Wednesday, September 07, 2022

A school ? A jail ? (part updated)


Truth is: we won't win the battle against tyranny today, neither tomorrow for two reasons. 

Tyranny with the technological help, technocracy as some say, has taken too much an advance in controlling us. We, the people on the contrary have become too much engulfed in desiring the continuation of the tech mirage that has downgraded us to the state of willing slaves, ie: idiotic, numb, automated creatures.

What can be done in the short term, at best, is controlling the advance of the extreme moves as is being done by some political, juridical and alt news individuals.

The real focus to stop the PTBs must be on children and, in the name of children, doing all that can be done to spare them of the indoctrination because it will be only the next generations that will have the necessary knowledge and experience to put the tyrants back to where they belong: graves. 

Nowadays, with the Woke ideology, there is something to fight against, but we must acknowledge that it is the tree that hides the forest !


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