Sunday, September 25, 2022

Handshakes, bullets and the Individual (part 2)


Handshakes, bullets and the Individual (part 1)

"React ! Don't do act !" ... Sing this on the tune of Frankies goes to Hollywood, 1984 (!). The eighties were the real turning point into the present reality. The digital era was boiling in the cauldrons while Deng Xiaoping was 'opening' China to the West and Gorbachev's Perestroika in effect signed the end of the Cold War. Just 40 years before today.

What the PTBs do best is providing us with a multiple goals fabricated reality. They say: 'Be active, just do it'. So that so, people are acting over passive goals which they didn't chose from inside but from outside. People think that they act whereas they react. One believes that he has chosen when he is only following scripts. People are therefore not acting but reacting. In the top-down controlled society, man is no more an actor, a creator but a player in a game he did not chose just like Chaplin at the factory. 

The individual is no more who he is but what 'They' want him to be, although he retains an illusion of his original free-will while choosing among all the prefab images of himself at his disposal. Each day is viewed as a challenge to progress toward artificial victories that are perceived as what you must reach to become who you believe that you want to be. 

You are no more yourself but a part in the Matrix. We're talking a lot about a 'Great Reset' albeit we already live through an infinity of small resets. Nothing is anymore permanent, your car and your driver license, your phone and your computer programs ... Your life. You have to update on a daily basis each and every step you are taking to only remain adapted to the necessities of a basic living and everyone of those steps takes you further away from who you are intrinsically. Even one's gender is not a definite immutable reality anymore ... This never achieved goal throw people into a superficial living mode where there is no future to plan for. Thus the raise and the success of fast food, fast pleasure and virtual reality.

To counter the pitiable dystopian 'reality' we have sunk into, most of the alternative authors are advocating as the ultimate remedy the centering on the individual. From a health outlook, like Joseph Mercola or Sayer Ji (GreenMedInfo) to a spiritual one like Dylan Charles (Waking Times) or Jon Rappoport, the reconquering of the individual power is the main topic. Many more writers are today referring to it as one if not the only solution to fight the PTBs. Empowering the individual looks like the ultimate goal to defeat the masters. 

Although I do praise and support such an approach, I think they miss the foundation of what is an individual and therefore the consequences of their discourses. The individual as essential as it is since it is the cornerstone of society is not and cannot be the goal in itself. You can homeschool your children with the highest possible education, intellectually, morally and spiritually but when they reach their teen years, they look outside to see what happen and, 'voila', they fall in love with Madonna, Bieber or anything that shines and forget on the spot all you had taught. They're gone, they're lost. 

If not for individuals to regroup around common principles that would transform the depraved society we're in, there is no hope in the individual itself.

Every individual entity is a form of life, a limited, in appearance and duration, expression of life that itself is universal and eternal. Thereby, the characteristics of any living individual are that of life. Today, no one knows how life 'appeared' in the universe, on earth, because life is not an 'emergence' but an embodiment of 'What is'. It took some fourteen billions years for the universe we live in to prepare the advent of life. Through the evolution of the universe, we can have a glimpse at what are the fundamentals of life, of our life. 

The universe went from a state of an indefinite mass to an organized cosmos. Its expansion was on pair with the emergence of shapes, with a differentiation of its primordial elements. When these elements came to become stable enough and reached a specific distribution, life could spring. These essential elements to life are an adequate level, composition and repartition, of light, air and water above and inside a determinate ground. In the case of the earth, it is a round planet that rotates around a sun with a temperature that allows water and atmosphere to exist. The basics of life are the sun, water and air.

Like the universe, life has had its evolution from the undetermined to the specialized. The universe, life have an orientation and therefore a meaning. From the first cellular division in water to the birth of an human child next to the sea, a lake or a river, life is showing an arrow of significance. This significance brings within two qualities among others: beauty and goodness. Life is a matter of being good and beautiful, inside as much as outside. 


Another thing to take into consideration are the the two elements that constitute the universe, matter and energy. At the beginning of the Big Bang, only energy existed. It took some time for matter to appear. There is energy in matter because it is derived from energy but the two now exist in separate forms. The breakthrough of life is resulting of a combination of matter and energy, the physical and non-physical realm of a living being.

Life creatures have a form that is made of matter but that holds its unique appearance from the energy that is inside that form. Take the energy out of the living form and the matter crumbles. 

You must first have a vision and then check facts to see how accurate you were. The vision must have bases, universal absolute bases. These bases preexist us, humans. They are to be found in Life, the Life we inherit for a time, for a short while. The goal is to create a good and beautiful society as nature shows us it can be in its realm, the individual being the tool.

All what is "big", governments, cities, businesses... must be outlawed. This is the only way out ! We must come back to the family, the neighborhood, the village through local autonomous grassroots collectivities settled in natural environments, and there are lots of country space to achieve that !!

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