Friday, May 03, 2019


So I said, for 5000 years, justice was made "in the name of the king". Since the first parlement was established, some 300 years ago, justice is enforced "in the name of the law".

Absolute kingdoms were not absolute at all when put in balance with today democracies. Education was in the hands of the priests. most of the kingdom was ruled by proxies and even some parts of it had some independance, so much so that some cities were entirely out of the reach of kings.

But, the principle has always been the same since human beings thrive on earth. Rulers and ruled. You would say that these two kinds of people are different, shouldn't they be ? Not so ! They are exactly of  the same brand: the materialistic one that does not acknoledge any superior 'force' but theirs.

They believe that they are their own masters. They are two sides of the same coin. Anarchists in theory (neither God nor master), voluntary slaves in practice. Slaves of their illusion, the belief in their own power, be it from above to down or from down to above.

If you are pessimistic about the human race, I am a million times more than you are. But I do believe in a superior force that has once shown that it can save mankind of its endemic flaw and that alone keeps me hoping, nothing else.

See, in my last but one post, I revealed the dark side of flags and you know what ? This is now in Israel the period of the year when flags sprout like mushrooms. Cars, windows, doors, everywhere including the place where I work. Maybe twenty of them they hanged around the building including right over the window in front of me and guess what ... That one flag was taken down by the wind yesterday morning when I got to work. This one and not any other !!! Coincidence you'd say ? Well, everyone is free to see life through his own spectacles.

One day though, flags will all get torn down, yes they will, just like the Red Sea was cut in two in order to let the Hebrew flew from Egypt. Believe it or not, your choice. When I was a kid, I had a very deep intuition that I was not part of any state but that I was a world citizen. I loved that feeling until I stepped into the 'civilized' life and I forgot about it for some 40 years. But it came back, fortunately. Thanks God.

Best !!!

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