Wednesday, December 29, 2021

One mountain is not big enough for two tigers (part 1)


This first part is solely to define the atmosphere ... 

The title will come to light in the second part !

What do these images remind us of ?

From Caesar bringing to Roma on a cart the chiefs of the warriors he vanquished to the 16th century Inquisition, from the chariots of the French revolution bringing the nobles to the guillotine in 1793 to the Ku Klux Clan, and the trains to Auschwicz, the history of humanity doesn't lack such similar sceneries.

All this is the result of the combination of a bunch of people deeming themselves superiors and ready to enslave others together with the state of mind of the majority indulging in a 'voluntary servitude', that is mainly a result of voluntary ignorance of everything except their own petty good. 

By delegating the responsibility to others, to the group, to the state, to the powerful, what we see now in China which unfortunately has been so much prevalent in the past is a direct result of evading personal responsibility, at least ...

You may say that there is a difference, that they are not killing the culprits. Yes of course. They just kill the souls, and not so much those of the convicts but those of the majority that sees it and do nothing ... 
The Law is King, no matter if it is applied by a dictatorship, a monarchy of a democracy. Everyone must obey The Law, the law of power, the power of a man, a king, a pope, a group, a mafia, a state.

Meanwhile in India ...

And soon everywhere ???


Obviously, we don't deal here with Orwell or Huxley 

but with China that is the wild card in the PTB race to the top

and the live model who's nobody cared about since sixty years.

China is a tyranny in plain sight since 1949 but the whole world buy there, build there, develop there.

China is the danger, China is humanity's Frankenstein.

stone containers filled with controlled people from birth to death, no more just freedom but life. No men there, no women, no children. Disposable sub humans, a material asset that is costly to maintain. No identity, no individuality, no life. 

How is it possible that such an absurdity, a monstrosity just can exist, and pretend to expand !! This I am afraid of, and it's on its way, it is coming thanks to the bought individuals of the West, the golden slaves of the psychopaths running the devil's show freely. 

Welcome to 

'Le règne de la folie'

Tardi, Brouillard au pont de Tolbiac

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