Sunday, November 27, 2022

Reset ! What reset ?


The PTBs want to make us think the the world is unipolar, or multipolar, that there is war between the USA and China, or Russia and NATO, and so on. Man, there is no war except the one and only one to crush dissent, to step on freedom, peace and happiness. Russia, China, the USA and India, the 'big four' because Europe is the weakest link of all are implementing CBDC, the ultimate tool to reign sovereign.

Concerning China, let me tell you the reason of its seemingly absurd zero Covid policy: China has risen in 20 years to the first place in economy and second in military behind Russia but its middle class has grown accordingly and this is the biggest threat it has to face in order to remain the greatest dictatorship of all time and fit the expectations of the WEF and its landlords. China is crushing its middle class in the egg while the USA and EU are struggling to do the same.

Breaking !! Looks like China's middle class is a fact difficult to get rid of ...

(Why China Will Win - In 1 Simple Chart) Hey ! My conclusion is quite the opposite ...

Techno-Authoritarianism Is Here To Stay: China & The Deep State Have Joined Forces

China is intended to become the new world sheriff supplanting the US and India is to become the new China, ... and Africa the new India (quite done in the East) !!

China: The World's First Technate

India projected to become top-three global economy

There is a ban on Tobacco but alcohol is killing big. There is a ban on pedophilia, at least in speeches but child labor is killing big.  

Remember what I said many times: inside the PTBs, there are two forces at play, the Globalists/Communists and the Nationalists, and there is a war between them to control the world. There is a war both between countries, Communist China and Nationalist Russia and inside nations as we can see in the US (Trump, DeSantis, Musk vs Dems) and in the EU (Hungary/Italy vs Germany/France).

Here's an interesting take on the last Italian election:

"the operational latitude of Italian government is completely constrained by both the US Government/Washington (including a significant role of the US Intelligence community) and the EU government/Brussels. Apparently Italy has no real independence, and is functionally a vassal state of both Washington and Brussels.

It is as if the average Italian had decided to vote for Meloni despite her being openly in continuity with the Draghi agenda, as if to force her hand so that – by virtue of an overwhelming majority – she gets bold and takes those steps that until the eve of the Elections she promised not to take. And just as there are some who fear that Meloni will behave “like a fascist” and who for this reason cry out for the democratic emergency threatening expatriation, so there are many – certainly all the voters of Fratelli d’Italia – who hope and pray that she acts as an Italian, as a patriot, and as a Christian. And that they will be know how to overlook the fact that in order to get to the Palazzo Chigi [the see of the PM] she gave reassurances that in reality she could deny in fact. It remains to be seen whether the first woman Prime Minister will be able to distinguish herself from her predecessors or if she will prefer to bow to the deep state and continue the betrayal of Italian people.

On the other hand, if the democratic vote must sanction those who represent the will of the sovereign people, Meloni herself cannot fail to take into account the fact that her voters demand radical choices from her, and that they consider her pre-election moderation simply as a strategic move to reassure “the markets.” Choices that even many members of Lega and Forza Italia would look upon favorably, beyond the vaccine or warmongering zeal of this or that parliamentarian or governor.

In essence, the disconnect between voters and elected representatives, between citizens and the political class, has been repeated in the form of “desire,” so to speak, attributing to Fratelli d’Italia a role that the party itself has declared for weeks that it does not want to assume, since it does not intend to question either the policies of the European Union or the aims of NATO and the American deep Giorgia Meloni is, for the moment, a potential prime minister. She is such for those who expect Fratelli d’Italia to be the voice of that true and motivated dissent against the entire political class, and that as such acts with strength and determination without allowing itself to be intimidated. She is a potential prime minister for those who have decided to grant her the trust that others have repeatedly disappointed and betrayed. This is an irrational gesture, motivated by growing concern for the fate of the nation and by the idea that an overwhelming majority in Parliament can give the new government certainty of action to make strong choices, for which it will obtain support from the electorate, to which it must respond as an expression of the will of the people. She is a potential prime minister because the two preceding prime ministers were anything but leaders, since they were simply the serving boys for Ursula Von der Leyen, Klaus Schwab or Joe Biden. If Giorgia Meloni really wants to be prime minister in actuality and not only potentially, she must first of all stand up against those who have not been elected by anyone and yet presume the power of giving stamps of political presentability to democratically elected heads of government whenever they find themselves in very serious conflicts of interests, beginning with Ursula’s text messages to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla [negotiating a megadeal for vaccines], continuing with the membership of world leaders in the World Economic Forum and concluding with Biden’s involvement in the financing of NASA biolabs in Ukraine and in the affairs of the main energy company in Kiev. state.

We know that today’s politicians do not have the gift of honoring the commitments they have made to their electorate. Nonetheless, can we reasonably think that the next Prime Minister will want to review her pro-Atlantic and European positions, returning to role of being the true right-wing alternative to the hegemony of ordoliberalism and the woke left? In this case, it would be the voters who would benefit from it, and those who saw themselves “betrayed” would have no right to claim the violation of Italy’s pacts of submission to the European Commission, since they had no right to stipulate them in the first place. The “betrayal” of the powers hostile to Italy would be a virtuous action, since it would restore the sovereignty that has been usurped by the elite. Conversely, obeying the elite and not following the interests of the Nation would be an act of betrayal by the new government against those who have voted it into power. If the elite can be expected to boycott Italy (by means of spreads, interest rates, withdrawal of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan [PNRR]…) it is to be feared that the people, betrayed for the umpteenth time, in a condition of growing poverty and the deliberate persecution of businesses and workers, will barricade and protest as a result of their exasperation, something that we see the first signs of in other countries. In evaluating the costs and benefits, I want to hope that the Meloni government will not want to be complicit in this subversive operation which damages our country.


It is difficult to believe that the financial oligarchy has not taken this possibility into account. It is easier to believe that it was precisely in order to manage the exit strategy and contain the damage both on the front of the pandemic and vaccine fraud as well as on the front of the Great Reset, the digital transition and the green emergency that is strongly desired by the World Economic Forum (for ideological reasons) and by China (for economic reasons).


It seems to me that many people are becoming aware of the very serious coup d’état that is being carried out by supranational powers, capable of interfering with a heavy hand with the activities of governments and international bodies. The world of business and work is beginning to understand the deliberate action of destruction of the national economic fabric that has been carried out first by Covid and then by the war in Ukraine. Every decision, every rule, every decree imposed by Draghi – with or without a parliamentary vote – has been deliberately chosen in order to cause the greatest damage possible for citizens, for companies, for employees, for pensioners, and for students. Anything that would have avoided deaths, full hospitals, closed businesses and increases in unemployment has been scientifically excluded, carrying out instead whatever action would be most devastating, in blatant contrast to the announced goals. Today we see thousands of companies which consume vast amount of energy destined to suspend production or completely close down because the outgoing Draghi government does not intend to stop the scandalous speculation of [Italian multinational oil company] ENI on the price of energy that it also pays for at prices that are ten times lower. The market is being allowed to reign unchallenged, so that the Amsterdam stock exchange can destroy the economy of nations, disproportionately enrich multinational corporations, and serve the interests of the elite that is pressing for the establishment of a technological dictatorship in compliance with the United Nations’ Agenda 2030. An agenda that, today, is the object of indoctrination in the schools beginning in the elementary grades, and which ties PNRR funding to reforms and new unsustainable spending cuts.


If the globalist narrative is beginning to show signs of abating, especially among the classes that are normally the most influenced by the mainstream, those who hold power – real power, I mean – have probably already prepared for the next scenario, and are organizing a plan to sacrifice the scapegoats who, inevitably, the crowd will want to see on the chopping block. It will thus get rid of those inconvenient accomplices who are no longer useful, satisfying the people’s thirst for justice and even presenting themselves in the role of savior and moral authority. The chosen victims will clearly be the most zealous apostles of the psychopandemic, the “virostars” [fake celebrity virologists] in conflicts of interest, some institutional representatives and perhaps a few “philanthropists” whom by condemnation the elite could also eliminate as their most annoying competitors. And it is not to be excluded that Bergoglio himself, the endorser of gene serums and the high priest of neo-pagan globalism, will fall victim to the execration of Catholics, who are tired of being treated as enemies, just as citizens are exasperated by the hostility of their rulers.

Italy is a nation that can recover, as it has always done in the past, if she learns how to recover the pride of her true identity, her true history, and her true destiny in the plans of Providence. For decades, the Italian people have suffered as a result of decisions taken elsewhere, which have brought them nothing but damage and humiliation. The moment has come to raise our heads, to reject with disdain the “resilience” that requires us to be beaten without reacting. The dystopian world of globalism must be rejected and fought against not only for our own sakes, but also for the sake of our children, to whom each of us wants to leave a peaceful future with solid economic prospects for raising a family, without feeling marginalized or criminalized because we do not accept resigning ourselves to subversive plans that have been made by those who want to make us eat insects and force us into slavery, with the sole purpose of making us poor and controlling us in every aspect of our daily lives."


 Italian Court: Mobile Phone and Brain Tumor – Again, Vs. U.S. Historical Denial

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Enabling a Decentralized World (The solution that will not be (?): collective micromanagement)

EVs: a disaster in the making

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