Monday, April 04, 2022

More "dystopiality"


The Camellia hit team

Shanghai advances whole-process people's democracy

“Whole-process people's democracy refers to China's model of democracy, which ensures that all major legislative decisions are formulated democratically and generated through scientific and democratic decision-making.”

Shanghai Officials Separate COVID-Positive Children from Parents as Outbreak Worsens

“When both parent and child have tested positive, doctors have used threats to browbeat families into compliance. in some cases, children as young as 3 months old have reportedly been separated from their breast-feeding mothers.”

 Shanghai Residents Struggle to Obtain Food and Medicine as Citywide Lockdown Continues

Beijing Dispatches Military to Shanghai as Expanded Lockdown Triggers More Unrest

Forced Parent-Child Separations Fuel Outrage in Locked-Down Shanghai

Eerie Drone Footage Shows Deserted Shanghai Downtown as Lockdown Extended

12 hours shifts at 0°C

Central Bank Digital Currencies(CBDC) are coming, and they’re coming much faster than most people care tothink about

"At the moment, roughly 90 central banks – including the European Central Banks and the Federal Reserve – are either experimenting with, or are in varying stages of CBDC implementation.  Moreover, these CBDC friendly central banks include all G20 economies.  And together, represent more than 90 percent of global GDP."

China to pilot digital yuan in more cities

"The country has tested the use of the digital yuan in over 10 places from Shenzhen to Shanghai and Xiong'an New Area. Most recently, Beijing and Zhangjiakou were included into the program after tests in the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games."

Sinovac secures $500 million in funding for COVID-19 vaccine development (2020)

"We have made significant progress in the development of our COVID-19 vaccine candidate CoronaVac, which has reached critical milestones in clinical trials in Asia and Latin America,"

Sino Biopharm profit surges 427.2% year-on-year (2022)

"INVOX, its wholly owned subsidiary in Europe, will continue to search for investment opportunities, while propelling the group company's internationalization"

China leads in battle against pandemic

China has been at the forefront of the global fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, sharing its experiences, expertise and donating supplies and equipment to countries around the world.

- On May 5, Singapore received a total of 620,000 face masks donated by the Chinese government and the Red Cross Society of China to help the city-state manage the outbreak. COVID-19 infections had risen to 23,336 in Singapore as of May 10, the highest in Southeast Asia.

- On May 4, China donated about 270,000 Fijian dollars ($119,780) in medical supplies to Fiji. The donation came after an earlier donation of $300,000 to Fiji from China.

Fijian Minister for Health and Medical Services Ifereimi Waqainabete said the donation will further strengthen Fiji's fight against the virus and also enhance the strong development partnership with China.

- As of April 28, the Chinese government, friendship organizations and enterprises have donated tens of millions of pieces of medical supplies, including masks and protective gear, as well as testing equipment and kits, according to the Chinese embassy in Japan.

Japanese State Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Gaku Hashimoto said in early April that China has provided important support to Japan for prevention and control of COVID-19, noting China's timely sharing of anti-pandemic experience and large provisions of medical supplies.

- On May 4, a new consignment of donations, including medical equipment, reagents and consumables, was donated to a newly built military hospital laboratory in Myanmar. The lab was also set up with the help of a Chinese medical team, according to Xinhua News Agency.

Khin Ma Ma Myo, professor of international relations at the University of Yangon, said the medical supplies and the medical experts' team sent by China to Myanmar are vital for the country during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Cooperation between Myanmar and China against COVID-19"brought about positive implications" that will surely strengthen closer bilateral relations, Khin Ma Ma Myo said, adding that both countries can also cooperate in the post-pandemic era by promoting border trade, human resource development in public healthcare, traditional medicine and medical research.

- In a signed article published on April 29, Chinese Ambassador to Brunei Yu Hong said that donations from Chinese companies to Brunei amounted to more than $1.3 million.

BGI, a Chinese genome sequencing company, provided technical support to Brunei in setting up a virology laboratory, in addition to testing kits sent in January.

China has provided medical supplies to more than 150 countries and international organizations by mid-April, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said earlier.

The new (2014 ... no masks) China Guinness record: 3000 breakfasts in bed 

The Empire of the Golden Triangle

"The Golden Triangle is a place where men die for the flags of unrecognized nations and jugs of acetic anhydride. This is where the crates of polymer QBZ-95 automatics get dumped and where mercenaries haul surplus M16s from the Cambodian jungle to lovingly refurbish with teak furniture.

These frontiers are run on commodities that no honest man should touch. Once, it was opium. The Kuomintang and the CIA fought running battles with the Shan United Revolutionary Army and the Royal Lao Army to control the trade. Methamphetamine came next. The drugs travel down trails that no map shows, joined by gems, furs, weapons, and women and children in bondage.

These frontiers are up for grabs."

Beijing quick to help reduce regional poverty

“The program in Cambodia typifies China's broader steps to promote international development cooperation as the world's largest developing nation. With China achieving its goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, officials and analysts said the nation would remain committed to furthering South-South Cooperation in its international development cooperation, with greater focus placed on improving livelihoods and building capacity for less-developed nations.

President Xi Jinping, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has made renewed commitments to enhancing the well-being of humankind.”

China, EU to hold virtual leaders' meeting

China's Terracotta Warriors exhibited in Japan

Chocolate Santa Claus Terracotta warriors

Achievements abound under leadership of the Party

"China, a nation with a history of more than 5,000 years of civilization, has evolved to become the world's second-largest economy and, since the outbreak of COVID-19, a revered "physician" of the global community.

The country has also managed to accomplish the "Chinese miracle "of economic development in just over 70 years, and has further extended a hand of shared prosperity to countries keen on speeding up development while maintaining their independence. These achievements, among others, have been realized under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.

Reflecting on both the history and the present state of affairs in China, one can firmly link China's success to the various reforms that the CPC has undertaken since its First National Congress, held in Shanghai on July 23, 1921, and the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The founders of the CPC, whose majority at the time of inception comprised farmers and few people in the working class, grappled with various ideas on how to make the Party a national entity, and one with a common ideology that would help the Chinese succeed in their great anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle."

Shanghai Lockdown Expanded to Cover Entire City as China's Worst Outbreak in 2 Years Drags On

US Trending Toward China’s Social Credit System, Enabled by Big Tech

The Absolute HORRORS of The Social Credit System That is Coming to The Western World

China's Legal System Steps Up Use of Secret Detentions

"(Lawyer) Xie (Yang) shot to fame after spending six months inside China’s system for secret jails or Residential Surveillance at a Designated Location (RSDL). He described in detail to his lawyers the prolonged, severe physical and psychological torture he had experienced inside the system.

As Xie’s testimony made headlines worldwide, China’s RSDL was not widely known until that point. Many other lawyers, alongside Xie, who were also placed into the RSDL system around the same time, have helped to slowly expose it as more victims came forth willing to speak about the reality behind those four letters.


The Dual Rise of Xi Jinping and RSDL

The RSDL system was put into place as Xi Jinping took power, and it has expanded in scope and size alongside the leader’s growing control over Chinese society.

RSDL allows the police to take any target(s) off the street, place them inside solitary confinement at secret locations, hold them incommunicado, and deny their family or anyone else knowledge of their whereabouts."

Poor countries' inability to immunize against COVID-19 a disaster for rich countries

By Bill Gates,

China is BMW 's biggest single market 

Unilever unveils ice cream 'lighthouse factory' in East China

How Bitcoin Strengthens the State

"While power tends to discipline and direct new technologies, they still play a part in challenging states. But instead of impeding centralization permanently, they become important bases of power that go on to converge with the state when the dust settles. During the failed Irish Easter Rising of 1916 and the Russian October Revolution of 1917, small bands of revolutionaries prioritized the capture of their nation’s telephone and telegraph exchanges before other targets, knowing they would be important tools for revolutionary governments. Even when new technologies are captured for dissident ends, they never escape the state itself.

A closer look at cryptocurrencies reveals that they are no exception to this tendency. In practice, many of its most prominent use cases have little to do with liberating individuals from the power of states. From El Salvador to Russia and Afghanistan, power centers use cryptocurrencies to circumvent sanctions imposed by adversaries, hedge against internal inflation, and more closely monitor their populations.

The history of technology is a human story—at least for now. There are few examples of our tools developing ends outside of that other human artifice: the state.


What was once imagined as a tool poised to achieve a stateless global arena of contractual individualism is now in the hands of those who wish to free the state from the web of twentieth-century liberal internationalism and its institutions. Amidst our current crises, the era of techno-realpolitik is struggling to be born. But increasingly, it’s evident that a centralizing genetic code was always present—if temporarily dormant—in the digital technologies that promised us liberation."

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