Saturday, May 21, 2022

Arrogance Is, Innocence Will Be ... Forever


Hello !

If Descartes had said: "I am therefore I think", he would have been right ! 

Thinking is the base of everything man does. Thinking is one' reality, no matter if you are conscious of that, if you accept it or not. Last week at work, I had to replace a large roll of papers that went empty. In the middle of the roll, there is a big cardboard stick that I took in the hand. I had a drum riddim in the head so, when I walked through the place to get a new roll, I was waiving the stick in the air in rhytm with the drum rhythm I had in mind. I came across a coworker who asked me: "Who are you going to beat with that stick ?" I told him what I explained and we laughed, though a little forced on my part.

Everything you do, everything you see is shaped by what you have in mind. At a traffic light, in a group of ten people, not one is seeing the same than the other because each one is wired differently. And most of what we think is engineered by the social matrix. Because life in society looks like the most important aspect of everyone's life, because we consider ourselves as social entities before all. Society is grooming kids to become successful and abiding citizens, but parents are doing the same ! 

When kids reach adolescence, they begin to fashion who they will become as social persons. They take inventory of all the societal models, they take examples in some individuals, they weigh the pros and cons of all existing groups and slowly but surely, they adapt to the society as it is without really questioning any aspect of it, good or bad. They want to succeed in their own manner which they view as their true personality, the one they have chosen deliberately and freely, so they assume. The world as it is being more competitive and brutal than the jungle it is often compared with, they focus on themselves more and more to become the egotistical bits of the matrix called the majority.

Children were innocent, adults are arrogant. Children loved to say I will be, adults love to say I am. Innocence is imagination in action, arrogance is conformity in inaction. Innocence is a dream perpetually renewed, a dream of beauty, of happiness, of sharing, of laughing, of freedom, of love, innocence is life. Arrogance is its exact contrary: death. During their kids years, children have noticed that adults aren't definitely as they are, but it didn't matter that much since becoming an adult when a kid is felt as remote as the moon. But they saw what adults indulge in. They saw that adults make wars, that they mistreat animals, children and women, that they betray if 'needed', that they don't follow a right path in a word. 

So, when becoming adults themselves, they do not see as inappropriate to do the same. Monkey see, monkey do. They dream no more but they become practical, efficient, indifferent, haughty to those under them and obedient to the ones over them. You know, they need to go up the social ladder whatever it takes, this is the goal, the only one. "How much do you weight ?" (American way to say what's your income) is the main interest of any well behaved adult, isn't it ?? 

There is in our days the most terrible threats to humanity there ever was and there is no one to fight against them ! That is the problem now. It has always been you might say but today, considering the global power at the hands of the neo-feudal lords that lead the game, humanity faces a game of life and death. 

As I explained, people like Bill Calamity Gates hate us because most of us have not deliberately chosen the hard path like they do. We can still be saved because, except for the few at the control, the majority as hopeless as it is keeps a little flame of hope, of innocence. This is what they cannot stand. They want the whole of us as involved as they are to be able to say to themselves: "Hey, we'll have good company in Hell !".

Pandemic. Pandemic + war. Pandemic + war + famine. Pandemic + war + famine + pandemic ...

Keep Calm; You're Being Eliminated

 ‘Forever Emergency’: How the Government Seamlessly Transitions Between Terror Threats

Monkeypox Was a Table-Top Simulation Only Last Year

I Do Not Give a Damn What Other People Think; This an Indication of Respect

You maybe thought that Iran or North Korea are outside of the globalists game ? Wrong, just false opposition ! 

"Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food-rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs.

Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices.

This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.”"

As for NK, instead of a 'Green Pass', it has instituted a 'Poop Pass' ...

BTW, while speaking of false opposition, PCR is another one because, the explanation he gives of Putin's forbearance possibly leading to a nuclear Armageddon is totally justified when you consider Russia as a part of the PTBs as I do since what they needed was actually not a quick Russian victory but a path toward unlimited fear and infinite war games  !!

You Know It's Bad When A North Korea Defector Says That US Similarities To NK Are "Insane"


Yeonmi had always dreamed of coming to the United States.

Having come to America with high hopes and expectations, Yeonmi expressed her disappointment.

“You guys have lost common sense to degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend,” she said.

She thought she was going to come here and learn to think critically.

She accused American higher education institutions of stripping people’s ability to think critically.


“In North Korea I literally believed that my Dear Leader [Kim Jong-un] was starving,” she recalled. “He’s the fattest guy – how can anyone believe that? And then somebody showed me a photo and said ‘Look at him, he’s the fattest guy. Other people are all thin.’ And I was like, ‘Oh my God, why did I not notice that he was fat?’ Because I never learned how to think critically.”

“That is what is happening in America,” she continued. “People see things but they’ve just completely lost the ability to think critically.” 

Critical thinking is indeed becoming a lost art, particularly as anyone thinking outside the status quo gets “canceled” or “defunded.” Our country is rapidly turning into the kind of place in which only one opinion can be held. To hold a different viewpoint is practically criminalized.

Yeonmi is watching America go down a totalitarian path.

Witnessing the depth of American’s ignorance up close has made Yeonmi question everything about humanity.

“North Koreans, we don’t have Internet, we don’t have access to any of these great thinkers, we don’t know anything. But here, while having everything, people choose to be brainwashed. And they deny it.”

Is it fixable ? Yeonmi questions where our country goes at this point.

“Where are we going from here?” she wondered. “There’s no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it’s complete chaos.”

SRI LANKA: 22 million people in the death row :

Crisis-Hit Sri Lanka Defaults On Debt as It Runs Out of Fuel

CRISIS IN SRI LANKA, No Gas, No Food, Country is Bankrupt, Politicians Being Beat, Murdered, Gov Buildings on Fire, over 3000 killed in last 24 hours

(see comment #13 of KeaganCans)

China Starting Next Global Crisis by Gobbling Up Sri Lanka

Well folks, not much to add !!!

Tessa Fights Robots:

Meet the Human Battery, a New Source of "Green" Energy

The Great Reset and the Tyrant in the Mirror

The picture on top is a kid's illustration of La Fontaine's 1668 fable:

The Wolf and the lamb

English Translation © Richard Stokes


The mightiest are always right,

Which we shall now set out to prove.

A lamb was slaking its thirst

In the waters of a limpid stream

A famished wolf arrived to try his luck,

Drawn by hunger to this place.

'Who made you so bold to foul my drink?'

Said this animal full of rage:

'You shall be punished for such cheek.'

'Sir,' said the lamb, 'so please your Grace,

Do not fly into a rage;

Consider, rather, first,

The stream where i assuage my thirst

Is twenty yards downstream,

Below your place,

It can in no way therefore be the case

That I am fouling your drink.'

'You foul it all the same,' the cruel beast went on,

'And last year I know that you slandered me.'

'How can that be, if I wasn't yet born?'

Replied the lamb, 'My mother still suckles me.'

'If it isn’t' you, it's your brother then.'

'I have no brother.' 'Then some relation:

For you are always plaguing me,

You, your dogs and shepherds too,

They tell me I should wreak revenge.'

Whereupon the wold dragged him through

The forest's depths and ate him up

Without further ado.

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