Sunday, December 17, 2017


First and foremost, life means unity, unity of origin and unity of goal. Man must stop thinking in terms of duality or multiplicity, especially when considering mankind’s nature.

Mankind is not made of individuals nor groups but families. Family is the brick of humanity as it is for all evolved life forms. Family is the single unit and the only source of unity in the society. The individual and the group are both artificial abstracts developed for the use of profiteers, parasites, troublemakers.

Indeed, the preeminent role of family has been well deciphered by people who want to dominate others. Family has been hijacked, ruled upon by all and every institution that pretends to enforce its principles on people. Either by being targeted for destruction, or by being sanctified and dehumanized, family is always guilty and knocked down (open your eyes and look at all what is through this prism ...).

One could gauge the true well-being of a people by the one of its families. By such a standard, only the Amazon’s Indian tribes, so-called ‘primitive’ would come to light. Life is not Yin and Yang, and not multi-polar. Matter is. Life is beyond matter, life is one and its oneness lies in the ability to reproduce itself, to perpetuate and develop its qualities through family, nothing else. "You are my brother, my parent because nature made you such. If I revolt against you, I revolt against nature, against myself". 

Mankind should think in terms of families and communities, no more. Groups, states, clubs are the tool to distract individuals from their families. Common good, individual good are lies. Even when they are golden lies, they remain lies, bloody lies because they are the basis of all mayhem in the world. Families are the trees of the human forest. Family is the unit. What's good for it is good for both the individual and the community.

Glory, power, competition, abuse, violence come from the illusion of the group and the deification of the self. Family should be the root of authority, the keeper of morality and the basis of education. Until family does not have the first and the last word, things will go astray. Family is the norm, the sprout, the spark where from comes the ultimate good of people: life. Family should be cherished, nurtured, embellished, loved, and enhanced ... A brave old world  !

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


No, I do not allude to AI, to robots or other Frankenstein.  The life machine, the only one is man. We are born to be alive. The main goal of life is to live. Although that sentence could look simple-minded, on the contrary, it means a lot, a lot that we, in our material world have forgotten, if ever we did learn anything about it.

To begin with, open your eyes and look inside as Bob said. Where is life ? In every living entity and the easier to reach is oneself. That doesn’t mean it is the easiest to understand ! But at least, it provides a starting point. Just take off the different masks you have dressed. Then, think that the atoms your body is made with are billions years old and that life itself appeared, as far as we know, on earth, some four billions years ago. Life that should not have appeared at all if considering its scarcity in a wild, wild, universe, where formidable forces are at work continuously, in the dark or under unbearable lights and temperatures. Life is a kind of antimatter ! But life is.

Although the earth is turning at high speed in the more frantic speed of the galaxy, there is on earth an apple tree standing in the silence enriched by birds songs that man can hear while just stretching his arm to eat an apple … Then, one can draw the tree, resolve a mathematical problem in its shade, but that’s another story. Not that it has less value but that, in the order of things, that is an afterward. “That” holds on the root of life which is not any root: it is a kind of miracle root and the sole of its kind.

This seed of life upon which we human build has its own history and destiny, its own meaning, its own teachings. We use them, we defy them, we forget them, we ignore or transgress them but they are, and they are what matters, in the end and at the beginning, nothing else. This must be understood, accepted and developed the right way, and, in mankind’s history, only a few individuals did build with that. Because respecting life in man, if that was the case, would have never brought societies at war as we have had since ever.

Because, after some five thousand years of ‘civilized’ human life, the earth should be a paradise, for each and every living entity. The model is clear and up to anyone to see, to understand, to maximize, to enrich. Colors, sounds, textures, patterns, rhythms, melodies, ambiances, contrasts, movement, drawings, tastes, with an infinity of shades, with a permanent variety, with a conscientious mood but ready to be happy, a smile behind the ears,  innovative, curious, creative, vigilant, mindful, friendly, beautiful, delicate, grateful, enthusiast, faithful, helpful, spontaneous, that’s life.

All these magnificent characteristics are embedded in every life form with an infinity of varieties, Man has his share and his duty as well as his happiness is to build on them, to develop, to enrich this prestigious inheritance.

You don’t have to speed but to hold on.
You don’t have to reach but to tend to.
You don’t have to compete but to share.
You don’t have to bow but to smile.
You don’t have to comment but to act.
You don’t have to seem but to be.

Mankind has changed the most in two hundred years than it did before because it has become a connected whole, on one side, and it has become the largest biomass on earth.

Those two criteria have considerably weakened its resilience that lies in diversity, in adaptive potential, in creative exchange between different people.

At its beginning, this explosive situation could have taken another turn, had man been intelligent. As Wells puts it : “In your time the feudal lords no longer existed, and the domination of money was to be born. Half of the men who populated the land lived in the open countryside: the cities had not yet devoured them.”

This was the middle of the 19th century. People had the fresh experience of absolutism, by monarchy and republic as well, the beginning of the city’s evils, with London and Paris, and many did conceive the solution of empowering, sanitizing the countryside but not enrich the big town’s sharks. Already at this time, the Physiocrats followers like Henri Georges and many other bright minds knew the road to take, to no avail.

As usual, force won quietly accompanied by money changers and cult leaders. But, for it is now global and takes more time, evolution did not stop, desires of freedom even if ill applied still live, mankind learns and it is its duty to keep away from the dangers of its present situation, to reverse the steam and move forward on new grounds, on ideas that have sadly never been practiced until we reached our present tipping point of a global evil leading to the cliff.

Goals must change, in finance and institutions, practices must change, in justice and economy, spirits must change in education and property: the only valuable property, by light years, is the moral one, followed by the educational and the intellectual. Materiality is a disease like all the industrial world’s illnesses that have spread, a cancer that can stop with new ways, new aims, new moods. And every human has to do the change, to take part in this ‘one in a destiny’ chance. No waiting, just do it, because there is a kind of gravity force that takes masses lower and lower, and that at an exponential speed according to the masses’ density … Also because, of course, of the ones that profit of the system and believe that they control it, although they don’t, in the end, or now.  At least, as soon as we want to. 

Tuesday, December 05, 2017


To summarize humanity's current situation is quite easy; and that is not conspiration theory but reality facts ...

We live in a fake society. Fake news, yes but more importantly fake leaders, fake politics, fake economy, fake medicine, fake education, fake food, fake water, fake air, ... and more so, fake interests, fake morality, fake liberty, fake equality, in a world fake everything, fake humanity, fake ourselves, fake children, fake future !!

On the other hand, most of us pay hard bucks for all these fakes, many get ill, many others die, for THAT no hope situation.

All this fake is conscientiously kept as it is by the government, has always been and always will be as long as there are governments. Because it is the main interest of governments that people live in a fake world. And, before that the natural elements had been polluted to the extent of the current ‘civilization’, there is one fake field where governments have continually pushed for, that is beliefs, stupid beliefs, stupidity of the peoples, disabled minds (notably through religious myths).

It must be acknowledged that if peoples were different, so would be governments, and if peoples where truly humans, there would be no governments because peoples would govern themselves in peace. But, nonetheless, if blaming the governments doesn’t help because they are only the profiteers, the organizers if you want of an established situation, blaming the peoples should be mitigated.

Contrary to governments, peoples do not seek such a situation where they are slaves. Most individuals are relatively normal and good people, taken individually. More so, there are among them very good people who do care of others and themselves, everywhere. But the collective, the relationships driven by the collective, the collective’s state of evolution is always the stumbling block. The culprit is the sentiment of superiority which is the basic rule of societal relationships. Individuals always compare themselves to one another to determine who is superior to the other.

In this deadly exercise, since everyone is equal in one’s desire to be considered the best, the basic rule of superiority is the lowest one, the most accessible to everyone and it appears to most that the easier way to achieve superiority lies in the least good behavior, in the least morality, in the lowest aspects of humankind. Since this game is the most important one on earth for humans, everything is deemed acceptable when the net result is success. Cheating, betraying, hurting, even killing are legitimate means. Because human beings are naturally trusting, helping, loving creatures, peoples have learned to profit of these traits in order to deceive and win.

The result is a perverted society that hates everything that would take it to higher levels because there would be less of competition, less of vanity displaying, less of opportunity to reward the basic instinct of feeling superior. Rules of superiority are the most important in humanity and they are provided by the dumbest part of it, as I said. The general quest for sovereignty is determined by the peoples at large who, even when they get rid of absolute leaders, last no time before proclaiming themselves ‘Sovereign peoples’ and then, at once do they look for their own leaders, their own representatives to be governed by.

Looks like the first wish of man is to bow before another man … Bowing in front one another is the highest form of respect, isnt’it ? (no matter if there is a sword behind) The only sovereignty is nature, and oneself. Be your own king, reign on yourself, if possible !

Alas, although the feeling of superiority is the strongest of social relations, it is not the most widespread. Apathy is the one. “Things have always been such … Why bother ?” Yes, things have always been wrong, why should I care ?  Answer: “For yourself”. Because a society is composed of all its elements and it is only the elements’ change that can bring a social change. Because you’re bored of being fooled, stop fooling yourself. Because you’re disgusted of nasty ‘traditions’ where there is a boss everywhere entitled to everything you wrongly dream of, stop desiring those wrongs. Because you’re illness comes from a perverted society, care for yourself, and be happy …

Well, not that happy until enough people will do the same but meanwhile, you have a goal to be proud of, instead of experiencing sugar flashes that turn into despair when on your own. 

Maussane-les-Alpilles, 1980

Saturday, December 02, 2017


This was not an earthquake, neither a world war, nor an epidemy. Definitely not black, neither white. Not a neutron bomb, not an alien invasion, not a financial crach and not a flee in the soup.

A guy, named Charvey, who loves women for what they are not, at least not only, and would love all the more a 'real woman' that is not "boring" with her too often "off topic" reactions, a woman with a reduced potential concerning everything that messes with pleasure like sentiments, money, reward, bad eye, whatever, a living robot, well alive that is, just like you and me.

That guy altered some of the functions described above in a woman's genome. She, later, when the predator released its prey, had children. Her children were baring the "insensitivity" traits of their mother and these genes became dominant ones ...

This scenario, the first part, is actually happening, save that the woman is a man, a Chinese GMO man, no less, the first one officially although some people have already tried on themselves ! Well, there's even a "Do it yourself" kit for sale ... Private business, isnt'it. Or is it ?!

The tech used is called CRISPR. With a worldwide alliance of scientists working together promoted by Liebert, the no-gender philosophy theorist.

Just a shade of grey ...

If an historian survives the dramatic event that will terminate our current civilization, one way or another in the future, he would write about the 300 years surrounding the year 2000 just what Henri Makow writes non-stop, that this was the time when a satanic cult ruled the world, but he would add, unlike Henri, that ‘the world’, humanity was made of dumb masses self-enslaved to their stupidity and their depravity, voluntarily ignorant bigots that cherish their respective golden calves.

So yes, the elites kill the good ones and we still mourn Bob Marley and the likes because one of them might have finished by turning the cards around in the people’s minds. Yes, the elites wage an unlimited war over mankind in all aspects of life, the worst being keeping then idiots by all means, the core lie being what is called ‘mandatory instruction’. This only one thing is stealing humanity of its children together with poverty, poverty that you can feel until the middle class of ‘developed’ countries, poverty of life and of spirit.

Africa has paid an incredible toll to the elites, in Africa itself where the ‘culture’ is one of tribal war, family honor and violent rule over others, all that permitted the selling of young people for slavery overseas. Indeed, the slaves in America were not better off but not in a worse condition than in Africa until they got their ‘liberty’ to become full fledge servants of the white supremacist Anglo-Saxon civilization. Those that discovered that their former servitude was less impoverishing or less depredating than the new one were assassinated. Like a lot else until today.

While thousands of politicians, artists, scientists (…) were put aside, a terrible social engineering took place that added new illusions to the old ones so that nothing holds anymore except beer and a screen. Add to this permanent illnesses, permanent wars, permanent pressure at work and at home, permanent fear, in the lowest possible environment, megacities, except for the few of a few, permanent isolation from family members, from the neighborhood, from nature, from arts, from beauty, say real beauty, not manufactured in China …

China, and India where each year, ten million individuals die of pollution. Yes, the current state of humanity is a big polluted mess. It is not God Who died but Hope, true hope in a rising sun. Instead of helping one another, of caring and loving, people have desegregated into a desperate state. In the slum, one finds warlords. North Korea, Isis, the military-industrial complex of each state, even the smallest one, militias, guns, drugs, trumps, putins, mafias, priests, mullahs, infidels, guardians, snipers, skyscrapers, minarets, bombs, lexuses, vodka, what else ? Nearly all that is, around us, close to us, our babies, our own flesh is trapped in that deadly spiral, the matrix some call it.

Did I write something ?

Revenge belongs to God
and justice to man.