Sunday, July 26, 2015


Humanity need a 'matrix-free' generation of children to get itself out of the mess it is and it has been since its beginning. Matrix means for profit. Mankind must opt out civilizations based on profit, on power scales, on idiocy to be short, worldwide !

And the one and only way out is to grow children that will become aware of the dire situation where we find ourselves. The goal is to try to live as much as possible outside all institutions that are promoting or benefacting of the matrix. Children are a prime target for the matrix because as soon as age 6/7, children are formated about the roots of life ... as it is , where they grew up because, as in nature, the first aim of a child is to understand the world and begin to make his way INSIDE it, because that is what there is.

The first objective of adults should be toward kids, and a good try should be to get them read Fenimore Cooper, and some others, beyond being yourself as much out of the matrix one can. We absolutely do not understand how much we are programmed, deeply, in all aspects of life, how much we are dependant on the matrix in the tiniest aspects of our life, and that's what is setting the ground where young souls learn 'life' and do their best to prepare their place in it, later.

You don't get it probably. See, when a child learns life through what he sees, he cannot believe that it could be another way, that he himself could look at what he sees and not believing it is not reality, bullet proof reality !! Tell him otherwise, he won't trust you, no way !!! He's a child and a child is serious, as serious as the wisest man on earth, serious when he laughs, when he cries, when he eats because he learns life and that's the most serious business he will do in life. And the vision of life one has learned by himself as a child, through his own skin, remains until death.

So, the best way is to give examples of what a grown up man can be, how he lives, how he behaves, that is, to be ourselves - short - examples. Live on less materiality, be helpful to any kind of life, even in the adversity ... Be a Man where there is none ! Oh yes, it costs, it severes relationships, sometimes, but it builds new ones, and on a broader level. That's the win-win and first objective we must have to start what has not yet ever been even approached: a true human kind's life ... Worth it ? You chose.

So, so ..



Wherever we live, whatever our lifestyle, we ingest daily highly toxic components that, even taken at small amounts are tiring the immune system that is bended to react all the time.

While we can get rid of many pollutants, still too many are unavoidable and it is a duty to get rid of them if one would avoid the official killer medicine ...

Check, and others like Wakingnews (beware of the trash) or Dr Rath ... see the right column !

Many supermarkets in EU offer now some organic products at prices more affordable than the traditional shop ... when you don't have the ability to reach a green market which remains the best.
Among them, Géant Casino is probably the cheapest and its Camembert nearly matches that of Carrefour at 2,1€. But only Super U has pure organic orange juice in glass bottle at 1,99€ (still 60 cents more than the regular).

Well, be aware that organic products packaged in plastic or aluminium (chocolate) are no more organic. As usual, cheating for profit is allowed. 

Friday, July 24, 2015


Fenimore Cooper did reach a very deep understanding of humankind. For example, he believed that a man belongs to his kind, whatever he would do to ignore it and try to live the life of another kind. A black man is and will remain a black man, and so on, just like it is said in the Torah that God created every life form according to its species. 

The first principle of life is the one of individuality. Life is individual and every individuality represents life. The second principle, coming from the first, is that every individual life form is different from the other and the third, if I may say so, is that each individual life comes to light according to species. 

Individuality means separation and, creation;  separation is the most important tool we use from birth on.  Life appeared in a world where separation of elements was carefully crafted during ten billions years until the first individual lifeform appeared. But separation in life is different from separation in matter. 

Separation in life means that each lifeform is one of its kind and that, one is who one is because one is alive as one of his kind. Each lifeform is not only a new creation but a creation that will itself create, will live a footprint, will transmit a knowledge, will share its life with other lifeforms, will reproduce itself materially and spiritually ... inside one's species.

And man, above all lifeforms can choose what he does with his  life, to a certain extent, and this freedom is a God given gift. And God tell you: "Be Holy as I am Holy" ! One must separate his material life from his spiritual one, the one that allows him to choose what he'll do with his body, his vessel. 

Because life is its own goal, above all. Life itself is holy because every spark of life in every individual life form is a part of God's eternal life, - you included. What one does with one's life is not the goal and, to remind that, to remind us that we are more than the limited flesh which we inhabit, we rent from life, God Himself set the example in resting the seventh day. 

By the way, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror deeply and, have you noticed how your own eyes look at you harshly, as if they said, "what are you doing of the body that is behind the image that you think is yours ?", as if they were your own judge ? 

So, to come back to the beginning, if sprcies are separated because, "That's Life",  time also is separated in two periods, as I tried to show here:

That's the root meaning of the Menorah precisely as seen here where the intervals are as important as the branches. The hebrew calendar goes with both the sun and the moon and it is quite astonishing that, white people mostly Christians have chosen sunday as their 'holy' day the day after Shabbat because theirs is the 'new shabbat' and how muslims chose friday because they pretend to be the true keepers of the faith thanks to Ichmael ...

Anyhow, every lifeform is holy because it is a piece of life but man to be holy must chooses so and be a 'good man'. Though, Shabbat is here to remind him that he does not become holy thanks to his work but because his good work allows him to enter the preexistant holyness of life ( - and not decide what is holy or not by himself -, that is also why we Jews say blessings on food because one uses life to maintain one's own, that is holy too, by itself, no need to nothing for that, a pet, a trip or a rabbit's foot won't help ...

Yes my brothers, we don't know anything yet important, whatever we think we do.

Yes, board the train of life, you yourself, not asking anyone or anything, no Jesus, no nothing except you and put the finger into Eternal Life, throw yourself in the flow of life - that IS ETERNAL. Everyone of us has in his sleeve, he himself because he is alive, a free ticket for eternity, just use it, will U ???

Sunday, July 19, 2015


original drawing by TG

"Sakatiti" is a riddim, a beat and melody base upon which musicians can build songs of different kinds. Musicians are achitects of vibes. Sakatiti is not only a password for most african musics but one of the oldest tempo of humanity. 

There is a small island called Dominica between Martinique & Guadeloupe where I happened to spend a night a few years ago. Dominica is a restricted territory for photography, simply forbidden everywhere except where allowed ... Because Dominica is one of the poorest countries in the world. Cigarette paper is sold by the leaf. Dominica is indeed The nature island, and nothing else. Nothing else but Reggae. On the radio, in minibuses, out of the windows, reggae music just flows like one of the 360 water springs. And, if one wants to join pleasure and care, just get yourself to that event, and give to people in the street all you have before coming back ... No sir ?


The best concert of Fatoumata Diawara: 
A l'Alhambra (2012)

Mahalia Jackson

Saturday, July 18, 2015


                                                                                                                     by Barry Chamish

(Photography by Avi Gleitzer)

On Monday, Aug. 15/05, a mini-Holocaust took place in the 23 Jewish settlements of Gaza, collectively called Gush Katif. On that day the Jewish cowards
threw up their hands and let their army bulldoze their homes. They paid for their cowardice by living in leaking shanties while half their children abandoned
their religion for drugs. Meanwhile, the parents were forced by the banks to repay their mortgages. Not a penny of compensation was given by the government
to the Jews they made homeless.
Two books were published to document this event; Banished by Aliza Basmenachem, and my Bye, Bye Gaza. We conclude with a review of Banished but start
with snippets from my Bye, Bye Gaza: It is a sad tale of infiltration, trickery and the dumbing down of Gaza's Jews:

black and white:

    By the time of the Gush Katif pullout in 2005, I was breathing the patsy tricks, the phony settler leaders, the set-up acts of violence by the Jews; I knew them all as if I had 
planned them. If the pullout was in exchange for some sort, any sort of peace treaty, it could have been explained. But it was just an act of raw, unbridled revenge against the 
settlers. So I went to Gaza week after week, until days before the army removed the residents and I warned them to stand up and fight. I warned them that they would be 
made paupers with no compensation. I told them the government views you as the enemy and is heartless. 
    I may as well have stayed home. The Jews still live is shabby mobile homes and their homes are now missile launching pads.
    And now, new victims are on the way. And nothing I can say, do, or write will stop what is about to happen to them. If you live in half of Jerusalem, anywhere in Judea and're next. After you, everyone in their turn. And worst of all, there is no sorting out the mess. The Jews don't understand that their people have been infiltrated. 
And they won't even try to understand. Gush Katif hotel eviction. Did you know that Nadia Matar requested from the police to remove Itamar Ben Gvir and his hooligans from the hotel a week before
the eviction? Guess what? The police IGNORED her. Why? They WANTED a big political story of the "crazies" in the hotel. I KNOW most of the people evicted
from the hotel. They all said -- a group of Itamar Ben Gvir hooligans came out of nowhere, 
refused to leave, and caused the whole "uproar" of what happened. 
Please note: less than 24 hours before the raid and eviction, the police arrive and escort Ben-Gvir out of Gush Katif. Why? He works for rile up his hooligans...
and make people like you think (and a lot of the Israeli public) that the hotel was full of fanatical crazies.

Now, look at the exploitative success of Matar's nemesis, the subverted mole Itamar Ben Gvir. Back in 2005, Matar had enough righteousness to gather 2300 demonstrators to 
confront the army in Gush Katif (Gaza) before the withdrawal. What an embarassment that would have been were it not for Ben Gvir. He and his gang showed up and got the
violence going with a sign visible in the nearby Arab town reading, "Muhammed Is A Pig." If you don't get the provocation, imagine a sign outside your door reading,
"Jesus Is A Pig." Predictably the violence started, the army stepped in and to prevent the brutality from spreading, threw out all 2300 protesters, sending hundreds of teenage 
girls to detention camps for months. 

       After this fiasco Nadia Matar kind of woke up. She wrote me:

I agree with what you wrote below 
After Gush katif I have come to the realization as to how sick and pathologic the national religious camp and its "leaders" are- and how the religious "mamlachti" education has turned most of our camp into puppets that bow down to the State and its symbols -even if the State is trying to destroy the Torah, the Land and the People. 

     Nadia could have made a difference but she and her protesters were infiltrated. But then EVERYONE was infiltrated.

* Once there were three primary protest groups in Israel. There was The Yesha Council, which was nothing more than a tool of the government. Those who know my writing will recall 
Council head Benzi Liberman testifying at the trial of Avigdor Lieberman that he worked with the police to keep protesters far from Gush Katif.
* But during the fight to save Gush Katif, attorney Even Or showed me his other hand. In loud and long monologues, he defended the government's inhumane and injustice policy of using the 
army to expel 10,000 honest Jews from their homes. The country will be safer, he insisted. There will be no more reserve duty in Gaza, he argued. And while the entire Right fought the
"evacuation," Even Or favored it, vigorously.
* POLICE CHIEF SAYS THEIR LEADERS BETRAYED SETTLERS He said that he could not have expelled the Jews from Gaza and northern Samaria in six days without
the secret connivance of settler leaders.  The police allowed certain protests, he said, so the leaders would not seem like betrayers  (IMRA, 1017).  
 In late July 2005, over 50,000 people had gathered in Sderot for a protest organized by the Yesha Council, supposedly to march to Gaza and save Gush Katif. We got in our cars
for the mission but the police, predictably if you're me, had blockaded our passage. Thousands of cars pulled over to the side and word was spreading quickly to march half a mile to the
blockade to confront the police. In my car were my friends Jerry and Iris. I said, "It's going to happen at last. Let's meet the police and push them out of the way." Iris felt like me,
nervous about police reaction, but knowing that if Gush Katif was to be saved, we had to defeat the authorities. Jerry joined us, but was worried how injury or arrest would be viewed at work.
Half way to the police lines, worried Yesha Council workers ran up and down the lines, warning everyone to get back in their cars because, "The Bagatz, (the Supreme Court), is hearing
our petition to continue right now." As I watched the mob return to their cars, I said to Jerry and Iris, "Let's go home. Gush Katif is gone."
* Rabbi Shlomo Aviner was used by the security services to brainwash Israeli youths not to seriously oppose the destruction of Gush Katif, while appearing that he was on their side.
"Rabbi" Aviner's unseemly and illegal dalliances with young ladies he advised, trapped him into spydom. 
Over 600 Gush Katif expellees still face court for protesting their forced removal from their homes, 
Who can forget that evening in July, 2005 when 70,000 people gathered in the then-lovely town of Sderot to march for three days to save Gush Katif? Marching in the July heat
didn't quite wreck the chances of success, so the secret service (Shabak) rabbi, Shlomo Aviner stepped to the podium and told his youthful followers to always remember that the police
were, "Your brothers in flesh and blood. We will never confront them." And how the youth of Yesha cheered their own holy naysayer of doom! After all, he had already prevented
any real protest by guiding the idealistic young protesters to hand out worthless orange rags at junctions, or to hold hands in a line from Gush Katif to the Western Wall.  He had altered his followers from angry protesters to flaked-out hippies. All for the government.

      My review of BANISHED expressed my feelings succinctly. It's a very important book and you can get from me. Read to the bottom for how;

                                          A CHABAD MASTERPIECE: BANISHED by ALIZA BASMENACHEM
                                                                             by Barry Chamish
      Banished bills itself as " A Historical Novel Depicting And Deciphering The Disengagement From Gush Katif." But, while true, there is far more to this description. First of all,
 it's a chick book that men will also love. Being a chick book, it's long, filled with intertwined characters and more melodrama than us guys can usually take. But there was Herman Wouk! 
And finally there is truth, the real thing, the murderous truth about the awful cruelty the Israeli government inflicted on its Jewish Gazan citizens barely half a decade ago. For anyone who
appreciated my book Bye Bye Gaza, you'll find BasMenachem's perspective is mine. I'll give you some quotes to illustrate the perspective of Banished:

"We are under the constant surveillance of the police and secret service. The Secret Service pays Arabs to stage a terrorist attack to get rid of their political opponents."

"Administrative Detention was revived to incarcerate rabbis and activists and hold them indefinitely without pressing charges."

"Goldstein was set up so they could make him the icon of an extremist settler who represents all settlers."
      The Author uses altered names to present actual figures of the Disengagement atrocity, ie. Flasche is Martin Shlaff, the Austrian casino crook whose blackmail of the Israeli Prime
Minister (the book refuses to name him) guides the events, murders and psy-ops hidden behind the scenes. The most stinging of criticisms, however, are reserved for the settler Jews 
who betrayed their own minions. There is Adam, head of the Vaad Kehilot. He is Pinchas Wallerstein then head of the Yesha Council. His government mission was to appear to be 
the leader of the settlers while organizing time and energy-wasting distractions to wear down the revolt. Anyone who wasted their January camped outside the Knesset under 
Wallerstein's "plan" now realizes this "protest" kept real protest in check. Then there was Kfar Maimon when Wallerstein and "Rabbi" Aviner succeeded in turning 50,000 marchers to 
Gush Katif into 50,000 suckers marching in a circle. Of Adam, BasMenachem writes:

 "Yom HaAtzmaut was an easy diversion for Adam to orchestrate. There would be speeches. Adam would be in the limelight. And again he would stress the need for unity
and obedience to one group of leaders, meaning himself and his Judenrat."

A simple anagram turns Shlomo Aviner into rabbi Reniva. Aviner was exposed as a serial molester of young girls throughout the Israeli media before being given the option
of destroying the Disengagement youth or facing a long prison term. BasMenachem is right on target in her portrayal of him.

"Reniva stroked her cheeks with both hands, held her face and looked into her eyes. Then he ran his hands down the side of her neck and held her shoulders. 'What if I
promised you that if you do your job in the Disengagement, that G-d will reward you with a home of your own. A loving husband and beautiful children?' It was a satisfactory 
meeting. The next time the wretched rabbi would begin where he left off, with a hand on each knee."

This shouldn't be an easy book to read if you lived through the obvious Gov't operations to prepare the people for the "righteous" removal of Jews from Gaza. I saw the murders
 of Israeli soldiers in their APVs and in their army base to convince the public that it was too dangerous to serve in Gaza. I saw the murder of the Cohen family on their way from 
Gush Katif to participate in the anti-Disengagement Referendum. I saw the massacre at Shuafat two days before the Disengagement began. And I knew the end of Banished before I read
the first word.
        But once I got started, I read all 362 pages in two sittings. That is the inspiration and power of the author at work. But more than that, I personally knew some of the personalities.
One example will do. Yossi, the head of the Chabad yeshiva in Gush Katif, whose name wasn't Yossi but everything else about him in the book reflected the man, snuck me into
Neve Dekalim a week before the Disengagement to give me a rundown on the G-d-awful settler leaders behind the upcoming fiasco, beginning with Shlomo Aviner. This reference is 
leading to my one concern and criticism of the book: the author is a proud member of Chabad and that will undoubtedly restrict her readership. And we can't let that happen. 
This book deserves a wide readership and that means cultural understanding.
       It's not hard to make the jump. A main character is Eitan, a boy with Downs Syndrome. In the non-religious world, amnio tests have come close to eliminating Downs births. 
In the religious world, no matter how they kvell over such children, it is a widespread phenomenon. And the author, unconsciously I'm sure, over-romanticizes the Chabad shabbat, 
while denigrating the secular lifestyle. To her, having a predictable meal and then walking down the street greeting people is the ultimate in fun, while the secular Jerusalem with clubs,
restaurants and parties, means they have "nothing to do." Just know she is not selling a way of life that some would find stultifying; she means it. Skip that side of the book and what
you're left with is, dare I say it? Okay, I will; a masterpiece.
      This book is predicated on the tension between the victims, the residents of Gush Katif, and two real groups who to this day are threatening to push Israel to its final demolition:
the  murderous government and the religious Jewish leaders infiltrated and doing the murders by proxy.
      BasMenachem's alter ego in her book is the Shakespeare quoting Tirtza. And as sad and hopeless as the story is, just before the end she declares: 
      "The spirit of Gush Katif may be wounded but it is not broken."

I'm sorry Aliza, but wrong conclusion. The infiltrators like Aviner and Ben Gvir still manipulate the settler movement. And the disengagement still goes on in places like Migron.
Except now, the enemies of the Jews smell the weakness and are ready.
     Worse, soldiers from Migron's neighboring communities are so blindsided that they will aid in Migron's destruction even though their homes are in line for subsequent demolition.
The government has promised to rebuild Migron's homes and amazingly some residents think the offer is serious, forgetting that the government's Gush Katif compensation never arrived. 
And how will the refugees react to instant homelessness? With pride, of course.
    While I was dodging army barricades and sneaking into Gush Katif to get the real story out, on the very eve of the destruction where were you petition signers? Why wasting your
time at a protest rally in Tel Aviv. WHY WEREN'T YOU IN GAZA? After the evacuation was complete, the residents found themselves in leaky trailer "homes" awaiting compensation
that never arrived. The government didn't have the spare cash to rehouse the victims, so it let them wallow in subhuman housing, watching as their families fell apart. I met one such 
Gush Katif refugee couple after the "evacuation" and they glowingly announced that they were from the remnants of Gush Katif. I wiped the supercilious smiles off their faces with one
      Two days before the fascist troops moved into Gush Katif, there was a rally where more than 
200,000 people showed up. Where was it? In Tel Aviv. Not near the Gush Katif prisoners? Of course not. 200,000 could have actually overwhelmed the forces and
made withdrawal unfeasible. And that was not what the kapos of the Yesha Council wanted. 
     And guess what question I heard a hundred times from a hundred people that night? "Do you think the withdrawal will go through?" They still hadn't caught on.
     After the deluge, a friend of mine told me she had spent the day helping the Gush Katif refugees, bringing them food and setting up their computers. I asked her,
"Are you nuts? You're not helping them, you're helping the 'government' of Israel. They got them into this mess, now they can get them out of it. Learn from the
Arabs already. Do not rehabilitate the refugees. If you do, within a short time you'll solve their plight and the authorities will be free to make more thousands homeless."
     But more to the point: Screw You Gush Katif. You Let Us All Down
     The night before the troops advanced, what did Gush Katif do? Put up barricades for a showdown?
Raze all properties so the mafia of the CFR and Israeli 'government' would not rob you of your life's work? Prepare helmets and Mace to fight the fascists? Chain
 yourself to your properties?
      Nah. You danced.
      The fathers of Gush Katif weren't prepared to defend their homes. No sir. They sent their teenage children to the battle front. And from now on those brave
wonderful kids will lose all respect for their cowardly fathers. Not a life was lost for the Gush, not a soul injured. The Jews walked into the cattle cars with their hands up.
      Shame on Gush Katif.


Hear my radio show: /

The novel BANISHED in English or Hebrew is yours for your fair price by writing me at:


Essential contributions, if you want me to continue, at Paypal:
or by writing:
Barry Chamish
POB 840157
Saint Augustine, FL  32080

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


The writings of Fenimore Cooper are underestimated too an unbelievable extent. Just like those of Paul Féval or Walter Scott who, at best, are remembered as writers for children. What a paradox by the way !
Cooper did  understand and expose through his stories the bottom of the mind of Indians, Blacks slaves and Whites. He acknowledged the truth in which evolved both indians and blacks who where close to nature, still differently but a lot more than whites, and the results on the individual as well as history.
His work contains profound philosophical and sociological thoughts that one can find nowhere else ! Read it ... again ? with enlightened eyes, and you'll get more than you think ! All his work is easily available for free download on for instance in french.

What ought to be remembered from him is how he explained that each people on earth has its own nature and every individual is shaped socially by this very nature but, inward of his societal identity, every individual has his own qualities end faults and, in case of people who had been true to their self as men, the remnant of their ego is that their failings are those of the social shaped part of them and their qualities are from their true individual essence, as is written on the tomb of the indian chief, friend of Natty Bumpo:

"In memorial of an Indian chief from the Delaware tribe, known by the name of Chingagook.
He was the last of his people who lived there.
If he had faults, it were those of an Indian, and his virtues were those of a man."

This is confirmed by Paul Feval in the great novel, the ghost horseman which says of a gitana woman at her death:

"Antioch had aged as Gitana as Don Blas Grandee of Spain. Her vices were of the Gitana, her pride was of herself."

in english here


You need not reaching any aim to become anything that you might think about, according to all you know, to be 'successful' in life, because, you are.
You don't need to search anywhere any meaning for your life because, you are.
You are needed because if you were not, you would not be.
Anything that is has its own meaning in being the best of what it is, no more, no less.
Forget all that is not good to life, your own first, because, - you are because life is -.
Life is you and you are life, as much as you understand it and act consequently.
Bring your life into life, be alive, cherish life, be curious of life, every moment is important to not live it at its best, at one's best, to not be part of life, always, whatever it means, as much as one can afford to.
Respect life, for what it is, the most powerful force to be ever; respect every life form, and your own, that is part of life, and on the highest level to date ...

And if I had an advice, I'd join Mrs Diawara in saying: every moment is important. Live in the present, be awake , forget the past & the future for what they are, smoke. What is real, what one has to care for all the time is life, one's life, other's life, because, if you don't take care of it, you are dead already, you are lost to every possible fantasy, your own ... and others', beware because if you don't, noone else will, even God. But, if you walk the right path, you will stop being alone, you will be with yourself first, with the life you represent, a human life to say so ... if needed ! Every form of life will mean something to you, and you may experience some nice events too as a 'bonus'.

Stop looking at your life but live. Stop being a bystander of yourself, don't build on the future neither on the past. You have projects ? Memories ? Good, but forget about them as building stones of your lifetime. Don't wait for this or that to get over to that or this. Just be, not as a spectator but as an actor of your life, and act, toward yourself and the others, decide for yourself what you want to achieve and begin it at the same time. Bon't build on the future, I say. Nor on the past whatever great you did achieve. Life goes on, and so do you, if you will.

Let me add, don't build yourself a structure within which you would have a role to play, a mental representation in which you attribute to yourself a playwrite, a role to perform because there is a structure that pre-exist all and that is the only one real, life, and the role you have in it is the only one worth to play, and play it good, in all meanings, good to you, to others, to life. Apart from that, well ... Yes, be free, set you free from yourself, your own 'servitude' through which you live in a distorted reality, with illusory goals, fabricated pasts, and so on, life set you free, only life. Thank you, God bless.

That said, it is extremely difficult to get along with people we know and not share their plights that they see as their own but which are in fact for most of them plights created and inflicted by the state of humanity and by those who profit of such a situation. Go tell your neighbor that he needs a dog, or a cat because he himself has forgotten how to be a human, what it means and so on because we are all plastic made in China with a German-American dream on the horizon.

Social relations in the 'white world' have disappeared because people prefer being dumb than understand their role and responsability as a man. The occidental way of life, based on profit and matter has no future, from the root. And here is another misunderstood point with huge consequences in the 'west': time. Time* for most of the world has to be filled. Filled and carved because when one doesn't do something of time, time passes ... Eh isn't that so ?

Yes, but it is frightening if you are afraid of death, if you did not understand life, accept it and honor it but if you want to remain young, and other insanities. If you are a man, become a woman, forget your self, and reality, live your illusion until the end. You got to get along with time and not the contrary. You got to get along with yourself and not disguise into a living dead, a fictitious character that you swore it is you.

Cowardice and profit are for ages killing humanity, everywhere because both mean to become what we are not, time dependant creatures, as if we were not eternal ?

You say: "Why is that boy dead at such a young age ?" What do you know ? Do you know when comes a soul and when it goes ? Where from and toward ... ??? We are all equals before death but we are also all equals before life beause the human task is one, one first AND ONLY ONE !!!!!!!

Be who you are meant to be and bless God as God blessed you to be able to understand who you are !

Be alive, AND LIVE, (forever !) represent life that is good, use nature that is ready for you to live in a small paradise, life is serious, all the time, at every moment, in its tiniest aspect, life is life and death is but a small part of life. Life is a fight, a fight for life itself except for man who's task is to understand who he is and become that, "who one is", a good man and a good woman, who care for themselves, their families, their friends, the elderly and the young, who share, who sing together, who get along smiling but, but, God bless !!!

* Time ... One of the keys is not to live in the past or in the future more than in the present. I mean, do not value your memories or your hopes more than your your present time, do not compare but put the past and the future where they belong: thoughts, 'virtuallity'. Be alive and live !!! Man has in Reality one & only one choice: to walk in life's - God designed - footstep ... or walk out. The first path has one door but the second has billion.