Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Quantum Theory and the Role of Mind in Nature



Quantum Theory and the Role of Mind in Nature 

Henry P. Stapp

 (two extracts)


Orthodox Copenhagen quantum theory renounces the quest to understand the reality in which we are imbedded, and settles for practical rules that describe connections between our observations.

Many physicists have believed that this renunciation of the attempt describe nature herself was premature, and John von Neumann, in a major work, reformulated quantum theory as a theory of the evolving objective universe. In the course of his work he converted to a benefit what had appeared to be a severe deficiency of the Copenhagen interpretation, namely its introduction into physical theory of the human observers.

He used this subjective element of quantum theory to achieve a significant advance on the main problem in philosophy, which is to understand the relationship between mind and matter. That problem had been tied closely to physical theory by the works of Newton and Descartes. The present work examines the major problems that have appeared to block the development of von Neumann’s theory into a fully satisfactory theory of Nature, and proposes solutions to these problems.


The Nonlocality Controversy

“Nonlocality gets more real”. This is the provocative title of a recent report in Physics Today. Three experiments are cited. All three confirm to high accuracy the predictions of quantum theory in experiments that suggest the occurrence of an instantaneous action over a large distance. The most spectacular of the three experiments begins with the production of pairs of photons in a lab in downtown Geneva. For some of these pairs, one member is sent by optical fiber to the village of Bellevue, while the other is sent to the town of Bernex. The two towns lie more than 10 kilometers apart. Experiments on the arriving photons are performed in both villages at essentially the same time.

What is found is this: The observed connections between the outcomes of these experiments defy explanation in terms of ordinary ideas about the nature of the physical world on the scale of directly observable objects. This conclusion is announced in opening sentence of the

Physical-Review-Letters report that describes the experiment: “Quantum theory is nonlocal”. This observed effect is not just an academic matter. A possible application of interest to the Swiss is this: The effect can be used in principle to transfer banking records over large distances in a secure way.

But of far greater importance to physicists is its relevance to two fundamental questions: What is the nature of physical reality ? What is the form of basic physical theory ?

The answers to these questions depend crucially on the nature of physical causation. Isaac Newton erected his theory of gravity on the idea of instant action at a distance. According to Newton’s theory, if a person were to suddenly kick a stone, and send it flying off in some direction, every particle in the entire universe would immediately begin to feel the effect of that kick.

Thus, in Newton’s theory, every part of the universe is instantly linked, causally, to every other part. To even think about such an instantaneous action one needs the idea of the instant of time “now”, and a sequence of such instants each extending over the entire universe.

This idea that what a person does in one place could act instantly affect physical reality in a faraway place is a mind-boggling notion, and it was banished from classical physics by Einstein’s theory of relativity.

But the idea resurfaced at the quantum level in the debate between Einstein and Bohr. Einstein objected to the “mysterious action at a distance”, which quantum theory seemed to entail, but Bohr defended “the necessity of a final renunciation of the classical ideal of causality and a radical revision of our attitude towards the problem of physical reality”.

The essence of this radical revision was explained by Dirac at the 1927 Solvay conference. He insisted on the restriction of the application of quantum theory to our knowledge of a system, rather than to the system itself. Thus physical theory became converted from a theory about ‘physically reality’, as it had formerly been understood, into a theory about human knowledge.

This view is encapsulated in Heisenberg’s famous statement: “The conception of the objective reality of the elementary particles has thus evaporated not into the cloud of some obscure new reality concept, but into the transparent clarity of a mathematics that represents no longer the behaviour of the particle but rather our knowledge of this behaviour.”

This conception of quantum theory, espoused by Bohr, Dirac, and Heisenberg, is called the Copenhagen interpretation. It is essentially subjective and epistemological, because the basic reality of the theory is ‘our knowledge’.

This way of dodging the action-at-a-distance problem was challenged by Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen in a famous paper entitled: “Can quantum mechanical description of physical reality be considered complete?” The issue was whether a theory that is specified to be merely a set of rules about connections between human experiences can be considered to be a complete description of physical reality. Einstein and his colleagues gave a reasonable definition of “physical reality”, and then argued, directly from some basic precepts of quantum theory itself, that the answer to this question is ‘No’.

Bohr disagreed.

Given the enormity of what must exist in the universe as a whole, and the relative smallness human knowledge, it is astonishing that, in the minds of most physicists, Bohr prevailed over Einstein in this debate: the majority of quantum physicists acquiesced to Bohr’s claim that quantum theory, regarded as a theory about human knowledge, is a complete description of physical reality. This majority opinion stems, I believe, more from the lack of a promising alternative candidate than from any decisive logical argument. Einstein, commenting on the orthodox Copenhagen position, said: “What I dislike about this kind of argument is the basic positivistic attitude, which from my view is untenable, and seems to me to come to the same thing as Berkeley’s principle, ‘esse est percipi’, “to be is to be perceived”. Several other scientists also reject the majority opinion. For example, Murray Gell-Mann asserts: “Niels Bohr brainwashed a whole generation into believing that the problem was solved fifty years ago”.

Gell-mann believes that in order to integrate quantum theory coherently into cosmology, and to understand the evolutionary process that has produced creatures that can have knowledge, one needs to have a coherent theory of the evolving quantum mechanical reality in which these creatures are imbedded. It is in the context of such efforts to construct a more complete theory that the significance of the experiments pertaining to quantum nonlocality lies.

The point is this: If nature really is nonlocal, as these experiments suggest, then the way is open to the development of a rationally coherent theory of nature that integrates the subjective knowings introduced by Copenhagen quantum theory into an objectively existing and evolving physical reality.




The Passive and Active Roles of Mind

The founders of quantum theory recognized that the mathematical structure of quantum theory is naturally suited for, and seems to require, bringing into the dynamical equations two separate aspects of the interaction between the physical universe and the minds of the experimenter/observers.

The first of these two aspects is the role of the experimenter in choosing what to attend to; which aspect of nature he wants to probe; which question he wants to ask about the physical world. This is the active role of mind.

The second aspect is the recognition, or coming to know, the answer that nature returns.

This is the passive role of mind.


The Active Physical Counterpart to the Passive Mental Event

I have mentioned the Schrödinger evolution of the state S(t) of the universe. The second part of the orthodox quantum dynamics consists of an event that discards from the ensemble of quasi-classical elements mentioned above those elements that are incompatible with the answer that nature returns. This reduction of the prior ensemble of elements, which constitute the quantum mechanical representation of the brain, to the sub ensemble compatible with the “outcome of the query” is analogous to what happens in classical statistical mechanics when new information about the physical system is obtained.

However, in the quantum case one must in principle regard the entire ensemble of classically described brains as real, because interference between the different elements are in principle possible.

Each quantum event consists, then of a pair of events, one physical, the other mental. The physical event reduces the initial ensemble that constitutes the brain prior to the event to the sub ensemble consisting of those branches that are compatible with the informational content of the associated mental event.

This dynamical connection means that, during an interval of conscious thinking, the brain changes by an alternation between two processes.

The first is the generation, by a local deterministic mechanical rule, of an expanding profusion of alternative possible branches, with each branch corresponding to an entire classically describable brain embodying some specific possible course of action. The quantum brain is the entire ensemble of these separate, but equally real, quasi-classical branches.

The second process involves an event that has both physical and mental aspects. The physical aspect, or event, chops off all branches that are incompatible with the associated mental aspect, or event. For example, if the mental event is the experiencing of some feature of the physical world, then the associated physical event would be the updating of the brain’s representation of that aspect of the physical world. This updating of the (quantum) brain is achieved by discarding from the ensemble of quasi-classical brain states all those branches in which the brain’s representation of the physical world is incompatible with the information content of the mental event.

This connection is similar to a functionalist account of consciousness. But here it is expressed in terms of a dynamical interaction that is demanded by the requirement that the objective formulation of the theory yield the same predictions about connections between our conscious experiences that the empirically validated Copenhagen quantum theory gives. The interaction is the exact expression of the basic dynamical rule of quantum theory, which is the stipulation that each increment in knowledge is associated with a reduction of the quantum state to one that is compatible with the new knowledge.

The quantum brain is an ensemble of quasi-classical components. As just noted, this structure is similar to something that occurs in classical statistical mechanics, namely a “classical statistical ensemble.” But a classical statistical ensemble, though structurally similar to a quantum brain, is fundamentally a different kind of thing. It is a representation of a set of truly distinct possibilities, only one of which is real.

A classical statistical ensemble is used when a person does not know which of the conceivable possibilities is real, but can assign a ‘probability’ to each possibility. In contrast, all of the elements of the ensemble that constitute a quantum brain are equally real: no choice has yet been made among them, Consequently, and this is the key point, entire ensemble acts as a whole in the determination of the upcoming mind-brain event.

Each thought is associated with the actualization of some macroscopic quasi-stable features of the brain. Thus the reduction event is a macroscopic happening. Moreover, this event involves, dynamically, the entire ensemble of quasi-classical brain states. In the corresponding classical model each element of the ensemble evolves independently, in accordance with a micro local law of motion that involves just that one branch alone. Thus there are basic dynamical differences between the quantum and classical models, and the consequences of these dynamical differences need to be studied in order to exhibit the quantum effects.

The only freedom in the theory—insofar as we leave Nature’s choices alone—is the choice made by the individual about which question it will ask next, and when it will ask it. These are the only inputs of mind to the dynamics of the brain. This severe restriction on the role of mind is what gives the theory its predictive power. Without this restriction mind could be free to do anything, and the theory would have no consequences.

Asking a question about something is closely connected to focussing one’s attention on it. Attending to something is the act of directing one’s mental power to some task. This task might be to update one’s representation of some feature of the surrounding world, or to plan or execute some other sort of mental or physical action.

The key question is then: Can this freedom merely to choose which question is asked, and when it is asked, lead to any statistical influence of mind on the behaviour of the brain, where a ‘statistical’ influence is an influence on values obtained by averaging over the properly weighted possibilities.

The answer is Yes  !


The Quantum Zeno Effect

There is an important and well-studied effect in quantum theory that depends on the timings of the reduction events arising from the queries put to nature. It is called the Quantum Zeno Effect. It is not diminished by interaction with the environment.

The effect is simple. If the same question is put to nature sufficiently rapidly and the initial answer is Yes, then any noise-induced diffusion, or force-induced motion, of the system away from the sub ensemble where the answer is ‘Yes’ will be suppressed: the system will tend to be confined to the sub ensemble where the answer is ‘Yes’. The effect is sometimes called the “watched pot” effect: according to the old adage “A watched pot never boils”; just looking at it keeps it from changing.

Also, a state can be pulled along in some direction by posing a rapid sequence of questions that change sufficiently slowly over time. In short, according to the dynamical laws of quantum mechanics, the freedom to choose which questions are put to nature, and when they are asked, allows mind to influence the behaviour of the brain.

A person is aware of almost none of the processing that is going on in his brain: unconscious brain action does almost everything. So it would be both unrealistic and theoretically unfeasible to give mind unbridled freedom: the questions posed by mind ought to be determined in large measure by brain.

What freedom is given to man ?

According to this theory, the freedom given to Nature is simply to provide a Yes or No answer to a question posed by a subsystem. It seems reasonable to restrict in a similar way, the choice given to a human mind.

* original design of T. Gleitzer


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