Monday, January 31, 2022

HOPE ? To what avail ?


This is it, or it is about to be. Finally the people is standing up massively. It took two years. Mostly thanks to America, that I deemed the only place to be able to stop the madness; just not America but Canada. Just not the 'learned' populace but people who have retained a sense of independence: truckers.

I can't rejoice more about that since my first job had been precisely this, truck driver, in 1980, driving a 19 tons around Nancy, France, at a time where there was no power steering, neither air conditioning nor GPS. It was kind of a childhood dream to navigate the world freely two meters above the road ...

I did not notice the protests sooner in the blog because of what I'll try to explain afterwards. I boast myself to being quite an intelligent man but I definitely know that I am limited in scope. Apart from photography and philosophy, and some manual easiness, I find it difficult to perform different tasks at the same time and to learn scientific knowledge, both of which are the real test of mind superiority.

However, I am good at perceiving people and events at first sights. For example, at the beginning of October last year, after having been a year without internet, I spotted quickly that the 'vaccines' were not all made of the same stuff. The proof of that appeared only a month later in a limited number of articles of which I added links to my post later on. Similarly, right before I lost internet at the beginning of may 2020, I had put a copy of a small text that I wrote in my blog in french that stated:

1. The virus was created in a lab, and not just one but many across the world alternatively *

2. The virus was genetically modified (I did not say Gain Of Function but that was in my mind without knowing about the process)

3. The virus was striking the cardiovascular system

I say that not to glorify myself, God forbid, but to ask the question: why did it took some two years for the ones that are looking for truth to understand what I did so early with my limited intelligence ?

* Still more & more right dude !!!

What really happened in Wuhan ?

"Up until this book by Sharri Markson, very few investigators, except for Alexis Baden-Mayer of the OCA and Whitney Webb from Unlimited Hangout, have pointed out that most of the money going to the reckless genetic engineering of Potential Pathogenic Pathogens (PPPs) has come from the military industrial complex of the U.S., China, and other nations, rather than just from Big Pharma, vaccine entrepreneurs, far exceeding the money coming from government public health funders such as Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, the U.S. and Chinese Centers for Disease Control, and others.

The Pentagon and global military institutions call the type of genetic engineering and lab manipulation carried out at Wuhan, China, Fort Detrick, Maryland, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of Texas Medical School at Galveston, the University of Wisconsin, and hundreds of other bio-safety labs “dual-use” research, meaning that it has both medical and biological weapon potential.

Under international treaty, the Biological Weapons Convention, lab engineering of biological weapons is strictly prohibited. This is why the Pentagon and the Chinese military prefer to fund “dual use” research such as the PPP research that has caused numerous lab leaks in the past and the accidental escape (or deliberate release) at Wuhan that unleashed COVID-19, as Markson’s book reveals."

That said, I do certainly rejoice of the extent of the protests because no matter what, this madness has to be stopped, as it is, but again I ask: then what ? There is a case of genocide but to prosecute it, that would mean not only targeting the Faucis, the Gates & co but all the heads of governments worldwide and most of the civil servants. When I see images of the protests, there are together with freedom signs national flags and that mixture tells me that the people will stop short of going to the end of the fight.

Nationality is an untouchable artifact of human mind and, like the land property 'right', nothing will ever progress toward a graspable freedom as long as people define themselves as land owners and national flag servants. I have talked about that at length. Because of these two fundamental illusions in which man is confining himself, humanity's future will remain doomed for the times to come indefinitely.

Despite finding myself not one paycheck before poverty but one after, I consider still being fulfilled when every morning, I come to work and notice an old woman having spent the night in her old red car on the nearby parking lot. Yes, Israel is not freezing like NY but nonetheless !? As we have learned the hard way with the Covid experiment, governments are not in place to care for the people but to herd them for the profit of oligarchs. This cannot be stopped as long as there are national states that have been bought by private loan sharks, themselves blessed by the right of property at the expense of 99% of us all. 

If misery is crawling in the open in many places, the loss of human values has affected the whole populations and the riches are not spared with dehumanization, on the contrary so ! Quite honestly, despite what all the concerned individuals are achieving these present days, I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel, do you ?


I touched upon the role of Yale in creating the elites who run the world for the profit of the mega riches, and themselves. Yale was certainly the place where these elites were concocted but Skull and Bones is now an old story although it still propels many insiders. But Yale has metastasized for long and its knowledge has passed to many places from London to Beijing. Moreover, the schools for dominating have been around for millenaries and Putin didn't need it, did he ?

"Bones is a secret society created by rising elites, for rising elites. William Huntington Russell, whose ancestry included numerous New England luminaries, seems to have drawn direct inspiration from German secret societies, called Burschenschaften, after spending time there."

Man is an incurable egoistic creature, it seems ! The cure, the only one, is to put on top of one's egocentric viewpoint the notion of an all encompassing entity, i.e. God, that is the one and only 'Seeing eye' from which we come and to which we return, AND that all we do in life is recorded in His Lifebook so that we better believe in Him than in ourselves.

So simple and so complicated it is to trust and to submit to one's soul ... It looks that the soul of man is rarest than gold although it shines more than diamond. 

What soul ?
No soul, no cry !

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