Saturday, March 05, 2022

Popular justice, the missing element


Digital Brownshirts and Their Masters

By David Souto Alcalde, Thomas Harrington, The Brownstone Institute

We are under siege. A nihilistic fanaticism is running free among us thanks to the emergence of a journalistic “ethos” that establishes an almost complete equivalence between the “truth” and those utterances that support the strategic goals of the great economic and digital powers of our time.


The prime objective of fact-checkers—as recognized, for example, by Newtral on its website—is to use algorithms to harvest and manage citizen information, and in this way, usher in a new era in which the minds of individuals will be so seamlessly “pre-directed” to “positive” and “benevolent” ends and behaviors (as so defined by the members of the enlightened classes) that politics in all its forms will come to be seen as superfluous.

This explains why, between them, Google and Facebook currently employ 40,000 “verifiers” who exercise an invisible censorship aimed at swaying our perceptions of the world in ways deemed to be “constructive” by the controllers of those firms and those with whom they have forged political and business alliances.

These efforts lie at the core of the post-humanist gospel as preached by people like Klaus Schwab and Ray Kurzweil. Their clear message to us about the coming world is that while you might be born free, your destiny and the design of your being—and what we used to call its unique sensibilities— will be firmly entrusted to others. Like who? Like the aforementioned gentlemen and their friends who, of course, have much more far-seeing minds than your own.

But if there is one thing that the Digital Brownshirts fear more than the Wicked Witch of the West fears water, it is real politics. Thus far, these informational terrorists have been able to exploit our natural indulgence of the value of free speech for their own ends. Let’s be clear. These censors are, in effect, engaging in mass consumer fraud. And if it is illegal to sell horse meat as beef, and refined sugar as a nutritional supplement, then it should also be illegal for hired guns to arrogate to themselves the right to define truth and destroy long-standing deliberative processes and institutions.

Sadly, however, we cannot wait for our deeply compromised political classes to take the lead on this necessary criminal prosecution. Rather we, as informed citizens, must take the lead in denouncing these vandals and the powers that have cynically unleashed them upon our shared scientific and civic spaces.

In this process, we must help our ever more present-minded citizens, enslaved to the idea—so useful to the elites— that the world is fundamentally entropic, that these nihilists did not just appear on their TV screens by accident, but rather that they were placed there to do someone else’s dirty work, and that our survival as free people depends on the tenacity with which we hunt down those “someone elses” and subject them to one of the more fundamental types political action: 

popular justice.

The Moral Cruelty of the Pandemic Response

By Laura Dodsworth   

Beyond empathy, to combat a psychic epidemic we need meaning in our lives. Not an ersatz top-down solidarity, dreamt up by technocratic communications experts, but genuine, socially meaningful relationships, purpose and values. Lockdowns and restrictions squashed exactly what we need to flourish as human beings in order to counteract a psychic epidemic. For the good of the collective, we must recapture meaning and values as individuals.

Unfortunately, the people is blind and deaf to the core !!!

Mass psycho-frenzy is not a new paradigm in human history. The perfect example of that was probably the 'Saint-Barthélemy' that took place August the 23, 1572. A few months prior to that event, the people of Paris was made to believe that the Huguenots would bring upon them the Devil's lightning unless they were killed to the last.

Catherine de Medici had previously arranged the wedding of her daughter Marguerite with the son of Jeanne d'Albret (pictured in the last post),  Henri de Navarre her son. Jeanne d'Albret died two months prior to the massacre, poisoned by Catherine the legend says, but whatever the cause of her death, she would have been the only person able to stop the massacre. 

All the preparations for the bloody event were kept secret. The leading faction that organized it was the Guise's house with the help of the Dominicans. Catherine herself did not take part in the conspiracy but she let it unfold without opposing it. The leading king, Charles IX, her son, was not aware either. 

On the 23rd, Paris woke up to the sound of its hundreds of bells and to the cries of agents provocateurs shouting: "The Mass, the Mass !!". Less than an hour later, the streets were rivers of blood.

related, an excellent post of Dylan Charles, founder of Waking News:


Read Dr Malone articles here:

Who is Robert Malone

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