Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Well, nothing much to explain since all this is only guessing but still, whether they go for WW3 and a world depopulation, "they" must have prepared a place to hide and what better spot than west of the Rockies ???

At the very center of the US, protected from all cardinal points, All the world could become a mess for those who would hide there !!

The mainframe computers and servers were being relocated to the new NSA West center at Buckley airfield in Aurora, Colorado.
 This removal of equipment and personnel to the NSA-CIA centers in Colorado was ordered after series of post-911 debates and studies on the increasing risks of concentrating America’s core intelligence assets on the East Coast, or for that matter along the West Coast. With the same strategic considerations that guide China’s military, which puts its nuclear and missile forces deep inside the interior of continental Asia, America’s intelligence chiefs decided to reposition vital electronic intelligence-gathering capabilities to the Rocky Mountain region in the American heartland.


The 4th Media is a chinese funded western style news organisation that is providing its part of global disinformation while sponsoring (to what extent ?) reknown 'alternative' sites as different, at first glance, as Iran news (Presstv), USA's Alex Jones, Russian International Affairs Council or Canada's Global Research !!


Forget human activity, forget the sun, the main cause of global warming is under our feet, or probably more accurately under the oceans. The crust thickness is far from being equal. Especially under the seas, it is very thin. There are numerous hot springs at the bottom of the seas and underwater volcanoes. The oceans are probably warming much faster than what we believe as seen in northern Greenland which could be the canary in the ocean mine. Marine animals know it and terrestrial ones also must feel it.

This could be the real reason of the planet heating and I'm afraid there is nothing we could do about it. All the carbon tax, the so-called geoengineering are useful distraction to cash in some more on people dumbness' backs.

Hundreds of Methane Plumes Spotted on Sea Floor
"An estimated two-thirds of the emissions emanate from sediments at depths where methane-rich ices may be decomposing due to warming waters along the ocean bottom"

Sunday, August 11, 2013


Assange, Snowden & co do not fight against the 'system' but for an improved version which, though based on more freedom are not against the present 'Masters'. As for the GMO's labelling, you don't argue with the evil. Things are either Good or Evil. You don't talk to tyrants !! Searching for freedom inside an oppressive system is like being a 'free' slave in Rome, or New York a century ago.

"Assange blasts Obama for denying Snowden's role in NSA reforms" is the perfect example of that thought.

Bradley Manning is so proud in his military clothes ...

The question is not if the GMOs must be labeled ... NO GMO should exist, PERIOD !!

One don't fight tyranny by compromising. Tyrants cannot be changed from the inside. People who break inside the system to 'change' it are fakes. You cannot be a racist and be good to your fellow. You cannot want official medicine and be good to yourself. You cannot want BigMacs and be good to the nature.It is one way or the other. It is a CHOICE.

Tyrants give no choice. They must be deposed, dispossessed, let alone to rot from their inside. Like statues of our enslavements, that have been around too long, tyranny must be pulled down. Step by step, collectively by engaging in activities that will entertain the sustainability of our future as humankind.

We know what the game is about and it is time we rules for ourselves, for the good and not the evil. We must put in place the society, the economy, the Natural Valley of the future. Nature is powerful if we go by its side, which is our side, naturally !  We must fight for keeping nature natural, human included.

Alternative news are fine, but while they overtly fight the tyrants, they also stay inside the system, they are a part of the system, the opposite part of the NWO. We must not be interested in negating nonsenses but in creating sense. We must not spend our time and energy in denouncing the Illuminati ploys but innovating a new life outside of Hegelian dialectic.

9/11 is the best proof in the pudding. As well managed as it had been prepared to look like what the mainstream opinion was determined to account for, there was so many side neglects that this event was the perfect breeding ground for conspiracies.

To what avail ? Well, we don't get out of that perfidious Hegelian dialectic, once again. It is better to have people fight pro or against a system than people designing the best way to live together outside of the system. The aim is once again to divide and rule. All the time you fight against the tyrant, you don't create your own reality and neither do you create your own tools to live the way you dream to. You don't teach your children to love life but to hate oppression. You don't take time for true light but waste it to fight apparent, even if real darkness.

As an example, here is a boy who was not only homeschooled until he was 20 AND who grew up outside the 'civilized' world. What does he want to study once he has stepped in the 'normal' world ? Art. Why ? Because he has perfectly understood that civilization as it is equals to slavery and that the only possible freedom in such a sinister theater relies in expressing oneself through the last possible free domain: art.

'Mowgli' Born and Raised in Siberian Forest Refuses to Eat a Big Mac on his First Visit to a City

The Age of Confusion: Mass Manipulation & Propaganda


Thailand is a destination country for men, women and children who are trafficked for commercial sex and forced labor, including begging. 

India is a source country for men, women and children trafficked for forced labor and commercial sexual exploitationIndia is also a destination for women and girls from Nepal and Bangladesh trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation.  

Nepali children are trafficked to India for forced labor in circus shows.  Indian women are trafficked to the Middle East for commercial sexual exploitation. 

Australia is a destination country for human trafficking from East Asia, South East Asia, Eastern Europe, China, Korea and Thailand

Burmese men, women and children are trafficked for sexual and labor exploitation in Thailand, China, Malaysia, Bangladesh, South Korea, Macau and Pakistan

Japan  is a destination country for women and children who are trafficked from China, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America for sexual and labor exploitation. 

The Kyrgyz Republic is a source and transit country for men and women trafficked from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and South Asia for forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Men and women are trafficked to Kazakhstan and Russia as forced labor in the agricultural, construction and textile industries. Kyrgyz and foreign women are trafficked to the U.A.E, Kazakhstan, China, South Korea, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Thailand, Germany and Syria for commercial sexual exploitation. 

Women and girls are trafficked to the Netherlands from Nigeria, Bulgaria, China, Sierra Leone, Romania and other countries in Eastern Europe for sexual exploitation and forced labor. Men are trafficked to the Netherlands from India, China, Bangladesh and Turkey for forced labor and sexual exploitation. 

Men, women and children from the former Soviet Union and wider Eastern Europe are trafficked through Bulgaria to Western and Southern Europe for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. 

Ethnic Roma women and children are highly vulnerable to trafficking.

Bulgarian women and some men are trafficked internally, primarily to resort areas along the Black Sea for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. 

The United States is principally a transit and destination country for trafficking in persons, primarily women and children.

red = source country or people - green = destination country



"A government report exposed the case of a Somali girl trafficked into Britain, where human smugglers intended to remove her organs and sell them on the black market, the Daily Telegraph reported. "
"The report claims that the case is a first, but child protection charities say it is unlikely to be an isolated incident since human traffickers were likely to have smuggled a group of children into the country. "
"The countries from where children were trafficked included Vietnam, Nigeria, China, Bangladesh and Romania, the report said. 
Child protection charities have warned that the demand for organ transplants in Britain is being exploited by criminal gangs, who snatch children from target countries and smuggle them into the UK to have their organs harvested. 
"Traffickers are exploiting the demand for organs and the vulnerability of children. It's unlikely that a trafficker is going to take this risk and bring just one child into the UK. It is likely there was a group", said Bharti Patel, the chief executive of Ecpat UK, a child protection charity. 
This comes as the World Health Organization estimates that as many as 7,000 kidneys are illegally obtained by traffickers each year around the world. 

The Modern Day Slavery Epidemic
Saudi Family Hang Maid From Hook & Brutally Beat Her
‘Modern Slavery’:  Migrant Abuses in Qatar
Blood Harvest: Coca Cola Challenged over Orange Trade Linked to 'Exploitation and Squalor'


If WE don't care of OUR OWN KIDS ...



A Miracle in Wisconsin 
Plant-Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity

And, let's remember there are millions of children with no schools at all

Friday, August 09, 2013

Camels Involved in Infecting People in the Middle East with MERS Virus






.83mg/l = 300mg/year if you drink 1 liter/day. An adult body will flush 50% then it accounts for 150mg/year that accumulates. in 10 years it is 1.5gr. But young children evacuate only 15%, that means, until age 5 already:  0.7mg/liter = /day or 0.257gr/year x 5 = 1.285 gr. + normal rate (0.3 gr/year) for 8 years equal to a child by age 13 has already 3.685 gr in the body ... !!!


There is growing evidence that Americans would have better health and a lower incidence of cancer and fibrocystic disease of the breast if they consumed more iodine. A decrease in iodine intake coupled with an increased consumption of competing halogens, fluoride and bromide, has created an epidemic of iodine deficiency in America. - Dr. Donald Miller, Jr.

The toxicity of modern life is impacting iodine levels and in the countries that fluoridate their water this impact is maximized. It is well known that the toxic halides: fluoride and bromide, having structure similar to iodine, can competitively inhibit iodine absorption and binding in the body. All the halogens use the same receptors in the body so fluoride's danger for people is centered in great part on this fact.

Americans and Brazilians, who are more exposed to fluoride than other populations, have a desperate need for more iodine. Taking iodine in its nascent form is not only the best way to increase iodine levels in the safest and most effective way possible for adults and children whose thyroids are already compromised, but it will also greatly aid in ridding the body of dangerous fluoride, bromide, chlorine, perchlorates and heavy metals.

In our age of increasing radioactivity and toxic poisoning specifically with fluoride,[1] chlorine, bromide, and even mercury, iodine is a necessary mineral.

Iodine is extremely important since the cells need it to regulate their metabolism. Without it, people are known to suffer from swollen glands in the throat, thyroid diseases, increased fluoride toxicity, decreased fertility rates, increased infant mortality rates, and (with severe deficiency) mental retardation. It has been theorized that iodine deficiency is a causal factor of ADHD in babies of iodine-deficient mothers.

Iodine intake immediately increases the excretion of bromide, fluoride, and some heavy metals including mercury and lead. Bromide and fluoride are not removed by any other detoxifying technique.

Dr. Kenezy Gyula Korhaz states that iodine chelates heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and halogens such as fluoride and bromide, thus decreasing their iodine-inhibiting effects,[2] especially of the halogens. Iodine has the highest atomic weight of all the common halogens (126.9). Iodine is the only option when it comes to removing these toxic haloids from the thyroid and even the pineal gland where fluoride concentrates, especially when there is a deficiency of iodine in the body.

The human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in the body. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis and this depression increases one's chance of cancer.

Dr. David Brownstein says that fluoride inhibits the ability of the thyroid gland to concentrate iodine and research has shown that fluoride is much more toxic to the body when there is iodine deficiency present. Brownstein says that after only one dose of iodine, the excretion of fluoride increases by 78%.[3]

On January 7, 2011, the US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) proposed lowering the recommended level used in the water fluoridation program to 0.7 ppm, because of the very high incidence of dental fluorosis among American children. An amazing 41% of ALL American children aged 12-15 are now impacted by this condition.

Sodium fluoride is commonly used as a rat poison. Globalists and eugenicists have decided to add it to water supplies with the message to the public that it is good for teeth, despite warnings from the ADA stating that young children risk a disease called dental fluorosis.

After hailing water fluoridation as one of the 10 greatest health achievements of the 20th Century (CDC), the government is calling for a reduction in the amount of fluoride it adds to public water supplies, citing its negative effect on teeth when promotion of healthy teeth is the basic reason given for adding fluoride to the water.

An August 2006 Chinese study found that fluoride in drinking water damages children's liver and kidney functions. One of the strongest physiological effects of fluorides in drinking water (e.g. hydrofluorosilicic acid) is on the kidney, a point to consider in light of increased rates of kidney failure during recent decades.[4]

Kidney disease markedly increases an individual's susceptibility to fluoride toxicity. In healthy adults, the kidneys are able to excrete approximately 50% of an ingested dose of fluoride. However, in adults with kidney disease, the kidneys may excrete as little as 10-20%, and young children may only excrete 15% of an ingested dose—thus increasing the body burden of fluoride and increasing an individual's susceptibility to fluoride poisoning (e.g. renal osteodystrophy).

Scientific evidence over the past 50 plus years has shown that sodium fluoride shortens our life span, promotes various cancers and mental disturbances, and most importantly, makes humans stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one neat little package.

A Scientific American study "concluded that fluoride can subtly alter endocrine function, especially in the thyroid." The National Research Council of the National Academies in a 2006 report on page 266 said, "In summary, evidence of several types indicates that fluoride affects normal endocrine function or response; the effects of the fluoride-induced changes vary in degree and kind in different individuals. Fluoride is therefore an endocrine disruptor in the broad sense of altering normal endocrine function."

Halogen Displacement

The mechanism behind "halogen displacement" was probably best described by J. C. Jarvis, M.D. (Folk Medicine, Henry Holt & Co., 1958, HB, p. 136), who wrote: "The clinical activity of any one of these four halogens is in inverse proportion to its atomic weight. This means that any one of the four can displace the element with a higher atomic weight, but cannot displace an element with a lower atomic weight. For example, fluorine can displace chlorine, bromine, and iodine because fluorine has a lower atomic weight than the other three. Similarly, chlorine can displace bromine and iodine because they both have a higher atomic weight." Likewise, bromine can displace iodine from the body because iodine has a higher atomic weight. A reverse order is not possible.

European doctors used fluoride as a thyroid-suppressing medication for patients with HYPER-thyroidism (over-active thyroid). Fluoride was utilized because it was found to be effective at reducing the activity of the thyroid gland—even at doses as low as 2 mg/day.


8 Foods Rich in Iodine

CONFIRMED: Fluoride Causing Brain Damage to Children

Turmeric Prevents Fluoride from Destroying your Brain


2013 results (waiting for 2014 where it should read 0.00 !)

2014 : Well ...  

there STILL is Fluoride !!