Sunday, November 12, 2023

Appendice I, Joseph Ehrlich


I cannot leave the internet without a tribute to Joseph Ehrlich whom, in 2002 had a site called 'SenderBerl & Sons'. Maybe some do remember. It was mainly geopolitical but among all, there was a few texts dedicated to stories found in the Torah like the one of Ruth, the intruder. Another one taken from the Talmud was that of the "Oven of Akhnaï" where the definite ruling of the 'Jewish church' was defined: "God is not in the sky". 

That those two stories can bring light to contemporary events was the intent of Joseph's work. The few small books he wrote later were the development of those stories with the intent of saying that, what happened before happens today, under the eye of God.

Then, not a year after his death, all he had published disappeared. He was wise to write some books !

Here is a text he wrote about Diana's death

And another of geopolitics.

Another inspiration had been that of Dr. Sheedy who asks: " Is God the 'Life-Drive ?"
Henry Makow has always been interesting too even if he considers Jews as Jews while they are nothing close to the fact ! Let's say it again, Jews is an empty bag. 

Only the people living in Israel, believing in God and being of Sephardi descent (with some percentage of other originated people, Yemenites for the most part, Ashkenazim for a very few ...) can be called Hebrew, Ivri, from the Hebrew word 'Ever', the other side. The Hebrews are the people from the 'other side', from Egypt and Mesopotamia at the times of Moses and Avram, Abraham, as a people and as a family. They then got the surname of Israel, 'meaning 'Who has fought with God'.

pics from Greece, South Italy

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