Monday, October 28, 2013


We must take the fight on another ground for winning the war against "The Destroyers".

The real bill of right should be such to grant mankind the right to live according to its origin that is Natural. Living according to one's body Natural Laws should preempt the actual Bill of Rights - which itself should be replaced by a bill of duty.

Man has the right to have access to the sun, to fresh water, to untainted food, to the primordial undisturbed nature, and to use it freely for a living, with respect. This should be the ground for a world law that would forbid access and maiming potential to people or corporations that could endanger and damage the natural nest of humanity and grant accordingly to individuals and local populations the right to make a living from preserved natural earth.

The law should protect nature the same way it is supposed to save men - women and children - against the greed of power from other men, and doesn't !!! In reality, the actual law that should protect man from become oppressed do not protect the individual but its belongings, as long as the law do not profit the corporation or the state that has the right to rob you of them.

The fight is to create good laws and not to fight wrong ones. GMO's must be forbidden not because of its effects but because of its origin. The right to use nature for a corporate or state profit must be made unlawful. The right to modify nature must be forbidden by law as soon as one lone voice is raised as a concern. Mankind needs a law to protect access to the sun, blinded today by Chemtrails, by pollution, by insane works under artificial light. Rights to fresh good foods and beverages should also be safeguarded. We must not fight against Coca Cola but have its components made unlawful.

There are products in the natural environments where the majority of mankind lives, the Cities, that are against its well being, that are civil weapons of war. Life is upside down in regard to the freedom of having a natural life for the bulk of us. We must not only fight against the oppression but for the creation of natural environments for humanity, the ones that have been torn apart since a century - and the City rush - ! We must protect and develop the right of living in the countryside - and of making a living in smaller communities, towns.

The only hope is to reverse to a pre-industrialized lifestyle, but with the advantages of civilization on a down scaled type. Hospitals and prisons are not obliged to be crowded as they are. This is the result of a century of an invisible urbanized coercion. Man needs nature to be a man, to be who he is. Man also needs smaller communities. Man needs to feel part of his environment, natural and cultural ... in a sane way. Nature is the nest of happiness for all of us. The only power we need is to grant ourselves and our communities the freedom of being healthy, body and mind, and not oppressed in our natural condition as human beings but helped by the laws, laws against greed of power, profit of blood, red blood or green blood.

"The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat are gifts of life for all of us
 no matter what our creed or our color. "

Infectious disease specialist Dr. Stephen Hosea
MD in the Santa Barbara Independent

October 31, 2013

 Radioactive Fallout from Fukushima — The World as We Know It Has Changed [...] 

I believe that humanity is standing on the brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust. The world as we know it has already changed as the result of radioactive material that has been released into the air and the ocean. I am not an alarmist, but I am alarmed. [...] 

I know radioactivity has been and continues to be released into the air and ocean. The effects on our health are incomprehensible because the magnitude of radioactivity released and the extent of spread and contamination are virtually unknown. [...] 

In my clinical career, I have had the good fortune to care for the homeless and the disenfranchised and the rich and the famous. When one is lying in a hospital bed with those special gowns that are wide open in the back, everyone is pretty much the same. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat are gifts of life for all of us no matter what our creed or our color. I know that these precious gifts have been contaminated. The silence from the media and the powers that be has been deafening. [...]

 We have an opportunity to help the Japanese with the crisis in Fukushima. I want the best and the brightest that money CAN’T buy to be making those decisions. This is not a request–this is an inalienable right for the sake of our children and our children’s children and all of humanity. [...]

 The time to act is now."

Sunday, October 27, 2013



"ICE Tactics" ??

Because the guy is a DHS paid patsy

# ICE #, a DHS Brand

The Modern Untouchables


The USS Zumwalt is the ultimate sea weapon of the US Navy. But why giving it a German name ? And not any German name but one that literally means: "For violence" !!

Yeah ... This was the name of a certain 'American Admiral of German descent. By the way, did you know that the largest ethnic group in America is of German descent ? * And that the American education system had been modeled after the Prussian one ? **

More than that, do you know that it is a German Prussian Officer who was one of the founding fathers of the American Army ? But not any German ... A gay one ! And this is that gay guy who wrote for Washington the army’s standard drill manual, the "Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States"... Hummm, "Von Steuben most likely threw the first underwear party in the United States military, at his house in Valley Forge." ***

Do you know that Americans of German descent are the backbone of America ? **** 'Jews' and non-Jews put together, let's say, but you should now know that German 'Jews' are totally non-Jews despite their claim that is hijacking the true Jewish identity of real Jews ... He he, not the kind either of the farcical fool who called his deceptive Illuminati site "Real Jews News".

Add to this that the Germans have usurped the British crown, that America rescued the Nazi's scientists, and all that we don't know ... Hey, do you get the picture ??

Food for thought my friends.

* "More than half of the nation’s 3,143 counties contain a plurality of people who describe themselves as German-American"
   "Here's Why There Are So Many German-Americans In The US"

** "Emulation of the Prussian education system in the United States"

*** "History of Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center"
       "Baron von Steuben: Washington's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Case"



I wrote in a precedent text that [Israeli]* Jews are the most brainwashed nation in the world. They are all evolving inside a sectarian mentality, from the extremes to the center. A blind faith in organized groups from Religious fanatism, exacerbated consumerism, political miracles as a solution for all ailments is the general behavior of all Jews in Israel.

Why God did brought havoc to Israel at the time of the Prophets ? Because of one and only one reason: they did not swear by Him anymore. They just forgot the first commandment that their God was to be the One who took them out of Egypt. No other reason. Yes, none at all !

They viewed God as a god among others. They still did the rituals prescribed by Moses but they together brought offerings to other gods (Bet El Golden Calf ... 2 Kings Chapter 17/16 "and they forsook all the commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, even two calves, and made an Asherah, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal;"). They did not understand the difference between invented deities and a true God that cared for His people to the point of educating them as a father would do to his children.

But, that was at a time when idolatry was the norm. It did require a special soul to understand that there was a God Who is really God and not another human invention. At a time of magicians, false prophets and divination as a common ground of spiritual life, grasping the reality of a true God was at least a bit hard to guess.

Things have not changed a lot on the surface but for different reasons. Today, we are less enslaved by outside powers than by our own desire to succeed in our technological world. The idea of God is not related to superpowers or miracles anymore but with a kind of mind control to escape our slavery to our own civilization. Believing in God today has not a lot to do with conceptual Gods but rather to systems of beliefs or codes of conducts that appeal to our desire to escape the materiality of modern life.

In that sense, all religions are somehow equals since they all give ways to reach another dimension in day to day life for those that feel the burden of materiality. No matter what church, what cult, what priest for they all have something to offer to the desperate soul in the Apple world where all have to bite whether they want it or not. Following this attitude, all people in the world have rediscovered their old faiths with the exception of what looks too much like idolatry which the rationalized modern mind has rejected globally as charlatanism.
Arabs are still Muslims, Whites Christians, Hindus Buddhists but with a desire to reach the essence of each faith and not only stick to its appearance for those who truly want to believe. You can find the proof of this in the day today life where people with such faiths nowadays are well aware of what they believe in. They don't wait for miracles, they don't want a direct help from God but they are satisfied with the ability to put some of their soul on a path outside the technical world that does not fulfill their soul's desires. But what about Jews ?

Well, as I said at the beginning, Jews are immersed in a group mentality, not that much different of other nations at the present time. But, there is a tiny microscopic behavior that goes well beyond all they can believe in without even knowing its fabulous impact for what God's want of them. Only around a third of Israelis are considering themselves religious but what they do as religious people doesn't help at all because their religion is a billion years away from what it should be. Judaism as it is taught and practiced is no more than another cult on earth with deviant priest, no matter they call themselves Rabbis.

But, there is one little thing that all Israelis do, religious or not, every day or so, men, women and children alike, even without noticing it, is to say, sometimes many times a day: "Baruch Hachem" ("God be blessed"). And this simple word, well, two words but only the second is significant for the point, this simple word that they say as it seems without heart, without great praise, without a sense of blessing or reward, this simple word is in the ear of God the greatest proof that the time has come where [Israeli] Jews are believing in Him, in the end !

'Hashem' means 'The Name' that is in Hebrew God's Name and no other supernatural entity, no other god such as the ones Jews were swearing about at Biblical times without making any difference between them all. And the fact is there is an unconscious unity in Israel about those two words, which are also said in other forms but with the same meaning, referring exclusively to the God of Israel's forefathers.

Even if these words are said as a ritual with no meaning, as one would say 'sunny day', they actually refer to God and only God, and this is an incredible achievement at a state's level in our times when materiality has reached an all-time high, more than anything else, more than people know when they say it.

"And it shall come to pass, if they will diligently learn the ways of My people to swear by My name: 'As the LORD liveth,' even as they taught My people to swear by Baal; then shall they be built up in the midst of My people." Jeremiah , 12/16

There is a lot more to say about that verse of this Jeremiah's chapter but to conclude on that rather astounding matter, I'd say the secret of Israel's power today is not in its nuclear arsenal, neither in its alliance with the USA, which both anyhow are against against God's will, but in those two words that are said commonly without intent, without heart, but that are in an incredible way fulfilling a 3000 years old prophecy for the Jewish people to be kept alive.

Please understand me that I don't pretend saying "Baruch Hashem" is enough to make of Israel as it is a Jewish country. Far from that, Israel is light years away from being what it should however, the fundamental necessary condition is this one.

NB: It is said clearly in Jeremiah's text that those concerned are not directly of Jewish origin (!!!) meaning they are strangers for the greatest part of them as it is of the great majority of Ashkenazim who are no Jews at all ... "if they** will diligently learn the ways of My people".

I should've written Jewish-Israeli because one does not exist without the other; being Jewish is belonging to the Jewish Nation - Israeli, as being Indian was belonging to an Indian Nation, but an Israel respecting at least the first commandment: "I am your God who took you out of the enslavement of Egypt".

Ashkenazim !



Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Hey, people, this is not a picture of war, and not of pain. It not horrible at first sight but ...

it freezed me down the spine from head to toe and I had to close the internet page where it appeared at once.

This picture is revealing the unbelievable depth of the dark hole where man's soul can reach ...
while, for the most wicked of us, it is just worth a smile.

Beware !!! It might remain in your mind for EVER ! I, myself, cannot see it again for life.

Definitely Nazi like :) More evil than the Devil ! Some people have no heart, are not Human-like ... AND Them are those "in charge".

Speak To Me 

Heart Attack Grill

‘Heart Attack Grill’ Owner Proudly Displays Dead Customer’s Remains on TV

Man has Heart Attack while Eating at Heart Attack Grill !


It's been 14 years in a row that the Nobel prize of economy goes to an American. Actually, this year, there was three of them, and about which subject ? "Trend spotting". If it was not such a criminal irony, this would be laughable. America's grant to the world's economy is exactly what the Nobel's recipiary was about but on its darkest side for humanity. America is plunging the world into the abyss of debt, uncontrolled debt or, more accurately, as it is in all other societal components, a well devised controlled fall.

Following Bernard Madoff ponzi treachery, the FED and all other masters of the US mobey system have put their country, and humanity on the brink of a pending economic desaster that will make of the 1929 crash a pink memory whan it will unravel. As many are predicting, as Dave Hodges explains precisely in this article: "Three Statistics Which Spell Doom for America", the economical institutions of the USA have plunged the world in a monetary crisis that will turn it upside down by transforming money into a ghost bubble that, as the frog of the fable, is getting bigger and bigger until it will explode.

And what about the peace prize ? Ridding the world of chamical weapons ??? Yeah ! Nice treason too. The most killing chemicals are not on the battle field but on our plates, in the baby's bottle, in the fishes we fish, in the meat we give our children to have them become strong, in the maize that feed the world's poors as well as the animals thanks to the very same people that promoted the Nobel prize about ridding the army of those cousin's chemicals.

What else ? Why do we, the people, need a government for ? Maybe in order that, if by an unbelievable chance it did close, did it  ? - we would become lost and fight one another for food until we all live in a "Mad Max" world ???

To control the power of man over his fellow, governments are supposed to regulate the social order against the innate abuse of power of man, or groups of men, over other men, women & children. If this abuse of power still exist as it does despite, or thank's to the government's control, we can say that the government has been failing. In such cases, the government is responsible and should be modified, in its representation or in its laws, shouldn't it ! But wait, what revolutions have brought to us until today ? More and more tyranny, so, where is the truth ?

As Mr Hodges wisely states: "… any successful revolution against a tyrannical government will be won at the local level".

Yes, more than right … No other way ! Everyone must get involved, from shopping to the local farm until, well, whatever it takes. We must create our own reality outside the ‘Matrix’. That’s all is needed, and it is a fundamental need to be defended at all cost. By walking together on the same path, we can defeat everything, starve the oppressor from their power upon us. We must grow the roots of our own free world by helping one another on every level, locally. Don’t wait for the Messiah, not at the church, neither at the poll, nowhere !!! Great point, Dave !!

As long as man will put his trust in a representative body with unlimited powers, man will be failed by his own best will to be ruled with justice. Public or private, from governments or corporations, the power of a few will always mean oppression with the best intentions at the source. Understand me, I don't advocate for Anarchy but for a consensual agreement between people from the local level to the nation's board of managrement because it is evident we need a government but, everyone from the base should be the sole origin of the upper level rules. Everyone should receive for his work the ability to live a decent life without begging, being indebted or pressurized from any other being, private or public.

We have a long way to go to rethink how the world should be ruled, how the human society should work, how we, people should live ... and think, and whom to give our prizes of honnor. In some cases, as we still can assert from Lybia, Irak or Afghanistan to America, the tyranny of one is not worse than the tyranny of many. Ah, Etienne, Etienne De La Boetie !!!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

HALTER SKALTER by Barry Chamish

       Guess who is coming to Jerusalem? A group of 150 European priests, rabbis and imams to pray for peace at the Western Wall, all with the personal blessing of Pope Francis and all organized by the dastardly Marek Halter:

A group of French imams attended a general audience with Pope Francis on Wednesday, saying they saw the Catholic leader as a figure of reconciliation.
"We feel something strong with this pope. We the minorities need him," Hassen Chalghoumi, a Tunisian imam in Drancy, a suburb of Paris, told AFP.
"Moderates should be supported. We should not be grouped with extremists who burn churches," he said.
The visit was organised by Marek Halter, a French writer of Polish Jewish origin, who briefly met with the pope during the audience in St Peter's Square.
"We have a problem to resolve ourselves. Christians had this in the Middle Ages. Political Islam is winning the upper hand," Ben Ammar said.
Halter said that Francis "can do what Benedict XVI never managed to do: reconcile Christianity and Islam".

      The announcement is followed by a twisted bio of Halter:

Marek Halter is known in the media for his commitment to peace in the Middle East. Already, there is a little less than a year, he went to Israel and the Palestinian Territories alongside 17 imams and leaders of Muslim organizations in France. In an unprecedented move, the delegation of imams had gone to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem, where the imams had made a short prayer.
Marek Halter, for whom it is "urgent to demonize Islam," (huh? BC) aims to encourage the Pope to ask Cardinal Francois to take "strong action" on his way to Jerusalem with 50 cardinals, 50 rabbis and 50 imams to pray for peace before the Wailing Wall. (With APIC / imedia)

      Allow me to remind you of what I wrote about Halter so long ago.

    In March 1994, the newspaper Chadashot revealed a most remarkable secret of the Middle East "peace" process. A friend of Shimon Peres, the French intellectual Marek Halter, claimed in an interview that in May 1993, he delivered a letter from Peres to the pope. Within, Peres promised to internationalize Jerusalem, granting the UN political control of the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Vatican hegemony of the holy sites within. The UN would give the PLO a capital within its new territory and East Jerusalem would become a kind of free trade zone of world diplomacy.
    Halter's claim was backed by the Italian newspaper La Stampa which added that Arafat was apprised of the agreement and it was included in the secret clauses of the Declaration Of Principles signed in Washington in September 1993.
   In March 1995, the Israeli radio station Arutz Sheva was leaked a cable from the Israeli Embassy in Rome to Peres's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem confirming the handover of Jerusalem to the Vatican. This cable was printed on the front page of the radical leftwing Israeli newspaper, Haaretz two days later. A scandal erupted and numerous rabbis who had invited Peres for Passover services cancelled their invitations in protest of his treachery. Peres reacted by claiming that the cable was real but that someone had whited out the word, "not;" the cable really said that Israel would "not" hand Jerusalem over to the holy pontiff...
   Peres's partner in crime, and the real founder of the Oslo Accord, Yossi Beilin, coordinated his PLO policy with the Vatican. Check the timing; at the same moment that he was finagling an accord with the PLO, he was negotiating an agreement for Vatican recognition of Israel.
     This eventually led to:

The Covenant Between the Pope and PLO Leader Yasser Arafat
On 15th February, 2000 at the Vatican, the Pope and the leader of the PLO terrorist organisation, Yasser Arafat, signed a covenant against the G-d and the people of Israel and Jerusalem. According to this agreement, Jerusalem should be an international city based on international resolutions and an international guarantee. (The UN decided on more than one occasion that Jerusalem should be an international city.) They also decided that any step or activity taken by Israel to change this position of Jerusalem is against the law. The agreement also recognises a "Palestinian" state in the land of Israel and agrees on cooperation between the Vatican and the PLO and the Vatican committed itself to assist the so-called "Palestinians". Authorities in the Vatican explained: "the agreement paves the way for establishment of full diplomatic relations."

          To summarize real history: In September, 1993 at Kennebunkport, MA, outgoing American President George Bush, ordered incoming Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin to begin negotiations to bring the PLO to Israel in the name of "peace," knowing it would instead usher in an era of terrorism. Rabin despised his Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, so assigned the "diplomatic" task to Deputy Foreign Minister Yossi Beilin behind Peres' back. Beilin sent two wacky Tel Aviv "idealists," Ron Pundak and Yair Hirshfeld, to Oslo to negotiate the Oslo "peace accord." I got the ugly scoop of Oslo from Ron Pundak. Peres found out about their mission and his exclusion in the spring of '93. Knowing this Oslo peace was the only game in town, he sent Marek Halter to the pope with a letter offering Jerusalem as a prize for insinuating the Vatican in the "peace process."
          In November of '93, the Oslo accord was signed, adjudicated by Beilin. Two weeks later, in December of '93, the Vatican Accord recognizing Israel, adjudicated by Beilin, was signed. Oslo and Vatican were the one and the same "peace accords." What did the Vatican have on Israel to be invited to the "peace" channel? Let us begin with their smuggling of over 100,000 nazis, hidden in their monasteries, to new homes abroad, far from the risk of prosecution. Combine this with the disgusting fact that in Israel's long history it has convicted just one nazi in its courts. That is the formula for deep blackmail.

         How did Vatican spy, current President Peres, react to the "peace?"

'Peres wants to yield sites to Vatican'
President Shimon hand over Israeli Peres is willing to sovereignty of key Christian holy sites to the Vatican, a proposition that is reportedly opposed by Interior Minister Eli Yishai and that has ruffled feathers among other senior government officials, Army Radio reported on Monday.
According to the radio report, the president is exerting pressure on the government to give up sovereignty over six sites, including the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth, the Coenaculum on Mount Zion, Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and the Church of the Multiplication on the Kinneret.

          The latest figure: Peres has offered the Vatican hegemony over 41 sites in Israel, 23 of which are in Jerusalem. And after all these interminable years, Marek Halter is back plotting with the pope, and you can be sure, as before, because Peres asked him to.

Obama is Surrounded by Jesuit Trained Roman Catholic Officials

Wednesday, October 09, 2013



Genes Suggest European Women at Root of Ashkenazi Family Tree


Published: October 8, 2013

Over the last 15 years geneticists have identified links between the world’s Jewish communities that point to a common ancestry as well as a common religion. Still, the origin of one of the most important Jewish populations, the Ashkenazim of Central and Eastern Europe, has remained a mystery.A new genetic analysis has now filled in another piece of the origins puzzle, pointing to European women as the principal female founders, and to the Jewish community of the early Roman empire as the possible source of the Ashkenazi ancestors.

The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed, and reinforces the idea that many Jewish communities outside Israel were founded by single men who married and converted local women.

The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, is based on a genetic analysis of maternal lineages. A team led by Martin B. Richards of the University of Huddersfield in England took a fresh look at Ashkenazi lineages by decoding the entire mitochondrial genomes of people from Europe and the Near East.

Earlier DNA studies showed that Jewish communities around the world had been founded by men whose Y chromosomes bore DNA patterns typically found in the Near East. But there was a surprise when geneticists turned to examine the women founders by analyzing mitochondrial DNA, a genetic element that is separate from the main human genome and inherited just through the female line.

Unlike the Y chromosomes, the mitochondrial DNA showed no common pattern. In several of the smaller Jewish communities it clearly resembled that of the surrounding population, suggesting a migration pattern in which the men had arrived single, perhaps as traders, and taken local wives who then converted to Judaism.

But it wasn’t clear whether or not this was true of the Ashkenazim. Mitochondrial DNA tends to change quite rapidly, or to drift, as geneticists say, and the Ashkenazi DNA has drifted so far it was hard to pinpoint its origin.

This uncertainty seemed to be resolved by a survey published in 2006. Its authors reported that the four most common mitochondrial DNA lineages among Ashkenazis came from the Near East, implying that just four Jewish women were the ancestresses of nearly half of today’s Ashkenazim. Under this scenario, it seemed more likely that the Ashkenazim were the result of a migration of whole communities of men and women together.

But decoding DNA was still quite expensive at that time and the authors of the 2006 survey analyzed only a short length of the mitochondrial DNA, containing just 1,000 or so of its 16,600 DNA units, in all their subjects.

The four mitochondrial lineages common among Ashkenazis are now very rare elsewhere in the Near East and Europe, making it hard to identify with certainty the lineages from which they originated.

With the entire mitochondrial genome in hand, Dr. Richards could draw up family trees with a much finer resolution than before. His trees show that the four major Ashkenazi lineages in fact form clusters within descent lines that were established in Europe some 10,000 to 20,000 years ago. The same is true of most of the minor lineages.

“Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed,” Dr. Richards and colleagues conclude in their paper. Overall, at least 80 percent of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry comes from women indigenous to Europe, and 8 percent from the Near East, with the rest uncertain, the researchers estimate.

Dr. Richards estimates that the four major lineages became incorporated into the Ashkenazi community at least 2,000 years ago. A large Jewish community flourished in Rome at this time and included many converts. This community could have been the source of both the Ashkenazim of Europe and the Sephardim of Spain and Portugal, given that the two groups have considerable genetic commonality, Dr. Richards said.

Doron M. Behar, of the Gene by Gene company in Houston and a co-author of the 2006 survey, said he disagreed with Dr. Richards’ conclusions but declined to explain his reasons, saying they had to appear first in a scientific journal.

David B. Goldstein, a geneticist at Duke University who first detected the similarity between the founding mothers of Jewish communities and their host populations, said the new analysis was well done but that the estimate of 80 percent European origin for the Ashkenazi maternal lineages was not statistically justified, given that mitochondrial DNA lineages rise and fall in a random way.

A recent analysis based on the whole genomes, not just mitochondrial DNA, of Jewish communities around the world noted that almost all overlap with non-Jewish populations of the Levant, “consistent with an ancestral Levantine contribution to much of contemporary Jewry.” Dr. Richards said that the finding was compatible with his own, given that the Levantine contribution was not that great.

Another recent study, also based on whole genomes, found that a mixture of European ancestries ranged from 30 percent to 60 percent among Ashkenazi and Sephardi populations, with Northern Italians showing the greatest proximity to Jews of any Europeans.

The authors of this study in Nature Communications, led by Gil Atzmon of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, noted that there had been mass conversions to Judaism in the early Roman empire, resulting in some 6 million citizens, or 10 percent of the population, practicing Judaism.

Dr. Richards sees this as a possible time and place at which the four European lineages could have entered the Jewish community, becoming very numerous much later as the Ashkenazi population in northern Europe expanded from around 25,000 in 1300 A.D., to more than 8.5 million at the beginning of the 20th century.

Nature Communications

A substantial prehistoric European ancestry amongst Ashkenazi maternal lineages

Received 11 July 2013 Accepted 04 September 2013 Published 08 October 2013


The origins of Ashkenazi Jews remain highly controversial. Like Judaism, mitochondrial DNA is passed along the maternal line. Its variation in the Ashkenazim is highly distinctive, with four major and numerous minor founders. However, due to their rarity in the general population, these founders have been difficult to trace to a source. Here we show that all four major founders, ~40% of Ashkenazi mtDNA variation, have ancestry in prehistoric Europe, rather than the Near East or Caucasus. Furthermore, most of the remaining minor founders share a similar deep European ancestry. Thus the great majority of Ashkenazi maternal lineages were not brought from the Levant, as commonly supposed, nor recruited in the Caucasus, as sometimes suggested, but assimilated within Europe. These results point to a significant role for the conversion of women in the formation of Ashkenazi communities, and provide the foundation for a detailed reconstruction of Ashkenazi genealogical history.


Tuesday, October 08, 2013


There are 6 million 'Jews' in Israel. 850,000 were at the funeral. Although the official count is overstated by more than 50%, the respect for this Powers That Be's agent, when including the family members, is around 2 millions, 1/3 of 'Jewish' Israel. Considering that the remaining 4 millions are deluded leftists who welcome the rights for all and all the actual propaganda, or other sectarian religious, you can guess how much an abyss of delusion is this country falling into.

Ovadia Yossef - OY ! - has been a friend of all the traitors that have led Israel in the past but, most notably, Shimon Peres, Barak and Bibi. This is enough to consider he was failing God.

When you read the comments about his passing, you can really be afraid of the deph of idolatry where the 'Jews' have sunk. They do not believe in God but in their leaders, religious or seculars. Israel is the shame of the world well before all other countries together.

What a comedy !!! Nonetheless, he enjoyed a woman's kiss, didn't he !!!

"Who will you ask" ???
Is there no God in your life ?

They'd better cry on themselves, poor lost souls, disgusting.