Friday, November 22, 2013


What makes you feeling awake, being alive ? The other, contact with the other, your neighbor, your second self, the one who send you back your image, like a mirror but an active mirror, not matter the quality nor the quantity of others, basically, as long as they accept to share some time with you, some words, some understanding. A smile does the trick, from far away for the desperate.

But before friends, brothers, children, family or relatives comes the partner, the all in all elusive partner, the one you find or don't but the one you dream of in the deepest of your heart. She or he may not be that star your mind has created, that perfect being everyone has wished in vain for years but like before with relatives, a simple person, like yourself, in the end, perfectly fits. You may be deceived, you may still dream of your hidden idol but the one who will appear one day to be the possible reality will do the trick, if you're not a fool.

This second self, as different as he or she could be won't come out of your dreams. You got to get out of your cave to find him, her. He, let's stay with 'he', will not be an image on the wall of your mind but a real being, bringing his self in the picture, his particular identity, his own message in a living bottle. No perfect glass but no transparency, a spark of life, good and bad, bad and good. In the same way you'll have to reach out to him as he will have to cross the river too for an encounter.

Check. Sunny day, fog, we're there. I is dead. "I" was living one's death in life. "I" is no more, that's "we", that's life. Whatever, good or bad, high or down, that's together, not me myself. Check. We are. Are we ? It was not up to you when being alone, to be alone. Now it is, up to you, to be together. What a change man ! I had no choice and I now have one. And more, I still can dream but the dream comes after the reality instead of being that very reality. What's best ? Your choice.

Not only ... Your ability to accept your fall. What fall ? The fall from a dream. Big deal ! Go on  YouTube, Ray Charles for instance. Read the comments. They're bright, all of them. No bashing. No jerk. We're together, all different but all in the line, the line of being together. That's life, sharing. That's what we need, where we are, alive. Sharing. No other way except dreams, sorry dreams, living death. But YouTube is virtual, YouTube is a golden cage that fits the illusion of being together.

What moves the world is in the street. Meeting is in the real world, the outside but that is difficult, that is not usual for mental slavery, mental loneliness. What the powers that lead are afraid of is the street, meeting in the street, being together for real, taking one's dining table out on the pavement and inviting one's neighbour, the bystander, you and me. That's the way to change. Dining in the street, talking, sharing, getting out of the dream and make life happen, for real, for once, for ever.

Escaping the dream, with strengh, with will, with empathy, with good and bad, but with patience, with love.
What is the American dream ? The opposite. Individuality. Closed doors. A house ... closed. A car ... closed. A mentality ... closed. A dog ... on a leash. A soul ... in private. Everyone should be happy ... alone, behind one's own door. Madness, folie. A house, a car, a woman, children, inside, in private. Outside ? Nothing, appearance, being polite. In Israel, for instance, people always complain that people are not polite toward one another. Israelis dream of Europe where people seem to be careful of you, where they say please, forgive me, thank you ...

Theater. No one cares. F**k you, with a bright smile. Dream. American dream, oh, no my brother, German dream. Teutonic dream. Hell's dream. You're my ghost, my lovable ghost. I don't have anything to do with you except for a purpose, except if you're of my club, my hell angel's club, my Lucifer's spirit. Leave me alone. Don't sit too close. I don't know you. I'm armed, beware. Don't you see ? Do you want a proof ? Alas, there have been, there are so many proves that I prefer you dead than sharing my meal, aren't they ?

No trespassing, don't thread on me. You're a danger, you're a stranger. To me. Me myself. Me my dream.
Stop being your dream. Stop being a living dead. Quit your American, your German dream, your Devil's dream. Set your table in the street, meet your neighbour, share with him, be a human - being, grow a life, your life, our life, God's life. Move out of your illusions since illusions are not yours but the masters', illusions are a false reality, illusions are implanted by those who benefit of everyone's loneliness, loneliness between you and me. No illusion, no dream. Life is here, for all of us, in the outside, in the reality, in the street. Love is waiting, all the time, like dogs who wait for their walk, children waiting for a hugging, women who wait for a word from your heart, men who wait for ... For what ?

A weapon ? A punch ? A beer ? A football game ? To feel a "man" ? Prehistory was a paradise, yeah man ! We've stepped into hell. But the remedy is still there, as long as the illusion has not overwhealmed all humanity, as long as some people, here and there feel for others, in the street. For how long ? Horrible thought, frightening feeling. Got beer ? Drugs ?

There is a "Change" we, yes, We must believe in ... Outside. This is the only thing that frighten the tyrants. Not the guillotine. THE STREET, and US, Together, Happy TOGETHER.

Best ! Love U !! See you outside ...

NB: Don't put it upside down ! Family is the center, the unit, the only basis of mankind, but family is not the goal, in itself. The goal is the people, all of us.

NB2: Don't mix up too ! The individual is the corner stone of family & humanity, but not only a strong individual who cares for himself and his property but an individual who cares for his world, at large, who does not restrict his love to chosen closed circles, an individual who dreams of a better life in the outside and not in front of his TV stars.

PS: The German dream is a leading class isolation taken to the slaves in order to have them isolated from one another by their own 'will'. It is not especially German in the root but Germany is the perfect example of that.


Pictures of American AND German families ... any differences ?

Thursday, November 07, 2013

First World War Centenary: MY PROGRAM

It is time to disarm. No doubt. Countries first, then citizens. Arms are the dehumanization of killing !  Of course it is no less a crime to kill someone with a knife or else, but it is a more difficult crime to accomplish, if not for money. From the top to the bottom, from the official Mafia to the 'outlawed', the Private Milicias, from Syria to Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran in the ME and all other places in the world, arms should be banished, dumped, destroyed.
From atomic bombs, jet fighters and the ones we don't know, We the People should declare a war to the arms, the biggests first.  If citizens should be disarmed ?

In Hebrew, there is a say that each country, nation has its 'Angel' that could be translated  by the essential traits of its 'soul', moral and physical. Say, the French like to eat, to cheat and to joke. They also like property, not being watched at home but they regroup to be looked at. Americans not only like the property but they claim the right to fight for it, even if that means killing the aggressor, with anything.

However, as a fact, there is no less crime in the US because people have the right to be armed. Arms are not the way for people to be, or to feel protected. What is is the understanding tat life is priceless, no matter what. Before being taught the history of wars, then arms, well, History, we should learn the incredible luck to be who we are, to be alive, to be conscious. We must before all be convinced to protect Life, all life.
The only ones who should have arms in a limited and controlled way are the Police, Border Police and City  Officers. Under specific terms, individuals could also register arms. But, as it is in so many countries, arms should be forbidden for the People as it would be for the Nation. Every country has huge problems and all energy should be put to solve them together, as countries should help themselves to resolve difficult trans national problems like Fukushima.

We must ask the leaders to think in a 'positive' way, and to deliver. All the arm budget should go into useful things that profit to all. The contents of education, the Media, the research should be cleared from lies, and aimed at a more natural life for all, without other fears than natural ones, which are few, all in all, don't you think ? And, in such a spirit, create small towns in the countryside, take the people back to the country, recreate smaller communities because, people like to live together, in peace.

- the army
- the nuclear ind.
- the robotics
- the genetics
- the big pharma

- paying interests
- eating junk food
- buying new cars
- going to the movies
- watching TV

- the education programs
- the food and water industry
- the municipalities planning




It is a convenient belief that you have ennemies, as an individual as much as a group, a nation to be able to conceive hate and violence, to act as a beast, to isolate oneself behing iron walls, to ignore the suffering, the distress of the other. We are NOT ennemies. This is a lie, one of the biggest lies since always. We are no ennemies of one another, on any count. We are made differents to complement each other and work together, live together, exchange, share, bloom together. We are not that different of flowers that are of multiple colors and shapes. This is the same with us, humans. 

Life. Life's full of sounds, of colors, rainbows, and rains. Drop after drop, life is falling on me, drop after drop, life is escaping me, drop after drop. My drops are mine, your drops are yours, our drops are mixing in the wild wild life. Ain't got no water. D'you know how I feel ? Do I know how you feel ?

Do I feel without you ? Do you feel without me ? Freedom is mine but not without yours. Not yours without mine ... Watch your style ! My boots an't made for walkin', alone. Hit the road, Jack !! And come back. Tonight. And tell me, tell me who I am without you, who are you, without me ?

Life's bursting. Here and there, up and down, anyone to gather the drops ? Blue drops, green drops, pink drops, each drop is life, don't let them astray 'cause they are the rainbow, the sounds of life. Every morning the sun comes up drying the drops that remained out in the wild. Who'll pick them up before they dry off ?

Astronomer Carl Sagan in His Last Interview Makes Dire Warning