Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Israel: At the forefront of governmental nudging


Israel had been created by Ashkenazi (NON)-Jews with the help of Anglo-Saxons fascists who until now lead the state toward the disintegration of any true Jewish identity. 

The Covid governmental mind-control has become a textbook case for engaging the people toward self destruction.

 As Joseph Mercola reports in his article: 'Liars, propagandists and the great reset':

Of course, the entire COVID pandemic has been plagued by propaganda. Behavioral scientist Simon Ruda, cofounder of the British Behavioral Insights Team, unofficially known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, confirms that the British government has been using propaganda tactics to scare the public into complying with COVID rules.

“Nudging made subtle state influence palatable, but mixed with a state of emergency, have we inadvertently sanctioned state propaganda ?” Simon Ruda

According to Ruda, fear tactics such as an overemphasis on flawed models were initially deployed to secure compliance during the first lockdown. However, it then never ended.

All in all, the masses still wear masks and the public induced fear remain prevalent. The Chinese behavioral model has climbed a lot more and Israel is on the lead of deception. 

Pfizer alone has granted the Israeli ministry of health more than 44 millions in the last ten years among some 75 millions donated to various health institutions by different big pharma companies.

Despite a few voices who cry wolf like that of Jessica Rose, Ehud Qimron or Idit Matot, the Israeli dictatorship is tightening its grip and cooperation with Pfizer in announcing two catastrophic steps with the latter falling in line with what Mercola said (scroll down to the article) that it was the pharma's dream: :

- A yearly shot of Mrna

- Vaccinating babies

Fauci decrees kids under four will get three COVID ‘vaccines’

Pfizer expects vaccines for children 6 months to 5 years within "weeks"

Meanwhile, the art of propaganda is riding the Apocalypse horse faster than ever. As you can see in the links to Israel 365, every article is crowned with a Bible excerpt. Mind-control has taken a speed turn thanks to the Covid experiment as well as ongoing research. The latest trend being to 'save' another bunch of faux Jews from the Ukraine war threat. 

There has been heroin addicts, alcohol addicts but the 21th century has created some new kinds of addiction ... Facebook addicts and late but not least, jab addicts ! Progress is everywhere !!!

Migrants are a gold mine for the PTB because of numerous reasons. Migrants are thirsty of material living and fervent supporters of the established powers of the countries they are welcome into. They are lowering national identity feelings, trashing away anything that is not crowned with success. They are frontline promoters of the PTB brands like Nike or Coca Cola. They rush to buy anything that is useless but shine and make them feel they got ahead.

As Fenimore Cooper said, they keep the wrongs of their origin and adopt the wrongs of their new homeland, a win-win for the tyrants !

Israel is 100% made of migrants which means that the level of self consciousness is akin to fast-food habits which here translates into tomato-cucumber salad with lots of meat ... 

5 shekel new coin
"Thank you doctor for killing me"

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths

Hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for COVID, every COVID diagnosis and every 'COVID death,' as well as any time they use remdesivir and mechanical ventilation. They don't get a special bonus if you live, so is it any wonder...


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 31, 2022


Hospital Incentives Are Driving Up COVID Deaths

You might wonder why doctors and hospital administrators insist on using treatments known to be ineffective at best and deadly at worst, while stubbornly refusing to administer anything that has been shown to work, be it intravenous vitamin C, hydroxychloroquine and zinc, ivermectin or corticosteroids.

The most likely answer is because they're protecting their bottom line. In the U.S., hospitals not only risk losing federal funding if they administer these treatments, but they also get a variety of incentives for doing all the wrong things. Hospitals receive payments for:

COVID testing for all patients

COVID diagnoses

Admitting a "COVID patient"

Use of


Use of mechanical ventilation

COVID deaths


What's worse, there's evidence that certain hospital systems, and perhaps all of them, have waived patients' rights, making anyone diagnosed with COVID a virtual prisoner of the hospital, with no ability to exercise informed consent. In short, hospitals are doing whatever they want with patients, and they have every incentive to maltreat them, and no incentive to give them treatments other than that dictated to them by the National Institutes of Health.

As reported by Citizens Journal,18 the U.S. government actually pays hospitals a "bonus" on the entire hospital bill if they use Remdesivir, a drug shown to cause severe organ damage. Even coroners are given bonuses for every COVID-19 death.


A Bounty Has Been Placed on Your Life

"What does this mean for your health and safety as a patient in the hospital?" Citizens Journal asks.19 Without mincing words, it means your health is in severe jeopardy. Citizen Journal likens government-directed COVID treatments to a bounty placed on your life, where payouts are tied to your decline, not your recovery.

"For Remdesivir, studies show that 71–75% of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to 10 days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death," Citizen Journal writes.

"Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak20 had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that Remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of Remdesivir showed similar adverse effects.

In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering ... [attorney Thomas] Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.

Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America's hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.


We now see government-dictated medical care at its worst in our history since the federal government mandated these ineffective and dangerous treatments for COVID-19, and then created financial incentives for hospitals and doctors to use only those 'approved' (and paid for) approaches.

Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become 'bounty hunters' for your life.

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