Wednesday, May 01, 2019


There are two and only two reasons that make possible the enslavement of people.

- Some people want to use others for their profit, the tyrants and their minions
- Most people want to be directed by a supreme power and raise its flag together.

Hebrews in Egypt were not only slaves because of Pharaoh and his militians
but because of themselves and of their desire to get along without taking their
lives into their own hands.

For over than five millenaries, there were kings of all kinds but ones that in the
end called the shots in every aspects of life. War and peace, agriculture and industry,
money and taxes, all sides of life did they rule for their own local profit.

England at the request of the Rotschilds had become the first country to change that
in giving the ultimate decision making to a parlement. Then, they instituted the
so-called freedom of trade in order to establish their banking power, the Rotschilds'
that is, all over the world through limited but multiple foreign implants.

Then, came the English industrial revolution and the draining of the countryside
to fill the new cities with workers that would be the new slaves of the 19th century.
(read Dickens). Then again, they financed the European kings one against the others
and came the 20th century ...

With the French example of 1789 and that of culling the head of the most powerful king
of the time, at least in prestige and royal roots, the Rotschilds directed both America and
Russia to eliminate the remaining kingdom of old and replace them with republics where
the power goes to the state laws and no more to the aristocracy.

I have just read on Henri Makow site a small article very well crafted of Brendon O'Connell.
He explains how Israel is one of the leading tools of the Bankers and, as Makow call them,
the satanic forces that have usurpated the power. I have also read an article of Thierry Meyssan
that explains how America is using old English tricks to destroy some countries in its own profit
but let me ask you ..

England of old, the US of yesterday, Russia and China of today and those countries of
tomorrow that are directing the game of enslavement, of other countries together with their
own people (don't they), what are they ? Dictatures ? Tyrannies ? Kingdoms ? No, not at all !
They are Republics and Democraties, they represent the will of their people ... Or aren't they ?

Let's ask as in the title: Who is the nowadays Pharaoh that is enslaving us all ?
Well, the answer is in the question. US ALL !!!
Or I am mistaken ?
The States are the dictators but the States are supposed to be ourselves.
But they are not because we ourselves are not free willing human but voluntary slaves,
just like the Hebrews had been in Egypt.

That is why God, the only One and True God told us to never forget that we were slaves
in Egypt, and not chained slaved as the blacks were in the Americas but worse, willing slaves.

That is why God proclaims Himself as :


-The land of Egypt, that is a tyrannical country
- The House of bondage that is a voluntary servitude.

Exodus 20/2:

"I am the LORD thy God, 
who brought thee 
out of the land of Egypt, 
out of the house of bondage"

So to conclude, why did I say in my precedent article that Democratic States are the ultimate tool of  Servitude ?

Because they join together the two conditions of enslavement:

the protection of the slaves masters, Makow's satanists or the Rotschild & co, or whatever they are called, and the will of the people to be directed by an overall power.

That one was in Egypt but neither did it want servitude
nor did it found a master to enslave itself ...

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