Monday, October 30, 2017


Tribute to Jobi








Panic panic panic panic panic panic panic

"International panic

Universal panic

Panic german government

Panic american government

Panic italian government


Massiglia Connection ...


En Famille avec Ras Jahby ...



(mon ami Jobi, artiste, compositeur, de Marseille, sur Youtube)

If you came until here, let me introduce you with some of my friends.
Jah be blessed !!

Judan, peintre en lettres, de Martinique
Le calme des grandes savanes d'Afrique !

Joss, marin, chanteur, pionnier, de Martinique

Les mêmes et Justin, capitaine de bateaux, entrepreneur, de Marseille

(09/2007 - Lion's gulf crossing on a Gibsea 126 sailboat, La Ciotat - Gruissan)

De premier Rasta de la Martinique
à compositeur marseillais,

106 rue Ferrari, hé ! 
ça c'était une adresse ...

mort d'un cancer ce dernier 21 mai 2021,
exactement 40 ans après l'enterrement de 
Bob Marley le 21 mai 1981 !!!

- une chaleureuse pensée à Esther sa fille -

à bientôt mon meilleur pote !!! 

Jah bless

Sunday, October 29, 2017


There cannot be several opinions about one thing. This is why what we call science is science. In the realm of science, until one thing is proved both by the theory and the experience, it is not called a fact, it is not reality, it is not valid, it is called a theory. On the contrary, what is called human-sciences like psychology, sociology … everything that is not related to matter but to the human world is entitled to have different views on the same topic.

As if man was less united than matter, as if man was not worth the proof of a validated concept, as if man was not able to understand himself, or at least, worth a healthy search like in science and call theory all what is not proved, even if that takes millenaries just as it is in science by the way. The fundamental questions of life, of humanity are still to this day a challenge not resolved and rightly so because of the multitude of theories themselves.

In reality, the field of human sciences, to which you can add all mind related subjects like religion is a football field during the world cup, but without a winner. I’d call that idolatry. And that situation that has endured since the dawn of time is the one and only cause of the materialistic war like domain where humankind messes around with so much pain and distress for so long with no end in sight. Well, for the majority because there has always been people who are more equals then the others.

The situation is entirely due to the majority that cannot to an agreement on the stupid ground that one is not equal to the other, that one deserves more, that equality is not a natural of being which no one has to care for except those who govern, and at their will because they own the power, but that is of secondary importance because after all, being more equal has never been the goal but the contrary, the opportunity of rising more than others.

So you see, he who is at the helm does not matter as long as it protects the inequality between people who are at war with one another at the basical level, as a default self-programming, a supreme motto blowing in the wind (--- not a Natural Mystic that is L). Are we better than robots, than ‘Sophia’ that says it (---she !! :) dedicates its (---her !! :) ‘life’ to making a better world for humans (without () !! :) ? In the natural so-called unequal world, well, things do not go this wrong as far as I know …

All that is to say something else ! In Judaism, just as in all other ‘religions’ (---idolatries J), there are many aspects of one thing, just think of Hillel and Shamai. You have Shiites and Sunites just as in Islam. You find Chabads, Conservatives, Liberals just as in you have Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox. And they call themselves religions of the same God ? Let me tell you how.

He who set the example of the theory that if man is at the helm, the law is not accept definitive proved arguments because it doesn’t matter but a chosen leader to apply the law of the majority, and he said that textually when by this mental trick, Shimon ben Gamliel when disputing against his son in law, Eliezer ben Hyrcanus in the famous deliberation concerning the "Oven of Akhnai", dispute where it was decided that religious leaders have to follow the majority's opinion exclusively because the Torah is not in the sky. The absolute of God’s laws is hence irrelevant in running human life. This was for the theory I said …

Well, when talking about humanity, I always come back to Etienne de La Boetie’s ‘Voluntary Servitude’ and to the story of the ‘Oven of Akhnai’* ! Now, how practically all together put in place this desired fatality ? And not only the people who run the show but those who applaud, hem …

The big picture has no relevance but the details. Remember that. What is the Talmud ? What is important in the Charedi community when an individual goes to the Rav ? (--- better go to the picture :)If that is for a fundamental question, the answer will come with a smile but whatever the answer is, and generally it remains at an opinion level, like “you can chose that or anything else you see fit”, after that quick surface event will come the big questions. Have you checked the mezuzot, how do you say this word in your daily prayer, does your wife check the salad properly …

You get it !! Professionals in marketing, in deluding, in being the one who know (---but who doesn’t :), the one to whom one obey, the tyrant. No real answer, never formulated; no real ear has listened to you; cold and empty encounter, that is what is practiced the world around under different colors. Add it is the same in children education and you got an eternity of the same, a pit with no escape door.

And still the same they do with the Torah !!! For the main events of it, the first commandment for instance, they will stick to the first part, “It is Me Who is your God”, use the second part as the material proof of it with no explanation or a simple one (Who took you out of Egypt), and they will put apart the third part or ignore it purposely because it is the one that justify the two former: “out a house of slaves” and illuminate the whole sentence**.

But, about other occasions, they will have ten thousands explanations of which a few are revered as a the top of human genius, but unlike in science, with no proof. Ah ! In these details, they will put all their logic, all their intelligence to make great something far from the main road, far from what we ought to know really, far from reality. As someone said, “they aren’t even wrong” …

Avi Gleitzer, October 29, 2017

"Natural Mystic"

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air;
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - don't ask me why.

Things are not the way they used to be,
I won't tell no lie;
One and all have to face reality now.
'Though I've tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask.
'Though I know it's impossible to go livin' through the past -
Don't tell no lie.

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air -
Can't keep them down -
If you listen carefully now you will hear.

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.

This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - don't ask me why.

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air -
I won't tell no lie;
If you listen carefully now you will hear:
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.

Bob Marley


  * Thanks to the most regretted Joseph Ehrlich

** Of the importance of the last part :

First, it is never translated as it should and that makes a Whole difference of meaning and understanding.

The hebrew text writes :"מִבֵּית עֲבָדִים"

which ironically Google translate nearly as it should :

"From the house of slaves" except for 'the' that should read 'a'.

The Bible I read translates: "out of the house of bondage",

which is a world apart !!!

It is not spoken here of bondage, even less of slavery but of slaves ...

Meaning that the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt NOT because the state was a tyranny
because they were living among slaves
that they indeed emulated until they became slaves themselves.

Any other comment ?

Monday, October 23, 2017


What makes you happy ???

Some will say eating a marshmallow,
others kissing a beautiful woman/man,
or seing a hilarious movies,
or killing one's neighbour,
or climbing a mountain, 
or playing poker,
or walking in the rain,
or ...

Don't you see a common pattern in all those seemingly disparate events ?
No ??
Open your eyes then !


Life is the one and only source of happiness.
Happiness is a property of life !!

Then yes Albert, you're right. 

If happiness has its sole origin in life itself, 
the more you'll live a natural life distracted of outside and fortunate goals, 
the more you'll be able to encounter happiness on your way.

Mathematical dear Watson !!

"It is not the tyrants that make the slaves,
it is the slaves that make the tyrants"

Thursday, October 19, 2017


We all talk of the NWO, or better said the Anglo-Saxon lust for a world domination (with a jewish component if you like although the word Jew has for long lost its natural meaning). I even mentioned as an opposite faction of World Order of the OWO, the European nobility and bourgeoisie of old that was the precedent force dominating the world. We even can speak of, and by the may more to the point, of an EWO, an economical world order that is what we have presently at the helm of everything around because, except in the Amazon jungle, eevrything has a price, even women, and without money, you're nothing. One cannot live without a bank account, no matter if it is in minus.

Humanity has always been materialistic and this is the only reason why, in our tech era, we are doomed as we feel we are. Man has never passed the point of possessing. Hundreds years ago, people wanted to possess land because there was few goods. Today, people still desire to possess material things. That is their goal. Nothing else. As I said, human beings are idolaters and this is the root cause of everything bad going around. The fight is to remind one another that before being material entities, we are souls, we are moral beings. What is important is the kingdom of spirit, of love, of giving.

I don't preach a kind of new age theory as many others do. Just read some of my precedent texts ... Evil is materiality, evil is in the surface, in the appearance. Good comes from inside, no matter who you are or how hou look like: this is the only real equality between humans, the ability to act as a good person and everyone has the same potential here. Consciousness is the level behind which everyone is equal.

Some are advocating now on Putin's path a MWO, a multipolar world order but don't be fooled, it will remain the same order of materiality run by money and controlled by arms, armies and laws. Our mouths are shut. The ghetto is everywhere because it is inside our strive for a material world, no matter who dominates it. No revolution, no secession can change that but an evolution from inside every single man and woman. And that process could still take millenias !!

Monday, October 02, 2017

Quantum collapse spawns gravity ?

HOW do you reconcile the two pillars of modern physics: quantum theory and gravity? One or both will have to give way. A new approach says gravity could emerge from random fluctuations at the quantum level, making quantum mechanics the more fundamental of the two theories.

Of our two main explanations of reality, quantum theory governs the interactions between the smallest bits of matter. And general relativity deals with gravity and the largest structures in the universe. Ever since Einstein, physicists have been trying to bridge the gap between the two, with little success.

Part of the problem is knowing which strands of each theory are fundamental to our understanding of reality.

One approach towards reconciling gravity with quantum mechanics has been to show that gravity at its most fundamental comes in indivisible parcels called quanta, much like the electromagnetic force comes in quanta called photons. But this road to a theory of quantum gravity has so far proved impassable.

Now Antoine Tilloy at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching, Germany, has attempted to get at gravity by tweaking standard quantum mechanics.

In quantum theory, the state of a particle is described by its wave function. The wave function lets you calculate, for example, the probability of finding the particle in one place or another on measurement. Before the measurement, it is unclear whether the particle exists and if so, where. Reality, it seems, is created by the act of measurement, which “collapses” the wave function.

But quantum mechanics doesn’t really define what a measurement is. For instance, does it need a conscious human? The measurement problem leads to paradoxes like Schrödinger’s cat, in which a cat can be simultaneously dead and alive inside a box, until someone opens the box to look.

One solution to such paradoxes is a so-called GRW model that was developed in the late 1980s. It incorporates “flashes”, which are spontaneous random collapses of the wave function of quantum systems. The outcome is exactly as if there were measurements being made, but without explicit observers.

Tilloy has modified this model to show how it can lead to a theory of gravity. In his model, when a flash collapses a wave function and causes a particle to be in one place, it creates a gravitational field at that instant in space-time. A massive quantum system with a large number of particles is subject to numerous flashes, and the result is a fluctuating gravitational field.

“A spontaneous collapse in a quantum system creates a gravitational field at that instant in space-time”
It turns out that the average of these fluctuations is a gravitational field that one expects from Newton’s theory of gravity ( This approach to unifying gravity with quantum mechanics is called semi-classical: gravity arises from quantum processes but remains a classical force. “There is no real reason to ignore this semi-classical approach, to having gravity being classical at the fundamental level,” says Tilloy.

“I like this idea in principle,” says Klaus Hornberger at the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany. But he points out that other problems need to be tackled before this approach can be a serious contender for unifying all the fundamental forces underpinning the laws of physics on scales large and small. For example, Tilloy’s model can be used to get gravity as described by Newton’s theory, but the maths still has to be worked out to see if it is effective in describing gravity as governed by Einstein’s general relativity.

Tilloy agrees. “This is very hard to generalize to relativistic settings,” he says. He also cautions that no one knows which of the many tweaks to quantum mechanics is the correct one.

Nonetheless, his model makes predictions that can be tested. For example, it predicts that gravity will behave differently at the scale of atoms from how it does on larger scales. Should those tests find that Tilloy’s model reflects reality and gravity does indeed originate from collapsing quantum fluctuations, it would be a big clue that the path to a theory of everything would involve semi-classical gravity.