Saturday, November 06, 2021

Where is the Hero ?


They are killing us 'en masse' ! Us and our children*, and probably entire generations to come. The PTB, the private people who have bribed the world's public servants to implement their devil aims, the Gate's & Co are happy thousand times. We are obeying our elected leaders, for the most part. 60 millions people 'born in the USA' are on the brink to starve. 600 millions Chinese are living dead. 6 millions in Yemen, India, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and elsewhere are right now dying of hunger while we, 'the West' are shouting "Heil Hitler".

Bill Gates must be judged !!!!!!!!

Where is the hero did I ask ? I tell you: Governments - us - have betrayed the people,

Governments - us - must save us. Not clear enough ? sorry !!

Let me say loud and clear: the hero will not be a single man, ,the hero will be a people that will have the guts to reconquer its government and will free itself of the new world tyrants. Short of this, no hope.

*British funeral director:Dead babies are piling up in morgues

Cynthia Chung wrote a remarkable paper which begins with:

"The credo for all scientific dictatorships is to forbid any search for knowledge whose purpose is the discovery of a universal truth, something that “is beyond, somewhere outside the present human sphere.” Something that is and will remain always true, and not just true so long as people are led to believe it is so.

Thus, a scientific dictatorship must deny purpose by all means and promote an artificial “cushy” conception of happiness and comfort, since the former makes for very bad servants/slaves and the latter for very good ones.


Purpose leads to unpredictability in the status quo, there are no sureties for an oligarchic system of governance in a world that is motivated by a purpose towards truth, beauty, and knowledge, as Mustapha Mond succinctly lays out.

It is also the case that whenever one discovers a universal truth, it unifies rather than divides, truth is thus the very enemy of tyranny, for it offers clarity. And one can no longer be ruled over when they can see a superior alternative to their oppression.


Therefore, under the rule of tyranny, truth must when possible be snuffed out, otherwise it is contorted until it is no longer recognizable, it is broken into fragments of itself in order to create factions, schools of opposing thought that are meant to confuse and lead its followers further astray.

To deny purpose is thus the necessary condition to rule within a scientific dictatorship. Whether its controllers believe in purpose or not is irrelevant, since it is simply not admissible."

We're talking a lot these days about the 'Ministry of truth'. I know only one ministry of truth: everyone's consciousness, but that is not enough. To fight the official disinformation, we at this time need more than individuals although they are the basis. We need a people, a whole people like the one Moses and God had in the desert. We are in the desert today with no Moses and no God. I do not see any other people today on planet earth that can do the job except the American people.

American, you have for centuries lived upon sweet dreams of the being 'the liberty people' and, until today, you have not lived your dream but instead have allowed your government to be the main tool of the PTB ...

Reverse the steam, now is the time with no tomorrow for you and us if nothing is done by YOU !

Americans ! You have the chance to have States and some of them going the right way !

Stand up, congregate and walk together to your State capital, on December the 24th ?

In 1790, the 14 of July, at the 'Champs de Mars', one year after the capture of the Bastille by a handful of people, all of France met under the auspices of self-proclaimed Federations that came from every part of France. This never seen SPONTANEOUS movement is the example to follow, and maintain, and renew, in the USA, first,

the "Fête de la Fédération"

To begin with ...


Moreover, mankind is in dire need of definitions. Who is man ? What is life ? I'll try to answer that in a next paper, although in French, when I have the ability sooner than later. I would have so much to say, to explain; what a pity that humanity is going extinct, don't you think ?

BTW ... Was I right enough ?


Russia’s Defense Ministry reacts to U.S. nuclear-capable bombers, interceptor warship off its Black Sea coast

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