and track them down with near-effortless ease.

As noted by Black in the introduction to his book, "Only through exposing and examining what really occurred can the world of technology finally adopt the well-worn motto: Never Again." We need to do that, and come to a global consensus that we're simply not going to allow a repeat of history.

One small bright spot amid all this darkness is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who March 29, 2021, announced he will issue an executive order forbidding local governments and businesses from requiring vaccine certificates.

"It's completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply participate in normal society," he said.

Although a federal judge blocked DeSantis' executive order in August 2021, he's calling on the state legislature to create a measure that will allow him to sign it into law. Hopefully, such laws will be put into place, and other states will follow suit.


IBM and Bill Gates

In case you are unaware, Bill Gates in the early '80s was responsible for providing IBM with the DOS operating system for its then-new personal computers, which heralded in the massive explosion of computer technology. I remember it quite well. I got my first IBM clone PC around 1985.

The reason why this is important is that, eventually, computer hardware became a commodity and computer software became the source of most of the technology revenues. Gates' nefarious strategies eventually led him to become the richest man in the world. That mantle now shifts between Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame and Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors.

However, the current market cap of IBM is $110 billion while the market cap of Microsoft is 10 times that at over $1 trillion. So, while IBM has a clearly sordid history going back to World War II, the likely more serious threat is Gates himself, who is largely responsible for engineering and promoting from this entire COVID wealth transfer play through his strategic partnering with the World Health Organization, as we have carefully articulated in previous articles.

It is interesting that IBM is repeating its egregious contribution to the extermination of millions of Jews in Germany, but that may pale to the likely unintended consequences of Gates' plans, which will probably far exceed the lives lost in Nazi Germany. We need to do everything we can to make sure he doesn't succeed. Too harsh? Then I suggest you review Gary Barnett's article on Lew Rockwell, where he states:

"The extermination of societies through genocide and democide is achieved in many ways, from war, forced starvation, psychological destruction, mass imprisonment, and sterilization; from chemical agents, bombs, nuclear weapons, and now the killing will be due to 'vaccination.'

Surely I jest you say, but I do not, as the indiscriminate killing of hundreds of millions or billions of people around the world at the hands of the powerful is sought.

Some call it population control, some call it depopulation, but it is simply planned mass murder to benefit the agendas of the few. The tool being used to accomplish this goal is the untested, experimental, mind-altering, gene- changing, toxic poison called the Covid-19 'vaccine,' and it is the newest weapon of mass destruction.

Many are having horrible effects due to these injections, and many others are dying. Some are dying immediately after taking this shot, some are dying after a few hours or days, others after a few weeks, and the long-term effects at this point are virtually unknown. (In nearly every case the media denies the association.)

It is as if people are deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to logic, as this falsely claimed action called COVID that supposedly has a survival rate of 99.98%, is being treated as a deadly pandemic, and the 'cure' recommended is a 'vaccine' that kills many more than the purposely created fake virus scam.

COVID-19 and the Global Predators