Saturday, December 24, 2022

Innocence vs Repentance


Who doesn't know this scene (of City Lights) when Chaplin “encounters the beautiful flower girl (Virginia Cheryl) on a street corner and in the course of buying a flower realizes she is blind; he is instantly smitten. The girl mistakes the Tramp for a wealthy man when the door of a chauffeured automobile slams shut as he departs.”

Who would say Virginia is not an innocent young woman ? She lives with her mother and, she is blind. The last scene says it all. Well, Eve was as innocent as Virginia, as any other young girl you know ! and this AFTER 'the fall'.

Before the fall, Eve was innocent without knowing what innocence was. After, she still was innocent but she knew it. She discovered that consciousness is irreversible and that knowledge of good and evil  comes with a price: a possible fail. She discovered that she was a child herself until then and that becoming an adult means having the duty to not do evil. BUT, she WAS still innocent from evil doing.

Christianity has killed innocence, and Christianity is the main religion that has soaked all the West. Christianity has replaced innocence with repentance. A man who must repent has no honour. A man who must abide by the farcical 'protocols' of this idolatry is not free, not himself ... he is a 'no value', a prisoner. 

Innocence is and must be fought for. There is no repentance possible because man is not his own judge. There is turning the back to evil, to slavery. Not allowing back smiles ...

What I say here is true, differently so, for all religions (including flags).

Earth is the place to fight for, not the Moon. Day to day life is the theatre where to proclaim innocence against maleficence, no matter which. Wrong is wrong and life is innocent at its core. This is no Paradise but there is a goal. And this goal goes through life, through any living creature. Denying that is doing an evil job. Being a living creature has a meaning in itself by the goal(s) it represents. 

Forwarding life, founding families, protecting innocence, improving nature, being helpful and happy together ... No need for religions, governments, mafias, armies, death merchants, yes ? Earth is good and there is no curse from destiny except the one we bring upon our own shoulders !! 

There has never been a god/man but men who served God, and their consciousness, Abraham being the great example, but that's 'old stuff', isn't' it ? Btw, same 'old stuff' that living thanks to nature or with nature, we're all happy citizens today aren't we ? Dreaming of the last SUV ? Ask Santa !

...  Best !!!

(Ps: Happy Christmas from Boston Dynamics)

Russian shop in Hadera, Israel

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