Monday, January 31, 2022

HOPE ? To what avail ?


This is it, or it is about to be. Finally the people is standing up massively. It took two years. Mostly thanks to America, that I deemed the only place to be able to stop the madness; just not America but Canada. Just not the 'learned' populace but people who have retained a sense of independence: truckers.

I can't rejoice more about that since my first job had been precisely this, truck driver, in 1980, driving a 19 tons around Nancy, France, at a time where there was no power steering, neither air conditioning nor GPS. It was kind of a childhood dream to navigate the world freely two meters above the road ...

I did not notice the protests sooner in the blog because of what I'll try to explain afterwards. I boast myself to being quite an intelligent man but I definitely know that I am limited in scope. Apart from photography and philosophy, and some manual easiness, I find it difficult to perform different tasks at the same time and to learn scientific knowledge, both of which are the real test of mind superiority.

However, I am good at perceiving people and events at first sights. For example, at the beginning of October last year, after having been a year without internet, I spotted quickly that the 'vaccines' were not all made of the same stuff. The proof of that appeared only a month later in a limited number of articles of which I added links to my post later on. Similarly, right before I lost internet at the beginning of may 2020, I had put a copy of a small text that I wrote in my blog in french that stated:

1. The virus was created in a lab, and not just one but many across the world alternatively *

2. The virus was genetically modified (I did not say Gain Of Function but that was in my mind without knowing about the process)

3. The virus was striking the cardiovascular system

I say that not to glorify myself, God forbid, but to ask the question: why did it took some two years for the ones that are looking for truth to understand what I did so early with my limited intelligence ?

* Still more & more right dude !!!

What really happened in Wuhan ?

"Up until this book by Sharri Markson, very few investigators, except for Alexis Baden-Mayer of the OCA and Whitney Webb from Unlimited Hangout, have pointed out that most of the money going to the reckless genetic engineering of Potential Pathogenic Pathogens (PPPs) has come from the military industrial complex of the U.S., China, and other nations, rather than just from Big Pharma, vaccine entrepreneurs, far exceeding the money coming from government public health funders such as Anthony Fauci’s NIAID, the U.S. and Chinese Centers for Disease Control, and others.

The Pentagon and global military institutions call the type of genetic engineering and lab manipulation carried out at Wuhan, China, Fort Detrick, Maryland, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the University of Texas Medical School at Galveston, the University of Wisconsin, and hundreds of other bio-safety labs “dual-use” research, meaning that it has both medical and biological weapon potential.

Under international treaty, the Biological Weapons Convention, lab engineering of biological weapons is strictly prohibited. This is why the Pentagon and the Chinese military prefer to fund “dual use” research such as the PPP research that has caused numerous lab leaks in the past and the accidental escape (or deliberate release) at Wuhan that unleashed COVID-19, as Markson’s book reveals."

That said, I do certainly rejoice of the extent of the protests because no matter what, this madness has to be stopped, as it is, but again I ask: then what ? There is a case of genocide but to prosecute it, that would mean not only targeting the Faucis, the Gates & co but all the heads of governments worldwide and most of the civil servants. When I see images of the protests, there are together with freedom signs national flags and that mixture tells me that the people will stop short of going to the end of the fight.

Nationality is an untouchable artifact of human mind and, like the land property 'right', nothing will ever progress toward a graspable freedom as long as people define themselves as land owners and national flag servants. I have talked about that at length. Because of these two fundamental illusions in which man is confining himself, humanity's future will remain doomed for the times to come indefinitely.

Despite finding myself not one paycheck before poverty but one after, I consider still being fulfilled when every morning, I come to work and notice an old woman having spent the night in her old red car on the nearby parking lot. Yes, Israel is not freezing like NY but nonetheless !? As we have learned the hard way with the Covid experiment, governments are not in place to care for the people but to herd them for the profit of oligarchs. This cannot be stopped as long as there are national states that have been bought by private loan sharks, themselves blessed by the right of property at the expense of 99% of us all. 

If misery is crawling in the open in many places, the loss of human values has affected the whole populations and the riches are not spared with dehumanization, on the contrary so ! Quite honestly, despite what all the concerned individuals are achieving these present days, I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel, do you ?


I touched upon the role of Yale in creating the elites who run the world for the profit of the mega riches, and themselves. Yale was certainly the place where these elites were concocted but Skull and Bones is now an old story although it still propels many insiders. But Yale has metastasized for long and its knowledge has passed to many places from London to Beijing. Moreover, the schools for dominating have been around for millenaries and Putin didn't need it, did he ?

"Bones is a secret society created by rising elites, for rising elites. William Huntington Russell, whose ancestry included numerous New England luminaries, seems to have drawn direct inspiration from German secret societies, called Burschenschaften, after spending time there."

Man is an incurable egoistic creature, it seems ! The cure, the only one, is to put on top of one's egocentric viewpoint the notion of an all encompassing entity, i.e. God, that is the one and only 'Seeing eye' from which we come and to which we return, AND that all we do in life is recorded in His Lifebook so that we better believe in Him than in ourselves.

So simple and so complicated it is to trust and to submit to one's soul ... It looks that the soul of man is rarest than gold although it shines more than diamond. 

What soul ?
No soul, no cry !

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Until dawn with Vladimir Zelenko


Doctor Zelenko is not only a doctor who from the start advocated for early treating the SARS Covid2 with Hydroxichloroquine. He is not only one of the few who connects the dots that far as to reveal the deep agenda of the PTB. Vladimir Zelenko survived two open heart operations and lost his right lumb. He is still fighting a deadly rare type of cancer and he is still here fighting for the truth, he is a survivor !!!

The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 30, 2022



The COVID Jabs — Another Crime Against Humanity

In addition to killing untold numbers of people by denying and suppressing early treatment options, governments around the world are also killing people with the COVID jabs. A year into the aggressive campaign to inject as many people as possible, it’s likely the shots have killed more people than have died from the infection. It’s very difficult to tell, unfortunately, because the data are so seriously manipulated.

“In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming. The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who's advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population ?  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko”

Zelenko estimates somewhere between 500,000 to 1 million Americans have been killed by the shots to date. Disturbingly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that the shots could have serious consequences, yet they pushed them anyway. What’s more, they refuse to address the mindboggling number of adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). The safety signal couldn’t possibly be clearer.


“In October, 2020, two months before the vaccine rollout, there was an internal presentation in the FDA to its scientists, and on slide 16 of that presentation, there was a list of side effects: death, heart attack, stroke, blood clots, horrific neurological diseases, myocarditis and many, many more,” Zelenko says.

“Now keep in mind, this is two months prior to the rollout. After the vaccines were rolled out, and a few months into it, when the VAERS database started showing the side effects that people were experiencing, there's a 100% correlation with what that slide said would happen, and what actually happened to human beings.

That is premeditated mass murder. FDA knew exactly what it was doing. They knew exactly the side effects, and they released it anyway ...”


What’s the Real Agenda?

Why would the FDA behave this way ? Why aren’t they safeguarding public health from a clearly lethal treatment? And on the other hand, why aren’t they allowing doctors to help people with early treatment ?

Zelenko explains:

“In the mid-‘90s, it became obvious that the American economy was doomed. The Medicare and Social Security systems would become insolvent, and that would cause a tsunami-like effect nationally and internationally. And it was unstoppable. It was [mathematically inevitable].

Medicare, according to Congressional Budget Office, in 2027 will begin the process towards bankruptcy. So, security as of today [will last until] 2034. Now, the major stakeholders in the world economies saw an existential threat. They understood that their power and wealth was in real jeopardy.

And so a plan was developed, which was beyond the technology at that time, but the technology was being developed. So, for example, the Human Genome Project was mapped and completed.

Then CRISPR technology was developed, which is gene editing or gene splicing in very precise ways. That was sold as a way to cure genetic diseases. There's a defective gene. You can just cut it out and splice in, cut and paste, basically, a healthy gene.


That's the upside. The downside is that it creates possibilities to do gene editing for nefarious reasons. In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming.

The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated. So, the obvious rhetorical question is, ‘Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who's advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population?’

In 2016, Klaus Schwab, in an interview said something very strange. He said that within 10 years, by 2026, every single human being will be tagged with a digital identifier. What does that mean, and why ?


Let's go through the sequence of events. A bioweapon is made with an antidote, which is being suppressed and hidden. [The bioweapon] is released. It's extremely easy to treat. However, that information is being suppressed, and access to those medications is being suppressed, and doctors who are advocating for it are being persecuted.

Anything that seems to give people hope, lessen anxiety, encourage reintegration with your loved ones seems to be immediately vilified, even early intervention. If you look at the NIH, they recommend, as of today, not to treat COVID unless they're in the hospital with lung damage. Don't do that.

And so, I was wondering, what is really going on ? And why this incessant push to vaccinate everyone? Why jail doctors for using meds at work? Because it encourages the vaccine hesitancy.


Then I realized something. There were two patents that I became aware of. They're separated by a year, but they're linked in the puzzle, in the concept. One was August 31, 2021, that describes ... nanotechnology engineering. It basically describes the following:

That there is the capability, the technology, already existing, in these vaccines that allows for the measurement of biometric data, meaning your heart rate, your respiratory rate, temperature, and then the transmission of that data with your location to a third party.

That didn't even make sense to me. Like what ? But then I realized there's another patent owned by Microsoft. This one I remember by heart. It's an international patent, WO202060606. You can't make this stuff up. That patent describes linkage of biometric data transmission to cryptocurrency.


Then I got it. And by the way, 2026, when everyone's supposed to be tagged with a digital ID, let's call it an internal Auschwitz tattoo, is a year before the beginning of the insolvency of Medicare and the beginning of economic collapse. And so, the real agenda has become obvious to me.

It's never been about health. COVID-19 is easy to treat. It was always about using fear and mass psychosis to get 7 billion people to willfully get injected with the technology that would permit them to participate in the new cryptocurrency-based system, the system that the world will use for finance.

Fiat currency and all the traditional ways of transactions will be gone. The only way that you actually will be able to participate in transactions, of buying bread, let's say, is having a transmitting sensor of information with your location. It's the mark of the beast, if you really want to know. With that, you can then buy bread for your family ...

Gates and Schwab [are] both talking talk about how these vaccines change who you are. What does that mean ? They explain it. [With] the gene editing technology, they are making the human better. That's transhumanism. I call it Human 2.0. Human 1.0 is the version made by God. We are is imprinted [with God] in our genetic code. We're made in the image of God because we have his code in us.

Now, would you give Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab the password to your home security system? Why would we give him access to our genetic code? Human 2.0, in the demented, depraved, deranged minds of these people is the next step up in the evolution of human beings. And I'm saying that if you allow that to happen to yourself, you're no longer made in the image of God. You're made in the image of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.”


A Ploy to Tag Us for the NWO’s Slave System

So, in summary, Zelenko believes that everything we’ve experienced so far — the aggressive marketing of the shots, the coercion and threats made to get as many injected as possible — has all been a ploy to “tag” as many people as possible in preparation for the New World Order’s cryptocurrency system, which will be managed by a small select group, and used to enslave all of humanity.

As noted by Zelenko, the World Economic Forum has publicly announced that by 2030, the U.S. will no longer be a superpower, and a few countries will be in charge of global governance. Now, how do you destabilize an economic engine like the U.S. ?

“You create a pandemic,” Zelenko says. “You lock down middle class businesses, small businesses ... But you leave Walmart and Home Depot open ... It’s a wealth transfer from the middle class to the people in power. It's a robbery, basically.


This is one big attempt at enslaving humanity. It's a brilliant plan, by the way. It's evil, but it's brilliant because slavery has always been the most lucrative industry and asset throughout human history. Now is no different. And so, you have a few sociopaths who believe in their immortality and think that they'll transfer their consciousness to some cyborg, enjoying the whole world as their playground.”

Zelenko goes on to discuss the statements inscribed on the Georgia Guidestones, a huge granite monument erected anonymously in a small town in Georgia, which lays out 10 commandments. The first one is that the world population should be reduced to and maintained at 500 million. If the COVID shots continue, it’s not inconceivable that the human population might be reduced to that size.


The Why Behind the Genocide

A few months ago, Elon Musk debuted his humanoid robots, saying that since these robots will eliminate 90% of the workforce, we therefore need universal basic income. This too is part of The Great Reset plan, which embraces both technocracy and transhumanism.

“Keep in mind that in the minds of these people, we're not made in the divine [image]. We're cockroaches. And they're not going to throw endless universal income resources at cockroaches for too long. They'll do it initially to identify the useless eaters, and then they will be liquidated. This has happened before.

Just 80 years ago you had the Nazi ideology based on eugenics, which created three classes of people. You have the ubermensch, what Nietzsche would call Superman. Then the mensch, which is the human, and then the untermensch, which is the subhuman. In the [Nazi] model, the [Nazis were] Supermen, descendants of Aryan gods. That gave them the power to enslave others.

So, for example, the Anglo-Saxons, basically Europeans, were meant to be slaves to the Aryans. And the subhumans, which I belong to — Jews, gypsies, Slavs, handicapped, political prisoners — we were meant to be vaporized, become dust.


That ideology did not go away. It resurfaced with the nuance that is not antisemitic right now. In a kind of an abstract way, we're all Jews this time, because the hierarchy here is not based on religion or identity, but rather on the deranged belief that they've evolved, the Superman of this generation, into a higher level of consciousness.

They're woke and they understand and are enlightened about the nature of the human condition. They're custodians of the planet, and therefore it's their responsibility to make sure the planet has solvency, that it continues to exist. And therefore, we have to reduce the world population.”


Cause for Optimism

While humanity is in a most precarious situation, Zelenko is optimistic about the future.

“I'll tell you what I really think is going on,” he says. “There’s what we see, and then there's the, let's call it spiritual physics, at play. Karl Jung, the famous psychoanalyst, wrote, ‘The moral degradation of society begins with the degradation of the individual.’ From that, we can actually learn that moral improvement of society begins with improvement of the individual.

We, as a society, over the last 50, 60 years, have made some very bad choices. For example, we've desanctified or defiled gender roles ... Marriage has lost its sanctity. The unborn are being massacred. In the Bible, there are two cities that were destroyed, Sodom and Gomorrah, and there's an analysis why that happened. It wasn't because of the immorality, because the whole world was immoral.

It was because they codified immorality into the law of the land. That's exactly what has happened in [the U.S.] We've devolved ... We worship the God of science, the god of technology, the god of money, god of power. Anything but [the true] God. And we are clearly practicing child sacrifice.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer, told me personally, and then he actually publicized it, that for every one child that dies of COVID, 100 die from the vaccine. The [COVID shot] is 100 times more lethal to children than COVID. What do you call that? That's child sacrifice.


So, I feel that, by way of analogy, we're in the generation of flood. The house is going to get cleaned, and each individual is given a choice to get on the ark or not.

Or, to make it simpler, who do you bow down to? Do you bow down to your creator, who makes you in every instant of time ? Do you ask [God] for fortitude, endurance, strength, resolve, the ability to deal with the unknown and fear ? Or are you going to give in to the fear and bow down to corrupt sociopaths, oligarchs, corrupt governments, and the false promise of the golden calf of these vaccines?

Because at this point, in this country at least, no one's holding you down and putting a needle into your arm. The majority of people, they want to travel by plane. They don't want to lose their job. They want to go to school. It's all these kinds of quality of life decisions. In other words, in a normal society, the parents sacrifice for the well-being of the children. In pagan societies, we sacrifice the children for the purpose of the adults.”


Peaceful Civil Disobedience Is the Answer

So, what’s the answer? Can we stop this transhumanist trajectory that threatens the very core of what makes us human? Can we prevent this plan for our enslavement from coming to fruition? Zelenko believes there is a way, as do I.

“The answer is we need organized civil disobedience. Do not comply. They can't imprison everyone. They can't fire everyone. They can't expel everyone. They can't lock down everyone. There's many more of us than them. And actually, let me speak to the military leaders, to the police, to people that are charged to protect society.

You also have children. You also have parents. And we are relying on you to do what's best for the citizens of this country, to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic. All we need to do is to coalesce with like-minded people. Take your kids out of school. Homeschool them. You can teach them morality.

The World Health Organization came out with an edict that if your kids go to school, that's implied consent for the vaccine because you could have not sent them. And since you sent them to school, that's implying that you're consenting for them to be vaccinated, even without your knowledge.

Basically, we have to make small pockets, like cities of refuge, in a sense, of like-minded people; create an alternate society; do commerce with ourselves. I know there are forces really working hard to create an alternate cryptocurrency or blockchain system that is decentralized and would allow for people who don't want to be tagged with a digital identifier to transact with each other.”


As noted by Zelenko, it’s becoming more and more obvious that the pandemic measures were never about protecting us from COVID. It was always about creating a new world order. It was about setting the stage for a Great Reset to “Build Back Better.”

But better for whom ? The Build Back Better plan is about building “a society run by a few sociopaths and the rest of us enslaved,” Zelenko says. The good news is that more and more people are now starting to see this plan, and “once that realization reaches a certain threshold of people, countries are going to change and fall like dominoes,” he says.

As for when we might get our freedom back, that depends on us. As noted by Zelenko, “freedom isn't free.” We were free (at least up until 2020) because our forefathers had the courage to confront tyranny. If we want our children to be free, we now have to display that same courage.

“Whether or not our children will be free depends on whether or not we are ready to sacrifice,” Zelenko says. “Are we ready, in this generation, to pay the price to ensure that our children thrive in freedom and have the ability to maintain God consciousness ?

It's going to happen. The unknown variable is to body count. I would hope that this interview reaches the consciousness of every single human being. People must choose to say no from this point on.”

Saturday, January 29, 2022

The secret Is crime



Avetis Muradyan, 12.22, 2021


There is a governance lesson in the way that Shanghai’s police manage the city’s underground: the underground is useful. Consequently, there is an ideal level of crime in a society and it is not zero. Competent governance requires making room for a criminal underground. The competent ruler can leverage it to cement his hold on power or to take power against a flailing state. Additionally, the underground is a great place for rising political elites to learn the more fundamental realities of power.

China is not for beginners.

China is also where Western liberal prejudices go to die. You can’t have prosperity under communist rule, except if you can. You can’t have functional markets without the rule of law, except if you can. You can’t have a criminal underground under a total surveillance state, except if you can.

This modus operandi is present in many countries under authoritarian rule and the criminal underground is always party to the arrangement.

When the Shanghai police refuse to enforce the law against certain actors within the city’s underground, they are effectively making an exception. The government and the police suspend the due course of the state’s judicial mechanism in an ultimate act of sovereignty where the interests of the state are placed above its own regular functioning.

It’s a good model, but not a perfect one. The liberal state with a corporate political identity is modern, but the coexistence of law and criminality is not. There are other, older conceptions to draw on.


Another conception is that of the extension of privileges. When the monarchies of 17th- and 18th-century Europe allocated letters of marque for disrupting shipping, they were codifying a de facto exemption from the legal means of suppressing international piracy. They withdrew their legal prerogative in order to grant a distinct power to a subordinate. A personal-level “state of exception” transformed into a legal privilege, once again for the superior interest of the state. These mechanisms of suspension are necessary to the regular exercise of political power. The recruitment of rogue elements for reasons of state has historically been an integral part of these suspensions.

But what exactly are these underground or rogue elements and what relationship do they have to state power?

First, a little structural analysis is necessary. What exactly is the underground “under” and the state “over?” That middle is where the proper functioning of society occurs, where people dwell, work, marry, reproduce, and die according to the norms of what society considers worthwhile and respectable. This is the domain of “normal” society: the working man, the middle classes, the local gentry, the trades and major professions, and most of the bourgeoisie. It includes neither society’s commanding heights, nor its deviants, outcasts, and criminals. This is society’s core, not its outliers. Its members do not generate new sets of norms much, but their role in upholding and socially reproducing norms means that a real society-wide transformation isn’t complete until it wins over this social majority. Once this happens, formerly radical or deviant sets of norms themselves become the socially enforced and largely unquestioned markers of basic respectability.

This middle section of society is also where the immense majority of production happens, and thus where the logic of production regulates life. Nearly all societies can be divided between “productive” and “non-productive” sections. Even hunter-gatherers have these distinctions, with the production done by the hunters and the gatherers and the “lower” and “upper” elements represented in the figures of the outcast on one hand and the shaman on the other. The former is outside of the reproductive system by virtue of his exclusion and the latter is outside of it by his proximity to the higher spiritual forms.


Just as production has a logic of its own, so do the things which are excluded from it. This is true regardless of whether they are “lower” or “higher” in relation to production. The key distinction, in this case, is between productive and non-productive, regardless of whether the latter groups are rejected by productive society as filth or as transcendence.

Armed with this expansive distinction, it becomes evident that the underground isn’t simply the variety of criminal organizations that may operate under or outside the auspices of productive and respectable society. It also encompasses all elements which respectable society rejects as unclean, improper, or deviant. The same goes with “higher” elements which are rejected as superior, elusive values—praiseworthy, but not accessible to most people. The logic of production has no use for warriors, criminals, poets, or aristocrats because it sees these elements ultimately as either parasitic or disruptive to the processes of production. Yet it encounters a major problem: the logic of production requires the functioning of a coercive and administrative state.


The administrative state is the productive state. It is where paperwork is processed, where driver’s licenses are granted, roads are paved, and where all the functional, algorithmic and mechanical processes of the state are hard at work. The coercive state is where the higher transcendental processes which are concerned with state violence and the mythos of legitimacy take place. It includes monarchs and the traditions of monarchies, the armed forces, the secret and not-so-secret police forces, esoteric aristocratic and technocratic rituals, the charisma and magnetism of authoritarian leaders, the mandates of heaven and the divine rights of kings, and the mystical and elusive “People” in republics.

If these transcendental values do not exist, then the state does not exist, and state violence withers away by virtue of being unable to motivate itself. Paved roads, driver’s licenses, and paperwork are great, but no one is going to die or kill for them. The state, in its intrinsic capacity to coerce, requires these higher elements to even exist. All states are a mixture of both, but the nature of the regime in place determines the balance of these two parts.

It is at the level of transcendental authority and of the mystical and coercive elements of the state that the link between the underground and the state becomes clear. The warrior and the thug are reflections of each other. So are the liege lord and the crime lord, protection rackets and feudal dues, highwaymen and nomadic hordes, the courtesan and the prostitute, gangs and armies. Both the ruler and the kingpin have to operate based on personal codes proving their word, their authority, and their power—the former because he creates and enforces laws and the latter because he operates outside them. Neither simply follows them like a normal, productive citizen. Each of these binaries demonstrates upper and lower manifestations of the same phenomena.

This implies that law and criminality are not just intertwined conceptually, but structurally and socially as well. Are criminals so very distant from aristocrats? Can criminals, in fact, be aristocrats? Beyond being useful to the state, the underground has an intimate relationship with state power by virtue of its inability to be assimilated into productive society. The underground is made of the same raw material as the coercive, transcendent state


These two extremes of social order have a close relationship to one another, one that raises eyebrows and even elicits condemnation from the broad and respectable middle—and should, since normal lawful conduct is the middle’s function. But it is, in fact, also necessary for social functioning. This is why we cannot differentiate so starkly between the upper classes and the downtrodden ones, between aristocrats and brigands, or between those who make the laws and those who exist beyond their reach. These categories can suddenly shift, with today’s criminal becoming tomorrow’s statesman or philanthropist—a pattern which played out many times among American elites through the generations, from the pirate-descended Vanderbilts to the bootlegging Kennedys.


Many modern nations have, at their source, ethnic criminal gangs. This is true of the raiding Northmen who became the dukes of Normandy and laid the foundations of modern England, as well as of the Frankish armed bands who lie at the origin of Charlemagne’s empire and of the French and German nations. In periods of decline, peripheral classes like criminals or barbarians often become a source of order, later translating into renewed authority. Since they survive by doing what the state and respectable, law-abiding institutions cannot do, they find themselves in a useful position when these the administrative organs of overstretched states go into sepsis. The governors of Roman Gaul integrated the Frankish bands into the security apparatus of the state, but these rogue elements outlasted the collapse of the administrative Roman state. Similarly, French kings bestowed titles on Northmen leaders and recruited them for defence against other roving gangs. This unity of the upper and lower is at the source of the emergence of adaptable state structures in times of decline.

Since the coercive part of the state follows the same logic as the roving gang by virtue of their niche outside of productive society, as soon as the lower elements acquire productive societal structures, especially the core economic ones, they are very easily able to embody the superior values of the state. This was the exact process of transcendence that was behind the emergence of the legitimate states of the early middle ages.


You cannot rule from behind excel sheets. Only an infusion of this transcendental imperative can achieve the goals of a truly great state. The tragedy of the modern discourse on power is that it completely ignores this element. This ignorance misleads us into unproductive intellectual territory. It may come as a shock to some, but codifying your laws into the blockchain is not going to resolve the crisis of competence that we find ourselves in. In fact, it might be time to look in the other direction.

Not only the underworld, but also many other unpatrolled sections of society present interesting possibilities in terms of the emergence of new elites that can take on the mantle. As we have seen in the previous cases, a functioning and cohesive political order needs to be fundamentally alienating towards the productive orders of society because in defining, motivating, and defending that productive order, it necessarily acts outside of it on a more fundamental reality. When these elements atrophy, they need to be renewed from other sources. A Thug-Emperor to upend the American constitutional order and re-found a new industrial state may or may not be in the cards, but there are other lessons to be drawn.



 ― George Orwell, 1984

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me ?” 

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Israel: At the forefront of governmental nudging


Israel had been created by Ashkenazi (NON)-Jews with the help of Anglo-Saxons fascists who until now lead the state toward the disintegration of any true Jewish identity. 

The Covid governmental mind-control has become a textbook case for engaging the people toward self destruction.

 As Joseph Mercola reports in his article: 'Liars, propagandists and the great reset':

Of course, the entire COVID pandemic has been plagued by propaganda. Behavioral scientist Simon Ruda, cofounder of the British Behavioral Insights Team, unofficially known as the ‘Nudge Unit’, confirms that the British government has been using propaganda tactics to scare the public into complying with COVID rules.

“Nudging made subtle state influence palatable, but mixed with a state of emergency, have we inadvertently sanctioned state propaganda ?” Simon Ruda

According to Ruda, fear tactics such as an overemphasis on flawed models were initially deployed to secure compliance during the first lockdown. However, it then never ended.

All in all, the masses still wear masks and the public induced fear remain prevalent. The Chinese behavioral model has climbed a lot more and Israel is on the lead of deception. 

Pfizer alone has granted the Israeli ministry of health more than 44 millions in the last ten years among some 75 millions donated to various health institutions by different big pharma companies.

Despite a few voices who cry wolf like that of Jessica Rose, Ehud Qimron or Idit Matot, the Israeli dictatorship is tightening its grip and cooperation with Pfizer in announcing two catastrophic steps with the latter falling in line with what Mercola said (scroll down to the article) that it was the pharma's dream: :

- A yearly shot of Mrna

- Vaccinating babies

Fauci decrees kids under four will get three COVID ‘vaccines’

Pfizer expects vaccines for children 6 months to 5 years within "weeks"

Meanwhile, the art of propaganda is riding the Apocalypse horse faster than ever. As you can see in the links to Israel 365, every article is crowned with a Bible excerpt. Mind-control has taken a speed turn thanks to the Covid experiment as well as ongoing research. The latest trend being to 'save' another bunch of faux Jews from the Ukraine war threat. 

There has been heroin addicts, alcohol addicts but the 21th century has created some new kinds of addiction ... Facebook addicts and late but not least, jab addicts ! Progress is everywhere !!!

Migrants are a gold mine for the PTB because of numerous reasons. Migrants are thirsty of material living and fervent supporters of the established powers of the countries they are welcome into. They are lowering national identity feelings, trashing away anything that is not crowned with success. They are frontline promoters of the PTB brands like Nike or Coca Cola. They rush to buy anything that is useless but shine and make them feel they got ahead.

As Fenimore Cooper said, they keep the wrongs of their origin and adopt the wrongs of their new homeland, a win-win for the tyrants !

Israel is 100% made of migrants which means that the level of self consciousness is akin to fast-food habits which here translates into tomato-cucumber salad with lots of meat ... 

5 shekel new coin
"Thank you doctor for killing me"

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths

Hospitals receive payments for testing every patient for COVID, every COVID diagnosis and every 'COVID death,' as well as any time they use remdesivir and mechanical ventilation. They don't get a special bonus if you live, so is it any wonder...


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 31, 2022


Hospital Incentives Are Driving Up COVID Deaths

You might wonder why doctors and hospital administrators insist on using treatments known to be ineffective at best and deadly at worst, while stubbornly refusing to administer anything that has been shown to work, be it intravenous vitamin C, hydroxychloroquine and zinc, ivermectin or corticosteroids.

The most likely answer is because they're protecting their bottom line. In the U.S., hospitals not only risk losing federal funding if they administer these treatments, but they also get a variety of incentives for doing all the wrong things. Hospitals receive payments for:

COVID testing for all patients

COVID diagnoses

Admitting a "COVID patient"

Use of


Use of mechanical ventilation

COVID deaths


What's worse, there's evidence that certain hospital systems, and perhaps all of them, have waived patients' rights, making anyone diagnosed with COVID a virtual prisoner of the hospital, with no ability to exercise informed consent. In short, hospitals are doing whatever they want with patients, and they have every incentive to maltreat them, and no incentive to give them treatments other than that dictated to them by the National Institutes of Health.

As reported by Citizens Journal,18 the U.S. government actually pays hospitals a "bonus" on the entire hospital bill if they use Remdesivir, a drug shown to cause severe organ damage. Even coroners are given bonuses for every COVID-19 death.


A Bounty Has Been Placed on Your Life

"What does this mean for your health and safety as a patient in the hospital?" Citizens Journal asks.19 Without mincing words, it means your health is in severe jeopardy. Citizen Journal likens government-directed COVID treatments to a bounty placed on your life, where payouts are tied to your decline, not your recovery.

"For Remdesivir, studies show that 71–75% of patients suffer an adverse effect, and the drug often had to be stopped after five to 10 days because of these effects, such as kidney and liver damage, and death," Citizen Journal writes.

"Remdesivir trials during the 2018 West African Ebola outbreak20 had to be discontinued because death rate exceeded 50%. Yet, in 2020, Anthony Fauci directed that Remdesivir was to be the drug hospitals use to treat COVID-19, even when the COVID clinical trials of Remdesivir showed similar adverse effects.

In ventilated patients, the death toll is staggering ... [attorney Thomas] Renz announced at a Truth for Health Foundation Press Conference that CMS data showed that in Texas hospitals, 84.9% percent of all patients died after more than 96 hours on a ventilator.

Then there are deaths from restrictions on effective treatments for hospitalized patients. Renz and a team of data analysts have estimated that more than 800,000 deaths in America's hospitals, in COVID-19 and other patients, have been caused by approaches restricting fluids, nutrition, antibiotics, effective antivirals, anti-inflammatories, and therapeutic doses of anti-coagulants.


We now see government-dictated medical care at its worst in our history since the federal government mandated these ineffective and dangerous treatments for COVID-19, and then created financial incentives for hospitals and doctors to use only those 'approved' (and paid for) approaches.

Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become 'bounty hunters' for your life.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

YEMEN is at your very doorstep ! (+ Ebola GOF research in Texas)


Yemen Sees Most Casualties From Saudi Air War In 5 Years


School, football field, hospital, prison


Made in the USA

Saudi Arabia: “They wouldn't last a week if we're not there”

From Ukraine to Yemen, US arms industry reaps spoils of war

Pentagon Ramps Up Involvement In Yemen War As Biden Reverses Course

Except the Syria/Iraq bottleneck of Islamic militias, only Africa is today experiencing the dire burden of being at war, but Africa's wars are more an endemic state of being than nations to nations wars.

Yemen can be considered now that the only country fighting a 'real' war that, if looked at, can horrify the most indifferent.

"Once governments get a taste of neo-fascism, they always want more. That’s true even in a liberal democracy like Australia. We’re seeing similar phenomena play out in western European democracies as well." (James Rickards)

What is the best scenario for a fascist government to consolidate his internal power ? It is to expands it by war on its neighbors while enrolling its subjects-citizens under the military boot.

A state of war is even better than a state of pandemic ...


So we have:

China, the belly of the modern world, closing to survive its economic (116 trillions debt !?) and health (not Covid but early mortality - and lack of youth) distress.

Potential new pandemics due to people's compromised immunity from the shots, mutations breeding in the vaxxed an/or release of new viruses.

An Ebola's Gain -Of-Function research is taking place at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute (lost the link but here's one that proves at least that the Ebola virus is present there)

Might an apparition of a like illness in China be part of it and the real reason why                        China is closing Xi'An, and more places ? 

(New Ebola-like virus identifiedin China while lock downs on 20 Million continue)


Bill Gates warns that worse pandemics are coming

Chinese scientists from Wuhan discover "potentially deadly" new strain of Coronavirus

Hear Judy Mikowits speak about that:

“Left alone, Covid the virus will evolve to be less dangerous to humans. Unfortunately, governments like to tinker and convince voters that they’re doing something useful. Vaccinating a huge percentage of the population, with multiple boosters, is likely to change how the virus would naturally evolve. We’re already seeing this with Omicron.

The triple vax’d are more susceptible than the double vax’d, and the unvax’d are almost immune to it. This is an adjusted evolutionary path and governments should be terrified of the data. This is a warning that is getting ignored. Most scientists have always known that vaccinating against a coronavirus is a mistake -

it’s the reason that they don’t vaccinate livestock against coronaviruses.

They’ve already tried that and know it doesn’t work, with the added risk that the virus can evolve to be more dangerous. What we should have done is gone for herd immunity, protected the at-risk, and gotten on with life.

Unfortunately, Covid has evolved into this mental disorder where people walk around with cloth diapers on their faces and scrub their hands with alcohol all day. There’s this whole neurosis to it, with people lecturing others on if they’re going through the motions correctly.

Governments have been quick to realize that a large portion of the population is mentally unstable and easily manipulated. They’ve prayed upon this to gain power and tell these people that their mental disorder is now normal."

More frightening ? You got it ! 


Then, since I don't believe China would at anytime want to start a war, the threat of a confrontation between USA/Russia would be a blessed bread to sweep under the rug the PTB's failure to achieve prematurely a world wide order.

Will these people be charged with genocide ?


Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

January 22, 2022



Seven applicants, on behalf of the British population, have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), accusing 16 individuals of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression

The 16 defendants include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum

According to the ICC complaint, the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg Code and Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21 and 53 of the Rome Statute

The Nuremberg Code is a set of medical research ethics principles that grew out of the “Doctors Trial” in Nuremberg following World War II. The war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg established 10 standards to which doctors must conform when performing experiments on human subjects

The ICC is a permanent, independent court that investigates crimes that concern the international community. Its activities are governed by an international treaty called the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by more than 120 countries, including the U.S. It can step in when a member state fails to take appropriate action to bring a criminal to justice. In theory, member states are supposed to cooperate with the court

According to The Desert Review, a slew of high-power figures in the COVID-19 pandemic and the push to mandate experimental COVID jabs have been accused of several crimes, including crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression in the U.K.:

“In a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court on December 6 [2021], an intrepid attorney and seven applicants accused Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53.”


The Dirty 16

In all, the 16 defendants named in the legal filing are:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIAID

Dr. Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance

Bill Gates

Melinda Gates

Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer

Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna

Pascal Soriot, CEO of AstraZeneca

Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson & Johnson

Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO

Boris Johnson, U.K. prime minister

Christopher Whitty, U.K. chief medical adviser

Matthew Hancock, former U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care

Medicines and Healthcare, current U.K. secretary of state for Health and Social Care

June Raine, U.K. chief executive of Medicines and Healthcare products

Dr. Rajiv Shah, president of the Rockefeller Foundation

Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum


The victims, on behalf of whom the complaint was filed, are “the peoples of the United Kingdom.” One of the seven applicants is Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former vice president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer.

At the end of 2020, he expressed deep concerns about the COVID jabs becoming mandatory, as he could find no medical rationale for their use. In 2021, as we all know, mandates were rolled out around the world. In April 2021, Yeadon went public with concerns that the shots were part of a depopulation agenda.

“I believe [COVID-19 booster shots] are going to be used to damage your health and possibly kill you. I can see no sensible interpretation other than a serious attempt at mass depopulation,” he said in a “Planet Lockdown” interview published in late April 2021.


What Is the International Criminal Court ?

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal located in The Hague, Netherlands. Its activities are governed by an international treaty called the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by more than 120 countries, including the U.S.

The ICC is a permanent, independent court that investigates crimes that concern the international community, such as claims of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes of aggression. In theory, member states are supposed to cooperate with the court, but that doesn’t always happen.

If warranted, the court can prosecute and try individuals charged with these types of crimes, but it will typically only do so if the member state fails to take the appropriate legal actions against the perpetrator, which can happen if a government tries to shield the individual in question from criminal responsibility. As noted in the complaint:

“We have tried to raise this case through the local English police and the English Court system without success, we have been unable to even get the case registered either with the police or with the court after several attempts.

The statute for the ICC declares that ‘The ICC is intended to complement, not to replace, national criminal systems; it prosecutes cases only when a State is unwilling or unable genuinely to carry out the investigation or prosecution (Article 17(1)(a)). This is such a case which is why we are addressing the ICC directly.”

Still, the ICC relies on the states’ national law enforcement to arrest individuals, so a member state can still restrict the court’s ability to bring a criminal to justice. The ICC does not have its own police force to carry out warrants or arrests. In this case, defendants are scattered across several countries. According to the ICC complaint, the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg Code and four articles of the Rome Statute.


Violation 1 — The Nuremberg Code

The Nuremberg Code is a set of medical research ethics principles that grew out of the “Doctors Trial” in Nuremberg following World War II. The war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg established 10 standards to which doctors must conform when performing experiments on human subjects.

Foremost among these codes of ethics is the necessity of informed consent to participate in medical experimentation. The Nuremberg Code has also been the basis for other medical ethics guidance and laws, including the Helsinki Declaration of 1965, which binds practicing physicians to “act in the patient’s best interest when providing medical care.”

While not a binding law, the complaint argues that the Nuremberg Code qualifies as a source of international law by way of Article 21(1)(b) of the Rome Statute, which recognizes international law, international treaties, international custom and principles of law recognized by civilized nations as being of equal value.


Violation 2 — Genocide

Article 6 of the Rome Statute refers to acts of genocide, i.e., acts intended to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Here, the group in question is the British population in its entirety, and by extension the world, starting with the elderly, chronically ill and disabled. Genocide can include the acts of:


Causing serious bodily or mental harm

Imposing measures intended to reduce fertility

Deliberately inflicting conditions of life, calculated to bring about whole or partial destruction

All of these definitions apply in this case, and details are provided to support each charge. For example, with regard to “conditions of life calculated to bring about destruction,” this includes both the destruction of businesses and transfer of wealth through imposed lockdowns, and damaging people’s immune systems through the refusal to offer early treatment, mask mandates and coercing people to take the COVID jab.


Violation 3 — Crimes Against Humanity

Article 7 of the Rome Statute covers crimes against humanity, which includes:



Imprisonment or severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law


Enforced sterilizations

Persecution of any identifiable group

Apartheid and other inhumane acts

The specific charges under each are detailed in the complaint, with data to support them.


Violation 4 — War Crimes

War crimes are covered in Article 8 of the Rome Statute. The complaint argues that “a covert war has been waged against the people of the United Kingdom (and the world) through the release of the biological weapon SARS-Cov-2 and the additional bioweapon, m-RNA gene therapy ‘vaccines.” They also include a charge of Mens Rea, meaning the intent to commit a crime, stating that:

“... the members of the UK government and world international leaders against which we have brought this complaint, are knowingly working on behalf of this global agenda for depopulation through the biological weapons known as SARS-Cov-2 and the m-RNA ‘vaccines.’

We submit therefore that the members of the UK government and world leaders against which we have brought this complaint have both knowledge and intent with respect to these alleged crimes.”


War crimes listed in the complaint include:

Willful killing by way of the experimental COVID jabs, the use of lethal doses of midazolam in nursing home patients diagnosed with COVID, and the inclusion of graphene hydroxide in the shots.

Not only are they asking for a full investigation into the inclusion of graphene hydroxide in some of the COVID shots, they also want a full investigation into the suspected assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack, a German chemist and a top graphene expert. Noack’s doctoral thesis described the conversion of graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide. According to the complaint:

“Professor Dr. Pablo Campra comes from the university of Almeria, and alongside Dr. Andreas Noack he examined the covid ‘vaccines’ for the presence of graphene oxide with the Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, the study of frequencies. According to both doctors, the vaccines don’t contain graphene oxide but do contain graphene hydroxide.

On November 23, 2021, Dr. Andreas Noack released a video explaining what graphene hydroxide is and how the nano structures injected into the human body act as ‘razor blades’ inside the veins of ‘vaccine’ recipients ...

On 18th November 2020 Dr. Andreas Noack was on a ‘livestream’ on YouTube discussing the dangers of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ when he was arrested on camera by armed German police (Appendix 41). On 26th November 2021, just hours after publishing his latest video about graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide (Appendix 42) he was attacked and murdered.

We request a full investigation be done into the inclusion of Graphene hydroxide in the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ and into the assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack.”


Torture by way of forced mask wearing, the use of test swabs containing carcinogenic chemicals, and the release of a manmade bioweapon.

Willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health — Examples include the forced use of masks, the closing of doctors’ offices, the COVID jab mandates, the use of psychological warfare, the use of economic warfare, the use of biological warfare, denial of effective medicines, suppression of alternative treatments, use of ventilators despite evidence of harm, and euthanizing elderly COVID patients with midazolam.

Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.

Intentionally directing attacks against civilians, including those not taking direct part in any hostilities.

Intentionally launching an attack, knowing it will cause loss of life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, and/or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment.


Violation 5 — Crimes of Aggression

The last violation is crimes of aggression against the British population, covered under Article 8 bis3 of the Rome Statute. According to the complaint:

“This is a global criminal conspiracy, which has been planned for several decades“. It is now obvious that ‘the plan’ involves the ultrarich and leaders of most nation states, with a few exceptions.


It is also clear that powerful think-tanks including WEF [World Economic Forum] in Davos as well as the Club of Rome, and other NGOs like WHO and GAVI among others, are at the centre of this draconian criminal conspiracy. Under the official slogan; ‘BUILD BACK BETTER,’ used by the President of WHO, the President of USA, as well as the President of WEF, the Prime Minister of the UK as well as countless other world leaders.

The goal of this activity is to create a new world order, through the UN ‘s Agenda 2030, by dismantling all the Democratic Nation States, step by step, controlled by an un-elected elite and to destroy the freedoms and basic human rights of the peoples of the Earth.

In addition to this, the aim is to destroy small and medium sized businesses, moving the market shares to the largest corporations, owned by the Global Elite. The fulfilment of this goal will most likely lead to full enslavement of mankind.

This is being done by means of the threat from both a dangerous biological weapon, the virus, the vaccines, the testing test pins, the mask mandates and all other measures. All of which constitute not only a breach of National laws, but also a fundamental breach of the Charter of the United Nations and the Treaty of Rome and our Fundamental Human rights.

It is of the utmost urgency that ICC take immediate action, taking all of this into account, to stop the rollout of COVID vaccinations, introduction of unlawful vaccination passports and all other types of illegal warfare mentioned herein currently being waged against the people of the United Kingdom by way of a court injunction.”


New Findings Will ‘Dismantle the Entire Vaccine Industry’

In a January 1, 2022, video announcement (featured at the top of this article), Dr. Reiner Fuellmich — a U.S.-German consumer protection trial lawyer and cofounder of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (Außerparlamentarischer Corona Untersuchungsausschuss) launched July 10, 2020 — announced the data they now have in their possession is “enough to dismantle the entire vaccine industry.”

Fuellmich is heading up the committee’s corona crisis tort case. Initially, the committee focused on exposing the PCR test fraud, but now they also have evidence that the vaccine makers were using different lot numbers to carry out an experiment within an experiment, unbeknownst to the public.

According to Fuellmich, it looks like an experiment to determine the dosage needed to kill and/or maim people. In other words, people have not been getting identical products. Different lots or batches contain different dosages and even different ingredients.

There is inescapable evidence, in my view as a lawyer, of there being premeditation.                          Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


According to Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, they have “hard evidence” of this. He points to an investigation published in late 2021 showing only 5% of the lots were responsible for 100% of the rapid deaths.

In the video, Wodarg also shows a graph of 9,500 different Pfizer jab batches, with some having a toxicity, as evidenced by deaths, that is 3,000 times above the baseline. Others have a toxicity that is 2,500 times higher than baseline. Between them are batches with no deaths attributed to them.


Wodarg also claims to have data showing that the vaccine makers appear to have coordinated and synchronized their experimentation, so that only one of them is releasing a potentially deadly batch at a time. But they’re all doing this. They’re all experimenting with dosages and ingredients, Wodarg insists, and the reason they’re able to do this is because there are no review boards overseeing any of them.

There’s now an interesting site where you can search the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data based on your lot number, to see if you got one of the more dangerous batches. You can find that dashboard here. The video below explains how to use the dashboard.


“There is inescapable evidence, in my view as a lawyer, of there being premeditation,” Fuellmich says. And if premeditation can be proven, then there is no legal immunity for anyone anymore. They can all be held liable for injuries and deaths.

Without doubt, the legal battles will be incredibly difficult to pursue, as there are so many powerful people working together on this, protecting each other. But that doesn’t mean we don’t try. On the contrary, we must do everything in our power to bring the criminals behind this global takeover to justice, and hold them accountable for everything that has been done to our economies, our livelihoods, our families, our health and our children’s futures.


But man ... Don't U rejoice too quickly because,

'they' have a Plan B.
Yes !

And always the same, I beg you,

And this may happen sooner than later because the PTB will never ever allow themselves to sit on the defendant's chair following their overestimation of the Covid success:
And maybe even before James Corbett finishes his due report on that !