Wednesday, December 29, 2021

One mountain is not big enough for two tigers (part 1)


This first part is solely to define the atmosphere ... 

The title will come to light in the second part !

What do these images remind us of ?

From Caesar bringing to Roma on a cart the chiefs of the warriors he vanquished to the 16th century Inquisition, from the chariots of the French revolution bringing the nobles to the guillotine in 1793 to the Ku Klux Clan, and the trains to Auschwicz, the history of humanity doesn't lack such similar sceneries.

All this is the result of the combination of a bunch of people deeming themselves superiors and ready to enslave others together with the state of mind of the majority indulging in a 'voluntary servitude', that is mainly a result of voluntary ignorance of everything except their own petty good. 

By delegating the responsibility to others, to the group, to the state, to the powerful, what we see now in China which unfortunately has been so much prevalent in the past is a direct result of evading personal responsibility, at least ...

You may say that there is a difference, that they are not killing the culprits. Yes of course. They just kill the souls, and not so much those of the convicts but those of the majority that sees it and do nothing ... 
The Law is King, no matter if it is applied by a dictatorship, a monarchy of a democracy. Everyone must obey The Law, the law of power, the power of a man, a king, a pope, a group, a mafia, a state.

Meanwhile in India ...

And soon everywhere ???


Obviously, we don't deal here with Orwell or Huxley 

but with China that is the wild card in the PTB race to the top

and the live model who's nobody cared about since sixty years.

China is a tyranny in plain sight since 1949 but the whole world buy there, build there, develop there.

China is the danger, China is humanity's Frankenstein.

stone containers filled with controlled people from birth to death, no more just freedom but life. No men there, no women, no children. Disposable sub humans, a material asset that is costly to maintain. No identity, no individuality, no life. 

How is it possible that such an absurdity, a monstrosity just can exist, and pretend to expand !! This I am afraid of, and it's on its way, it is coming thanks to the bought individuals of the West, the golden slaves of the psychopaths running the devil's show freely. 

Welcome to 

'Le règne de la folie'

Tardi, Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Omicron: The Trojan horse to get children vaccinated


1. Omicron appeared in South Africa, a far away place. A week later, it occurred all over the world despite airport testing and all the checking done everywhere. How did it spread so far and so quick ??? BECAUSE it, like all Covid viruses, was intentionally spread by aerosol in each and every country of the world :)

2. Until now, everyone and every health professional knows that children are at NO risk of being infected. But the PTB have a reason to jab the kids as explained by Mercola: Liability !

3. The timing of Omicron's release is a perfect match with the governments announcements to begin vaccinating children ...

Children are safe from COVID-19

Why children should Not receive the COVID shot

More children have died from COVID shot than from COVID

"In NY, childrens' hospitalization have quadrupled in 2 weeks"

"Children facing Omicron: everything suggests that we are going to have more cases in toddlers"

Update 04/2022:

Delta Worse for Children Than Omicron: Study

The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Kids

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

December 26, 2021

Story at-a-glance

The reason our children are being targeted by COVID mandates is because vaccine makers want to get the shots onto the childhood vaccination schedule

Once a vaccine is added to the childhood schedule, the vaccine maker is shielded from financial liability for injuries, unless the manufacturer knows about vaccine safety issues and withholds that information

Products must satisfy four criteria in order to get emergency use authorization: There must be an emergency; a vaccine must be at least 30% to 50% effective; the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product; and there can be no adequate, approved and available alternative treatments (drugs or vaccines). Unless all four criteria are met, EUA cannot be granted or maintained


According to a U.S. federal court decision, the Pfizer shot and BioNTech’s Comirnaty are not interchangeable

Comirnaty is not fully approved and licensed. It’s only “ready for approval.” Comirnaty is licensed to be manufactured, introduced into state commerce and marketed, but it’s not licensed to be given to anyone, and it’s not yet available in the United States. They’re waiting for it to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule, to get the liability shield

In this interview, Alix Mayer explains why our children are being so aggressively targeted for the COVID-19 injection even though they’re not at risk of serious SARS-CoV-2 infection, and clarifies the status of Comirnaty.


Mayer, board president of Children’s Health Defense —California Chapter, is herself vaccine injured; not from the COVID jab, but from a series of vaccines she received 20 years ago. (On a side note, her great-great-grandfather was Oscar Mayer, founder of the Oscar Mayer company, which the family sold to General Foods in 1981.)

Mayer graduated from Duke University with a BA and from Northwestern University with an MBA in finance and management strategy. She worked for Apple in the mid-1990s. When she was 29, Apple promoted her to acting manager of worldwide customer research.

In preparation for a family trip to Bali, her doctor recommended getting six vaccines: hepatitis A vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and oral typhoid, which she did. Eventually, 13 years later, she finally realized it was these shots that triggered her health problems.

“They gave me brain damage and total disability,” she says. “I spent three years in my early 30s being 80% housebound, and I really I didn’t know if I was ever going to get better.

I went through a whole bunch of diagnoses: lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease. Ultimately, none of those made sense and none of the treatments made me any better, until we put the pieces together and figured out that I was actually vaccine injured.


It’s literally just a cause and effect. If you look back at my history and lay out my vaccine schedule, you can see that my health declined two weeks after I got the vaccines.

I had encephalitis and encephalopathy … digestive issues, hypersomnia — sleeping 16 hours a day — flu-like symptoms, a 24/7 migraine, joint pain. I really had no life at all in my early 30s until I went on a gluten-free diet. That started my health recovery.

I then became an award-winning medical journalist with a bunch of different blogs, and then a health consultant. In 2018, I retired from all that and joined Children’s Health Defense.”


The COVID Jab Tragedy

While many vaccines have a questionable safety profile, especially when combined, data from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) suggest there’s never been a vaccine as dangerous as the experimental mRNA gene transfer injections for COVID.

What’s more, while lack of transparency and accountability has been a chronic problem within the vaccine industry, the obvious hazards associated with vaccines are really being highlighted by the COVID jabs.

Many now know of someone who has been injured by the COVID jab, and most were injured so shortly after the shot that it’s hard to deny a correlation. The staggering number of injuries reported among adults who have received the COVID shot in turn highlights the insanity of rolling it out to young children.

According to Mayer, the reason they’re trying to mandate the COVID shot for children is to evade liability for injuries, because once a vaccine is on the childhood vaccination schedule, vaccine makers have immunity against lawsuits for injuries.


Vaccine Makers Want Zero Liability

The COVID shots currently have legal immunity against liability because they’re still under emergency use authorization (EUA). If you think BioNTech’s Comirnaty has been fully licensed, you’d be mistaken. Mayer explains:

“I put together a slide deck about Emergency Use Authorization (which you can see in the video interview above) because there is so much confusion over this and what’s really going on. Once you understand the genesis of EUA and the standards they have to meet in order to keep these products on the market, then you understand the behaviors [we’re now seeing].


They’re falling all over themselves to protect the EUAs for these products and also introduce other very confusing kinds of approval to get away with stuff. So, let me just start to clarify it right now.

This presentation is all about these three strangleholds that the vaccine makers and our government are never going to let go of … These are the things they’re guarding with their lives.


First of all, they need to guard the emergency … so they cannot have any early treatments. Those cannot exist. They’re also going for full liability protection, and children will be used as pawns to get them full liability protection.

Vaccine makers love EUA products because they have this huge liability shield. If you’re injured by an EUA vaccine, you can’t sue the manufacturer, you can’t sue the person who gave it to you, you can’t sue the institution where you got the shot.

You have to go through something called the CICP, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, where they’ll only cover unpaid medical expenses, and probably only for pharmaceuticals and lost wages.

Now, if you’re vaccine injured, let me tell you right now, you are not going to be using pharmaceuticals because they do not work for vaccine injury. They will make you sicker. You’ll be on two dozen pharmaceuticals before you know it and you’re going to be sick from those. They do not work. The only thing that’s going to get you better if you’re vaccine injured is natural treatments …

That’s the kind of treatment you’re going to need, and that’s not even covered, even if you were to get compensation. Everybody I know with chronic illness, whether it’s a child or an adult who has chronic fatigue syndrome, vaccine injury, Lyme disease, they’re paying $50,000 out of pocket per year.


If you can’t work and you have to pay for your treatment out of pocket, I don’t know how you ever get by. People suffer like crazy, they lose homes, they go into bankruptcy.”

Since its inception, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), which pays for injuries caused by vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule, has paid out about one-third of claims. It’s a long, arduous process that oftentimes takes years and in the end rarely provides adequate compensation.

“If you do end up getting compensation … they don’t pay it out in one lump sum, they pay it out year by year, and they pretty much hope that whoever is injured is actually going to die of their injuries before they get compensated.

That’s been said to me a bunch of times by people who’ve been through this horrible process. Now, the CICP has only compensated 3% of claims. And so far, there have been no approvals for [compensation] for COVID shot injuries,” Mayer says. [Editor’s note: The first COVID case was recently determined “eligible” for compensation, but the case has not yet been adjudicated.1]


Stages of Liability: EUA

In her slide show, Mayer reviews each of the stages of product liability, and whether the mRNA shots can be mandated. As mentioned, vaccine makers have no liability as long as their product is under EUA, as the product is investigational.

“Investigational is a synonym for experimental,” Mayer says. “And the word experimental ties it directly into the Nuremberg Code, which says that we cannot be experimented on [without consent]. We always have the right to accept or refuse a medical treatment.


[The Nuremberg Code] is not a law, but it’s a code under which the whole world is supposed to be operating by. And it is actually codified into some local and federal laws as well … So, what everybody needs to know is that coercion and duress are considered de facto mandates and illegal. De facto means that it’s basically the same as an outright mandate.

It’s illegal medical segregation, medical apartheid [because that is a form of coercion or duress.] So, if you go to a restaurant and they demand your vaccine passport, only let you eat outside, and they might not let you use the bathroom, that’s medical segregation.

That is illegal and I do not support businesses that do that and you shouldn’t either. Any access privileges that are different between the vaccinated and unvaccinated are illegal, and any visual indication of vaccine status like a sticker or a bracelet … that’s also illegal because that creates segregation and medical apartheid, [since they are all forms of coercion or duress.]”


Importantly, mass violation of the law does not make something legal.

“If we all drove 100 miles an hour on Interstate 80, would we watch the speed limit signs suddenly changed to 100 miles per hour? No, it’s not going to happen. Mass violation of the law has never made anything legal. And just because schools and businesses and our government are mandating these shots, it doesn’t make it legal. It’s all illegal …

Now, they know full well that it’s illegal to mandate these [COVID shots]. President Biden knows it’s illegal. But what they’re counting on is that the court cases overturning their illegal mandates will take a while, and in that interim, people are going to be scared enough to get the shots. And unfortunately, it’s worked.”


Stages of Liability: Full Licensure and Childhood Scheduling

The next stage is full licensure (FDA approval). Once a product is fully licensed, the company becomes liable for injuries. At that point, the product can be legally mandated. Of course, knowing how dangerous the COVID shots are, no manufacturer wants to be financially liable for injuries. They’d be sued out of business.


This is the holy grail if you’re a manufacturer of a COVID vaccine right now. You want it to be fully licensed, but not put on the market until you get it on the children’s schedule. ~ Alix Mayer

To get immunity against liability again, the vaccine manufacturers need to get their product onto the childhood vaccination schedule. This will also allow government to mandate the shots. As noted by Mayer:

“This is the holy grail if you’re a vaccine manufacturer of a COVID vaccine right now. You want it to be fully licensed, but not put it on the market until you get it on the children’s schedule.”


DOJ Redefines Medical ‘Consequence’

In Doe v. Rumsfeld,2 the court held that service members could refuse an EUA product without punitive consequences such as dishonorable discharge or other punishments. Therefore, there were no consequences to refusing an EUA product, other than the natural consequence of possibly getting the disease.


However, in July 2021, the U.S. Department of Justice attempted to redefine the term “consequences” just for the COVID shot, to suggest that punitive consequences, like job loss or being separated from your working or learning location, are legal when a person refuses an EUA vaccine.

“But this type of consequence, a punitive consequence, has never been adjudicated,” Mayer says. “That’s not in any law. This is just an opinion from the DOJ. And it absolutely means nothing, except it came from our DOJ, so people give it a lot of authority.

They also stated twice — and this is so hard to understand because it’s just beyond reason — that the right to accept or refuse an EUA product is ‘purely informational.’

Literally, you can read that you could die by taking it, but it’s purely informational. You cannot act on it. That’s what the DOJ says. Again, it’s not adjudicated, so it doesn’t mean anything. It’s an opinion. It holds no legal weight at all. So, as we said before, these mandates are starting to be overturned.”


Four Standards for EUA

There are four standards that must be fulfilled for an EUA. If any of these criteria are not met, EUA cannot be granted or maintained. First, the secretary of Health and Human Services has to declare and maintain a state of emergency. If the emergency were to go away, all EUA products would have to come off the market. And that doesn’t just mean vaccines. It also includes the PCR tests and even surgical masks.

The second standard is evidence of effectiveness. Historically, vaccines had to show a 70% or greater effectiveness, as measured by a fourfold increase in antibody levels, in order to qualify. For an EUA vaccine, the efficacy threshold is only 30% to 50%. In another departure from prior vaccine approvals, the COVID vaccine clinical trials relied on the RT-PCR test, not antibodies, to demonstrate effectiveness in the small “challenge phase” of the trials.


Now, you probably heard that the Pfizer shot was 95% effective when it first rolled out, but that was relative risk reduction, not absolute risk reduction. Confounding these two parameters is a common strategy used to make a product sound far better than it actually is. The absolute risk reduction for Pfizer’s shot was just 0.84%.3

For example, if a study divided people into two groups of 1,000 and two people in the group who didn’t get a fictional vaccine got infected, while only one in the vaccinated group got infected, the relative risk reduction would be reported as 100%. In terms of absolute risk reduction, the fictional vaccine only prevented 1 in 1,000 from getting the infection — a very poor absolute risk reduction.

The take-home message here is that even though the minimal threshold for effectiveness is ludicrously low, in terms of absolute risk reduction, these shots still don’t measure up. Within six months, even the relative risk reduction bottoms out at zero. What’s more, there’s evidence that the clinical trials were manipulated as well.

“I remember an analysis very early in lockdowns [that showed] if you added back all the probable cases of COVID to the clinical trial [data], the effectiveness went from 90% to between 19% and 29%,”4 Mayer says.

The third standard is that the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product. In the case of COVID shots, there’s overwhelming evidence showing they do more harm than good.

The fourth and last standard that must be met is there can be no adequate, approved and available alternative treatments (drugs or vaccines). “This is why hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were quashed,” Mayer says. This is also another reason Comirnaty is not treated as a fully approved product in the U.S., because if it were, then all the other COVID shots that are under EUA would have to be removed from the market.


“This is a four-legged stool,” Mayer says. “If any one of these legs goes away, you have to take your EUA products off the market … by law. I put [state of] emergency and [treatment] alternatives in red, because those are two of the things that they have a stranglehold on; those are things they are guarding like crazy.

This means that every variant that comes out, they have to make it sound super scary to keep the emergency going. So, the variants serve a purpose. You have to think about these variants in the context of this crime, where they have to keep the emergency going to keep their products on the market.

You would think this emergency would stop maybe when we get to herd immunity, maybe if we get 90% vaccination uptake, maybe COVID is just going to go away, like smallpox did in the early 1900s [even though] only 5% of people were vaccinated. [But it won’t] go away [until] the shots get full approval and the manufacturers get a full liability shield.”


Comirnaty’s Quasi Approval

With regard to Comirnaty, is it or is it not fully approved and licensed? The answer is more complex than a simple yes or no. Mayer explains:

“Comirnaty’s quasi approval is just for BioNTech. It doesn’t have to do with Pfizer, and this is why I’m doing this presentation because I’m going to explain what’s going on with that.

This is the race to get liability protection. Remember, that’s the other stranglehold that they want. They really want to get this liability protection. Once the COVID shots are fully approved, the manufacturer has full liability.

There’s all this confusion about Comirnaty. Was it fully approved? Is it on the market? Is it interchangeable with the Pfizer shot? And does it make the COVID shot mandate legal? It’s all the same answer. No, no, no, no.


The FDA issued an intentionally confusing biological license application approval for Comirnaty. It was an unprecedented approval to both license the Comirnaty shot, saying it’s ‘interchangeable’ with the Pfizer shot. But they also said it’s ‘legally distinct.’

In that same approval, they retain the vaccine’s liability shield by designating it EUA as well. They want it to be fully approved, but they want the liability protection, so they did this BS dual approval.


So, [Comirnaty] is licensed to be manufactured, introduced into state commerce and marketed, but it’s not licensed to be given to anyone, and it’s not available in the United States. It’s available in the U.K., New Zealand and other places, but it is not available in the United States because they’re really scared of liability.

Now, are you ready for this one ? The BLA actually states that Comirnaty is only ‘ready for approval.’5 It doesn’t say it’s approved anywhere in the document. And they buried this language in a pediatric section to confuse people even more.

Here’s what they said; ‘We’re deferring submission of your pediatric studies for ages younger than 16. For this application, because this product is ready for approval for use in individuals 16 years of age and older, as pediatric studies for younger ages have not been completed.’

Why did they do this? Sixteen is a very important number. You would think the age break would be 18. That’s a very typical age break for everything else that we do in this country. Why 16?

The reason they did 16 is because 16- and 17-year-olds are still on the children’s vaccination schedule. And then the manufacturer gets full liability protection. That’s why this is ready to be approved for 16 and up, not 18 and up.”


Comirnaty Is Not Fully Licensed

This confusion is clearly intentional. On the one hand, the FDA claims Comirnaty is interchangeable with the Pfizer shot, yet it’s also legally distinct. Courts have had to weigh in on the matter, and a federal judge recently rejected the DoD claim that the two shots are interchangeable. They’re not interchangeable. That means Comirnaty vaccine is still EUA. It doesn’t have full approval and it’s not on the market.

“Military members involved in lawsuits are challenging the military’s COVID vaccine mandate. They filed an amended complaint seeking a new injunction after the judge last month rejected the assertion that the Pfizer COVID shot and BioNTech’s Comirnaty are interchangeable. So, we’re still hammering on this legally, but a court has ruled that they’re not interchangeable.


[Editor’s note: This information is accurate at the time of the interview, but legal challenges are ongoing and courts may issue new rulings. December 22, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court announced6 it has slated January 7, 2022, to hear arguments challenging Biden’s vaccine and testing mandates.]


So, how do we know that Comirnaty is not being treated as fully approved? First, the approval states you have the right to accept or refuse the product. That means it’s an EUA. Second, it’s not available in the U.S. because Comirnaty doesn’t have liability protection. Third, if it were available, it’s an alternative [treatment] and all other EUA shots would have to come off the market.


No. 4, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) would have to recommend it for ages 16 to 18 and the CDC would have added it to the children’s recommended schedule. That’s how we know it’s not fully approved and on the market.

Here is the label for Comirnaty. It says it’s emergency use authorization. It doesn’t say it’s fully approved, because it’s not. But look at the safety information they are recognizing: Myocarditis and pericarditis have occurred in some people who’ve received the vaccine, more commonly in males under 40 years of age than among females and older males.


So, this is saying that young men are getting heart inflammation. And what we know from all the anecdotal reports is 300 athletes have died or collapsed on the field, and children in schools have died of heart attacks. That’s what’s going on here.

And the reason they have to declare this is because they know it. They know it’s happening. And the only way they can be sued is if they know there’s a problem with their vaccine and they don’t declare it. So, they declare it here, in very mild language as if it’s not that big of a deal, but it’s a very big deal. Young people are dying [from the shots] who have a 99.9973% chance of recovering from COVID …

The holy grail is to get the shot on the CDC recommended schedule for children, because then it gets full liability protection according to the 1986 Act. This is why they’re going after our children when they have a 99.9973% recovery rate …

Every medical intervention is a risk benefit equation, and it doesn’t calculate for kids at all. They should never be getting COVID shots. The shots don’t prevent transmission. They don’t prevent cases. They don’t prevent hospitalization or death.”


How You Can Help

Children’s Health Defense has sued the FDA over the approval of Comirnaty, alleging that this is a “bait and switch” to convince people they are receiving a licensed vaccine, when in fact they are getting an EUA vaccine that cannot be lawfully mandated. Unfortunately, these kinds of legal cases can take a long time, and children are being needlessly harmed while we wait for legal clarification.

They also have a couple dozen other legal cases underway. If you want to help, please sign up to become a member on It’s only $10 for a lifetime membership.

“That really helps us with standing in our legal cases, because the more people we represent, the stronger our cases are,” Mayer says. If you’re in California, you can join the local chapter at You can also help by purchasing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.”

This book is an absolute must-read and you know people are enjoying it as it has been No. 1 on Amazon for the last month, which is very unusual for a book. It will likely be one of the top best sellers of the entire year. So, get your copy before Sen. Elizabeth Warren convinces Amazon to ban

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The rise of a new dawn, now or never


Since 1942, eighty years, the USA has been the armed fist of the PTB, waging endless wars, promoting a disposable culture, flooding the world with chemicals, migrants and so on. 

However, there is presently no other hope to reverse the global tyranny than this very country: the "Land of the Free". Precisely because the USA has been the latest culprit, it has the power to change.

There is no hope in any other part of the world. China has become the greatest concentration camp ever and the rest of Asia is overwhelmed with technological success or abysmal poverty. Africa and Latin America are beyond understanding what the game is about. Russia has a heart made of ice. Europe fell asleep in its bourgeoisie dream.

The only leading and authorized voices come from the USA. Famous doctors, Governors, journalists, but the one that gives a real hope is that of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 

I don't know well the history of the USA but what I know is that the latest presidents where just clowns. Bill Clinton, Obama, Trump where not even groomed like a Macron or a Trudeau. Plain clowns.

I believe that the majority of the USA knows that and, now that we have entered an open survival war against the PTB, the American people might appreciate such an outstanding candidacy like that of a Kennedy.

Among the famous doctors that are fightind hard, there is Mercola who has filed a claim against senator Warren, there are Dr Zelenko, Mc Cullough, Malone, Bhakdi, and numerous others but these last days, one has taken the front page even in mainstream media, Dr Oz.

I already have written about that, here and here, but, I sincerely believe that Robert F. Kennedy is the winning card, and probably the lone and the last one !!!

  Then, to take the plunge, he must feel supported ... Just help him !

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Big Tech wedded to Big Government has become Big Brother


Authored by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute

Thanks to the government’s almost limitless powers made possible by a domestic army of techno-tyrants, fusion centers and Peeping Toms, Santa can get real-time reports on who’s been good or bad this year. This creepy new era of government/corporate spying—in which we’re being listened to, watched, tracked, followed, mapped, bought, sold and targeted—makes the NSA’s rudimentary phone and metadata surveillance appear almost antiquated in comparison.

Consider just a small sampling of the tools being used to track our movements, monitor our spending, and sniff out all the ways in which our thoughts, actions and social circles might land us on the government’s naughty list.


Tracking you based on your health status:

In the age of COVID-19, digital health passports are gaining traction as gatekeepers of a sort, restricting access to travel, entertainment, etc., based on one’s vaccine status. Whether or not one has a vaccine passport, however, individuals may still have to prove themselves “healthy” enough to be part of society. For instance, in the wake of Supreme Court rulings that paved the way for police to use drug-sniffing dogs as “search warrants on leashes,” government agencies are preparing to use virus-detecting canine squads to carry out mass screenings to detect individuals who may have COVID-19. Researchers claim the COVID-sniffing dogs have a 95% success rate of identifying individuals with the virus (except when they’re hungry, tired or distracted). These dogs are also being to trained to ferret out individuals suffering from other health ailments such as cancer.


Tracking you based on your face:

Facial recognition software aims to create a society in which every individual who steps out into public is tracked and recorded as they go about their daily business. Coupled with surveillance cameras that blanket the country, facial recognition technology allows the government and its corporate partners to identify and track someone’s movements in real-time. One particularly controversial software program created by Clearview AI has been used by police, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to collect photos on social media sites for inclusion in a massive facial recognition database. Similarly, biometric software, which relies on one’s unique identifiers (fingerprints, irises, voice prints), is becoming the standard for navigating security lines, as well as bypassing digital locks and gaining access to phones, computers, office buildings, etc. In fact, greater numbers of travellers are opting into programs that rely on their biometrics in order to avoid long waits at airport security. Scientists are also developing lasers that can identify and survey individuals based on their heartbeats, scent and microbiome.


Tracking you based on your behaviour:

Rapid advances in behavioral surveillance are not only making it possible for individuals to be monitored and tracked based on their patterns of movement or behaviour, including gait recognition (the way one walks), but have given rise to whole industries that revolve around predicting one’s behaviour based on data and surveillance patterns and are also shaping the behaviours of whole populations. One smart “anti-riot” surveillance system purports to predict mass riots and unauthorized public events by using artificial intelligence to analyse social media, news sources, surveillance video feeds and public transportation data.


Tracking you based on your spending and consumer activities:

With every smartphone we buy, every GPS device we install, every Twitter, Facebook, and Google account we open, every frequent buyer card we use for purchases—whether at the grocer’s, the yogurt shop, the airlines or the department store—and every credit and debit card we use to pay for our transactions, we’re helping Corporate America build a dossier for its government counterparts on who we know, what we think, how we spend our money, and how we spend our time. Consumer surveillance, by which your activities and data in the physical and online realms are tracked and shared with advertisers, has become big business, a $300 billion industry that routinely harvests your data for profit. Corporations such as Target have not only been tracking and assessing the behaviour of their customers, particularly their purchasing patterns, for years, but the retailer has also funded major surveillance in cities across the country and developed behavioral surveillance algorithms that can determine whether someone’s mannerisms might fit the profile of a thief.


Tracking you based on your public activities:

Private corporations in conjunction with police agencies throughout the country have created a web of surveillance that encompasses all major cities in order to monitor large groups of people seamlessly, as in the case of protests and rallies. They are also engaging in extensive online surveillance, looking for any hints of “large public events, social unrest, gang communications, and criminally predicated individuals.” Defence contractors have been at the forefront of this lucrative market. Fusion centers, $330 million-a-year, information-sharing hubs for federal, state and law enforcement agencies, monitor and report such “suspicious” behaviour as people buying pallets of bottled water, photographing government buildings, and applying for a pilot’s license as “suspicious activity.”


Tracking you based on your social media activities:

Every move you make, especially on social media, is monitored, mined for data, crunched, and tabulated in order to form a picture of who you are, what makes you tick, and how best to control you when and if it becomes necessary to bring you in line. As The Intercept reported, the FBI, CIA, NSA and other government agencies are increasingly investing in and relying on corporate surveillance technologies that can mine constitutionally protected speech on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to identify potential extremists and predict who might engage in future acts of anti-government behaviour. This obsession with social media as a form of surveillance will have some frightening consequences in coming years. As Helen A.S. Popkin, writing for NBC News, observed, “We may very well face a future where algorithms bust people ‘en masse’ for referencing illegal ‘Game of Thrones’ downloads… the new software has the potential to roll, Terminator-style, targeting every social media user with a shameful confession or questionable sense of humour.”


Tracking you based on your phone and online activities:

Cell phones have become de facto snitches, offering up a steady stream of digital location data on users’ movements and travels. Police have used cell-site simulators to carry out mass surveillance of protests without the need for a warrant. Moreover, federal agents can now employ a number of hacking methods in order to gain access to your computer activities and “see” whatever you’re seeing on your monitor. Malicious hacking software can also be used to remotely activate cameras and microphones, offering another means of glimpsing into the personal business of a target.


Tracking you based on your social network:

Not content to merely spy on individuals through their online activity, government agencies are now using surveillance technology to track one’s social network, the people you might connect with by phone, text message, email or through social message, in order to ferret out possible criminals. An FBI document obtained by Rolling Stone speaks to the ease with which agents are able to access address book data from Facebook’s WhatsApp and Apple’s iMessage services from the accounts of targeted individuals and individuals not under investigation who might have a targeted individual within their network. What this creates is a “guilt by association” society in which we are all as guilty as the most culpable person in our address book.


Tracking you based on your car:

License plate readers are mass surveillance tools that can photograph over 1,800 license tag numbers per minute, take a picture of every passing license tag number and store the tag number and the date, time, and location of the picture in a searchable database, then share the data with law enforcement, fusion centers and private companies to track the movements of persons in their cars. With tens of thousands of these license plate readers now in operation throughout the country, affixed to overpasses, cop cars and throughout business sectors and residential neighbourhoods, it allows police to track vehicles and run the plates through law enforcement databases for abducted children, stolen cars, missing people and wanted fugitives. Of course, the technology is not infallible: there have been numerous incidents in which police have mistakenly relied on license plate data to capture out suspects only to end up detaining innocent people at gunpoint.


Tracking you based on your mail:

Just about every branch of the government—from the Postal Service to the Treasury Department and every agency in between—now has its own surveillance sector, authorized to spy on the American people. For instance, the U.S. Postal Service, which has been photographing the exterior of every piece of paper mail for the past 20 years, is also spying on Americans’ texts, emails and social media posts. Headed up by the Postal Service’s law enforcement division, the Internet Covert Operations Program (iCOP) is reportedly using facial recognition technology, combined with fake online identities, to ferret out potential troublemakers with “inflammatory” posts. The agency claims the online surveillance, which falls outside its conventional job scope of processing and delivering paper mail, is necessary to help postal workers avoid “potentially volatile situations.”


Fusion centers. Smart devices. Behavioral threat assessments. Terror watch lists. Facial recognition. Snitch tip lines. Biometric scanners. Pre-crime. DNA databases. Data mining. Precognitive technology. Contact tracing apps.

What these add up to is a world in which, on any given day, the average person is now monitored, surveilled, spied on and tracked in more than 20 different ways by both government and corporate eyes and ears.


Big Tech wedded to Big Government has become Big Brother.


Every second of every day, the American people are being spied on by a vast network of digital Peeping Toms, electronic eavesdroppers and robotic snoops.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, surveillance, digital stalking and the data mining of the American people—weapons of compliance and control in the government’s hands—add up to a society in which there’s little room for indiscretions, imperfections, or acts of independence.

In an age of over criminalization, mass surveillance, and an appalling lack of protections for our privacy rights, we can all be considered guilty of some transgression or other.

So you’d better watch out—you’d better not pout—you’d better not cry—‘cos I’m telling you why: this Christmas, it’s the Surveillance State that’s coming to town, and you’re already on its naughty list.

20 Years of Government-Sponsored Tyranny: 

The Rise of the Security-Industrial Complex from 9/11 to COVID-19

The Death Of Truth

Raanana Covid protest 12-18-2021


Avi Barak Media

Doctors say NO to the Green Pass !

Friday, December 24, 2021

Shortly ...


1. Looks like the so-called most free countries are the ones with the strictest Covid rules, Nazi style !

2. Robert F. Kennedy has gone viral despite all and every censorship !! 

3. Goal N° 1: "Bio-Safety" labs around the world must be closed !!!

According to Yahoo News, a new poll indicates that Americans now overwhelmingly believe “that the coronavirus pandemic stemmed from a lab leak in Wuhan, China, and that the Chinese government subsequently lied about it.”


The comprehensive survey, carried out by pollsters who routinely work for both the Democratic and Republican parties, has been basically ignored by the corporate mass media, medical journals, and the political Establishment. The poll indicates that more than 2/3 of the U.S. public, across all levels of education—including Republicans (86%), Democrats (61%), and independents (67%) now believe that COVID-19 “most likely” came from a lab release in Wuhan, China. Furthermore, given the fact that scientific hubris and greed, an illegal biological arms race, and criminal negligence precipitated this global disaster, 76% of Americans believe there need to be sanctions or punishments imposed on the Chinese government and scientists for causing and covering up COVID-19.

But of course the preponderance of evidence clearly shows that this genetically engineered madness and criminal negligence requires punishment, not just for the Chinese government and its military-sponsored scientists, but  for those Americans and others—including Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric, Bill Gates, Robert Kadlec, Michael Callahan, Jeremy Farrar (UK)), and the entire cabal of health/bioweapon scientists and contractors in the Pentagon, Big Pharma, and the Trump and Biden administrations—who lab-engineered, funded, aided, abetted, profited from, and deliberately covered up the Crime of the Century. We need a new set of Nuremburg Trials for the 21st Century to indict and punish the perpetrators of COVID-19.


To review the now overwhelming evidence for a lab accident or release see this excellent recent summary in the UK’s Daily Mail.

Today’s reckless and criminally-negligent gene engineers, vaccine entrepreneurs, and biowarriors, much like their Nazi forebears, hide behind the guise of scientific inquiry, bio-defense, bio-medicine, and vaccine research. But as investigative reporter and bioweapons expert Sam Husseini writes, gain-of-function/biowarfare scientists in labs such as Wuhan, China and Fort Detrick, Maryland are deliberately and recklessly evading international law:

“Governments that participate in such biological weapon research generally distinguish between ‘biowarfare’ and ‘biodefense,’ as if to paint such ‘defense’ programs as necessary. But this is rhetorical sleight-of-hand; the two concepts are largely indistinguishable.

“‘Biodefense’ implies tacit biowarfare, breeding more dangerous pathogens for the alleged purpose of finding a way to fight them. While this work appears to have succeeded in creating deadly and infectious agents, including deadlier flu strains, such ‘defense’ research is impotent in its ability to defend us from this pandemic.”


OCA and our closest allies, such as and Children’s Health Defense, of course feel vindicated that what we’ve been investigating and documenting for almost two years on the likely lab origins of COVID-19—while being subjected to slander and censorship—is now being accepted by the majority of the public as fact.

But passive awareness on the part of the majority of Americans is not enough to stop the reckless mad science and genetic engineering of pathogens being carried out today at numerous so-called “bio-safety” labs (Chapel Hill, N.C., Ft. Detrick, MD., Pittsburgh, PA, Madison, WI, Galveston, TX) in the U.S. and across the world. Unless we put a stop to this Frankenstein science, we can expect further deadly outbreaks, whether accidentally or deliberately released.

If you haven’t already, please join the more than 60,000 people who have already signed our petition to stop the genetic engineering and weaponizing of viruses and other pathogens. If you’ve already signed, please get others to do so.


Now that we have the majority of the body politic, either actively or passively, on our side, we are energized to move forward aggressively in 2022, using protests, petitions, lobbying, and litigation to bring the COVID criminals to justice and to put an end to the weaponizing of viruses, bacteria, microorganisms and other potential pandemic pathogens (PPP) in the U.S. and abroad.

We are forming a new coalition called “Stop Weaponizing Pathogens.” If you’d like to help organize a campaign in your local area, please send an email to our national SWP Campaign Coodinator, Alexis Baden-Mayer.


It’s now clear to almost everyone, except for the willfully ignorant or brainwashed, that COVID-19 came, not from nature, but out of a lab. SARS-CoV-2 was released, either accidentally (hopefully) or deliberately in 2019 in Wuhan, China. But the reckless creation and cover-up of this pandemic was not just a Chinese affair. COVID-19 was funded and engineered by a Chinese/US/international team of scientists, military contractors, and drug entrepreneurs, hiding behind the facade of medical or bio-defense research. This dangerous weaponizing of viruses and bacteria, so-called Gain-of-Function experiments, were supposedly halted between 2014-2017 in the U.S., after numerous lab accidents, during the Obama administration, only to be secretly and illegally “outsourced” to China by Fauci and the Eco-Health Alliance during the Trump administration.

The Chinese government, Fauci, and the global “weaponizing pathogens” cabal have recklessly endangered the lives of millions and criminally conspired in blatant violation of international and U.S. law. The international Biological Weapons Convention (signed by U.S. and China and nearly every nation) clearly prohibits the production of weaponized pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2, and requires mandatory public reporting of all dual-use research such as the lab engineering and animal passaging that was being conducted at Wuhan, Fort Detrick, the University of North Carolina, and numerous other labs.  And yet this global and illegal germ warfare arms race continues unabated.


Please read this article to see how we can bring Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Shi Zhengli and others to justice, and consider forming a local group to ask your District Attorney or prosecutors to convene a Grand Jury.

And if you live in the D.C. area, please join our weekly protest demanding that Biden fire Anthony Fauci.


Ronnie Cummins is co-founder of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) and Regeneration International. To keep up with OCA’s news and alerts, sign up here.


Sunday, December 19, 2021



The white man say, you ought to search for the truth,

the asian man say, you must find the truth,

the wise man say, the truth is in you, follow it.

Life is NOT about doing no harm,

life is about DOING good,

as much as one can, 

alike to the self and the others.

Jah bless