Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Cannabis, God's soul medicine



(filters are 22mm & 15mm)

You smoke ? Fine ... stay healthy !

Beware of the small wooden spikes that are inside the inner part of the 'heads',


even the smallest !!!

Wood smoke is a powerful cancer agent even in small amounts

What does smoking do to the brain ? 

Smoking gives orders to focus inside, to distance oneself from the outside world. 

Smoking is recentering the self on his natural essence. 

Smoking gives back the front row to one's inner identity and puts the external world one interacts with in the background. 

Smoking makes one remember who he is primarily apart from the environment.

Smoking gives the floor back to the innate part of man, to how it sees, to what it wants.

see also

Cannabis suppresses dreams*

* When I wrote the above, it was just an ascertainment based on experience. 

I can now say that because smoking sets you on an inside-out 'wave', and because dreams are mostly an outside-in unconscious resonance, the self prevails and holds off the echo from the outer world.


You see: this is the coastal 'motorway' of Israel, this part between Netanya and Hadera. I first came to Israel in 1986, 35 years back, lived here from 1988-1994 and 2002-today. I have never seen this way without roadwork.

Governments are accountable to the way the countries are managed, and they are in most of the world not doing their job properly. Instead of easing people's lives, they make it difficult, especially in transportation.

My God, who is listening ?

Let's put it like that: everyone thanks to the Covid psy-op now understands it is a communist agenda. 

I say: a government CANNOT be NOT communist. Get it ???

More so: capitalism and communism are the two faces of the same coin: slavery. Organized misery for most, illusion of success for the few, controlled fate for all.

Governments whatever the shape are deadly to peoples, like religions, like private property of land.

Without getting rid of these 3 cornerstones of oppression, there will NEVER be freedom for man.

Ugh !!!

The saint, the flag and the corner stone ...


See also:

It is the state, idiot !!

nb: I am not a dreamer. I know pretty well that as long as human beings will delve on earth, there will be private property of land, the basis of income superiority, as well as idols and flags. I also know that many people understand the fate we have entered into, and its proxi-reasons, who are doing their best to straighten out the situation. I also know that there are quite a lot of individuals who have opted out have did it based on excellent spiritual grounds. 

What I try to do is finding the root number one, as remote as it may seem from the actual events. I try to guess what should be in the absolute because to take the right course, you need to know the destination. 

Particularly, I need to go beyond CJ Hopkins with his Consent Factory, for instance, and even if I agree with what he demonstrates, I ask: "If such an outcome is possible, what is the inner flaw that can respond affirmatively to such detrimental actions ?"

What I try to say is that mankind has evolved since its inception by adding illusions on illusions. Upon those illusions, groups of people have build to increase their power so that each individual in the said group will benefit individually. 

In the long term, at least the last 300 years, and much more so since some 100 years only, this power has become overwhelming. Since the majority which is oppressed still holds on to its illusions, the resistance is futile. As we have so sadly witnessed, the masks were accepted easily, the 'vaccine' too. 

The first sign of uprising began not long ago, 18 months after the beginning, only, about the 'green pass' and the onset of mandatory vaccination. But the events are limited and, like after 9/11, many control  proceedings are to stay, physically and in the mind. 

For lack of having a common objective, people remain divided, lonely, weak. They are frustrated in their own life but are afraid to take a stand because of fear but really because they do not know which stand to take. The reign of illusion still dominates. 

The long term war against tyranny rests on the fight against illusions, nothing else. Illusions are idols.

So He said ... (not Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and company -Talmud, Secret Societies ...- that added their owns !)

"The first thing to know is that you know nothing". Quantic sciences even adds: "It is impossible for man to go beyond a certain amount of knowledge, in sciences. "Know yourself" is the great one ! Since oneself is more than anything science can touch upon; the self contains a soul, an unlimited soul anyone is welcome to explore infinitely. More than science, and to the reach of everyone. 

Consciousness, the conscience of being conscious. The ultimate knowledge of who we are and of what to turn to,  And not to turn to. The unheard voice among all that talk to man. The light of the lights permanently covered with a black clothe. No god but a master. Many masters, many voices, but the stronger being the ego. 

This one is equitably allocated among people. Rich or poor, smart or idiot, ugly or beautiful, the ego is king. The ego is the illusion one makes about himself. To create an illusion of the self, man choses among all the illusions in vogue. Waddling garden gnomes.

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