Sunday, July 07, 2024

Bonus: Noah's prophecy*****


This is my last text that I traduced because I stopped writing in English.

The original is here in french.

Noah's prophecy is the most incredible in all of human history.

Here it is ( Genesis 9 ):


" 25 and he said: "Cursed be Canaan!

Let him be the slave of slaves to his brothers!"

26 He added: “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem and

let Canaan be their slave,

27 May God enlarge Japheth!

Let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be their slave!”


Atmosphere! Atmosphere!!


It is not useless to evoke the atmosphere of this tragedy. We are in - 3000 approximately, at this pivotal time of humanity which was the passage from prehistory to history. Prehistory lasted for approximately 2.8 million years without notable modification for the ancestors of man who were nomads, hunters, gatherers, living in small solitary tribes when approximately seven thousand years before its end, prehistory entered the Neolithic, around – 10/12,000.

Man then gradually became a farmer and breeder, settled down and began to form settled extra-familial communities that were the precursors of our societies. – 3/4,000 is the beginning of the Bronze Age, and that of civilized humanity. From this period date writing, the wheel, the calendar, idols, the first city-states, the first codes of laws, the first written and preserved relations of social and private life.   

So, from - 10,000 to - 3,000, over seven millennia, different centers of civilization emerged from the Indus (Pakistan) to present-day Romania, passing through Anatolia (Turkey), Crete, Persia (Elam, Susa), Egypt and especially Mesopotamia, Iraq and Syria where the first civilizations developed, in the south, Ur, Uruk and Babylon, Sumer, in the north, Assur, Nineveh and Harran.

It is therefore at this nascent time of humanity that the Flood took place. To close this short panorama, it is necessary to mention the remains discovered in multiple places in the world of strange embryos of colossal monuments dated around - 10000, the beginning of the Neolithic, like the gigantic half-buried megalith of Baalbek, and which prove the use of extraordinary means (far exceeding those of the Pyramids used 7000 years later) implemented by unskilled workers, and brutally interrupted.

Which brings us to the causes of the Flood.


Crossing the Styx

The reasons for the Flood are clearly explained in Genesis chapter six. There are two: the corruption of man ('The thoughts of his heart are evil all the day long' - 6/5) and the presence among men of 'Sons of the divine race' (6/2&4) participating in this corruption. 

When God says that he wiped out every creature from the face of the earth, he is referring to the creatures who knew Him, whom He had created and who had become corrupt, who, knowing good, did evil (the flood was a selective weapon), with the exception of Noah, this Achilles before his time, whose heel was his love of the product of the vine.

This destruction therefore also concerned the 'Men of God', who had taken the daughters of man, and who probably had wanted to build them palaces which explains the remains of the mysterious colossal constructions dating from this period of humanity.

Noah therefore crossed the Flood on his boat and with his family.


The good, the bad and the ugly

So, at the age of 600, Noah entered the Ark with his three sons, their wives, their children, all the animals, and he came out a year later. What we must see in Noah is that he is the only representative of humanity who knows God, after the Flood. His three sons are in this respect the ancestors of all humanity.

However, and this would require a special study, the children of a just, honest and faithful man are not necessarily so themselves and they too often borrow, both from genetics and from the social environment, characteristics which were not imprinted, so to speak, in the values ​​of their parents.

That said, and we see it in the event that gives rise to the Prophecy of Noah, his three sons acted with him with infinite deviations. Their behavior, to them who know God will be representative of humanity who will know Him later through extraordinary events. In the meantime, Chem represents fidelity and honesty, devotion, intelligence, delicacy, all the qualities in fact! Japheth is indifference and Ham perversion.

Chem is the continuator of his father and the representative of those elite men who will succeed him in the love of God. Chem, as Abraham will be, is a source of blessing. Japheth will be enlarged, which is also a blessing, that of number, as God promised Abraham that he would become a multitude. Japheth represents all humanity, minus the descendants of Chem and those of Ham. Ham is strangely cursed in one of his sons, Canaan, perhaps because his descendants will occupy Israel before the Hebrew people take possession of it at the exit from Egypt.


Chem's tents

Noah therefore lavishes the blessing and the curse (on the subject of prophecy, it is already astonishing that the Blacks, descendants of Ham, became thousands of years later the slave people par excellence) but he pronounces a strange sentence following the blessing of the number: "Let him - Japheth - reside in the tents of Chem".

The 'tents of Chem' are 'Ha Kadosh Baruch Hu', are God. Japheth will be under the influence of the God of Israel, Humanity will live under the eye of God! Is it not pretentious to claim such a thing when humanity, as we have seen, did not yet exist, when countless despots ruled by the law of force before resorting to the force of law, when God's thought was limited to a handful of individuals, and for all sorts of reasons besides?

And yet ... The Hebrews have rooted the faith in a single God with a certain influence on their region, but the world? Well, a certain Jesus, Hebrew, was the cornerstone of a religion that became the first in the world, a religion having as its root the God of Israel !! Do we not even hear that, from Russia to America via Europe, only Christian values ​​can save the world from an Orwellian present and future?

And Islam? Same founding God. Between Christianity and Islam, we have half of humanity and to evoke the other, China and India mainly, we must move from the religious order to the social order.


Indeed, what is China if not a huge factory at the behest of the world powers of our time, which are public and private conglomerates, ministers of war, global giants of technology and trade? But who are these people? Well, mostly those we call Jews, who profess their attachment to the traditions recognizing the God of Israel, those who propagated communism, globalization, those who created the USSR, China itself, from scratch.

Eh!!! Ask Henry Makow if there is not a global conspiracy led by these 'Jews'! Ask Henry !!


Yes, as long as there were no laws, not that of Moses, it was force that dominated the world. Since man made laws (Hammurabi) took over, force has hidden itself behind the law, and the law is supported by money. Money has thus become the fundamental power of civilization. Thus, Force, law and money have dominated civilizations since their dawn, and the 'legitimacy' of the use of these three forces has increasingly fallen to that of money, which means that the real powers are those that pay for weapons, armies, governments, they are the world monetary powers. And there, in all these areas and many others, we find individuals calling themselves Jews in extraordinary proportions given their numbers.

Although I do not share with Henry the idea that the Jews are the 'masters of the world', because I consider that the will to power is inherent in man, Jewish or not, it is not wrong to attribute to them an enormous over-representation and a more than real power on the course of world affairs. In addition, these Jews have developed a violent, criminal and hateful literature towards the rest of humanity (Talmud). From there to a world conspiracy, the step is small!


However, all the tyrants, with whom these Jews have allied themselves, are only puppets in the hand of a destiny that surpasses individuals as much as peoples, and those who believe they lead them. In reality, Noah said, "Japheth will live in the tents of Shem". Therefore, the role that these so-called Jews play without knowing it is to put humanity under the domination of the God of Israel of whom they claim to be the representatives. They only dominate the world because the world considers them as representatives of the God of Israel (and in this sense, the creation of Israel was an ultimate condition), and this wrongly because these Jews are in no way descendants of the Hebrews, nor do they represent in any way the Torah of Moses.

Now it is not the will of the world, which is above all greedy for illusions, to be dominated by the God of Israel, no more and no less than the Hebrew people who, on leaving Egypt, created a Golden Calf.

Humanity should not be dominated by people of such small numbers having disproportionate power in world affairs and, if this is so, it is only so that Noah's prophecy may be fulfilled...

Monday, November 27, 2023

App IV: « The goat of Mr Seguin » (+'404 bis') & New blog


The pic on the precedent post of the moon between the clouds, the moon is a white spot, the mark of innocence that every living creature is granted with at birth, Together with all qualities like hope, love, patience, curiosity, joy…

Well, this white spot is in trouble second after second everywhere and it is time everyone gives a push in the right way …

50 millions - at least, are living - And dying, today in ‘modern slavery’ and NK comes in the third place behind India & China just before Russia … (link)

another link27.6 (reported) Million People are Currently in Forced Labor

Now, the question is,

the only one question,

the big question:

How long will humanity throw its own week part to the wolves ?

How long will we allow this desecration of ourselves to take place ?

How long will people allow themselves to see others as dependent, useful, material ?

How long will humanity tolerate its parasites that suck its blood, its innocence, its shine ?

How long our most precious souls, children, women, citizen will be used as wolves' food,

like Mr. Seguin's white goat ?

Deuteronomy Chapter 25


"Remember what Amalek did unto thee by the way as ye came forth out of Egypt;


how he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, all that were enfeebled in thy rear, when thou wast faint and weary; and he feared not God.


Therefore it shall be, when the LORD thy God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance to possess it, that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget."


Message of hope !!!

What everyone calls the 'NWO', including me except that I usually describe it as 'The Powers That Be' which is more universal because the craziness of power grabbing has no place and no time, and because of that, I would like to rename the 'NWO' as the 'Ancient World Order', the 'AWO'.

The world is not changing only in bad as it looks to be. Man is not evolving the wrong way only. Man is saying thanks God from the bay of Natal to Anchorage. Collectively, we cannot endure times of desperation willingly, again and again as we all (more and more consciously but, I believe, a majority unconsciously) know that the dissents instilled into Mankind are fabricated by the powerful in order to rule. 

Man wants to be happy and dictators' times die in the end because life is eternal and more powerful. Man has evolved. Hurting daily and publicly an animal is no more the norm for instance, or look at all the YouTube videos of people who befriend wild animals, world round, from squirrels to pumas ! The next step being, save the humans, better later than never …

The remaining problem is pride, pride ill understood. Man usually believes he has to take a role for being someone, be that trough work, the most common, religion or else (politics, sports, entertainments ...). Taking a role is like grapping a bone and stop barking, a must for the PTB's and a disaster for humanity. But that too will end. You are not someone because you are green, red or blue but because you are born a man, from a mother and a father. The melody from the Ghetto and the rhythm from the Street :)

As Bob said, there is a Spirit in the air. There always has been and there always will be ...

Yes my friends, no politicians, no soldiers, no bankers, no land owners, this our future, our destiny.

We do not understand life the right way !

We are born with a ‘capital’ of love, of virtue, of personal freedom and happiness and our job is to build upon it, to make it bloom relentlessly. When one quits that road, no matter for what dream-thing to accomplish, the ‘capital’ we are born with vanishes.

We are God-Like creatures and when we step out of our inner identity, we become less than the tiniest living entity.

We were programmed by God. True religion simply is following the program.  God is the program.

Henry Makow

Not yet started, in french, my new blog 

(btw, I checked with the beginning of the first article - 'Noah's prophecy' (this text reveals why the world is dominated by 'Jewish artifacts'), an automatic English translation with Google and except for a few words, it is fairly acceptable):

'Call me Victor' (or V)

This blog will be more personal, spiritual, poetic and dedicated to the relation between man and God;

 no more news ...

Thank you again for reading, God bless !!!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

App III: God doesn’t change His spots


If you eat a piece of chocolate once, it is a pleasure. Twice still is. But after fifty pieces, that becomes a pain.

Why did God favor the offer of Abel over that of Cain ?

Because we must not consider our life as our own property, because we must remember that we did not create ourselves, neither the paradise that is the earth which we share with an infinity of marvelous creatures with whom we can share understanding and sentiments, creativity and love. 

We have not the power to decide for God, point. And God decided before all that the life He provides us with is sacred. Life is untouchable for us because above all other living creatures, we have a consciousness, because we are able to choose between good and bad, because we can view ourselves as masters of life, our own and others, what we shouldn’t ever think about.

We are wanderers, like Abel, not owners. Abraham, Ytzhak and Yaakov were shepherds. Essav was a hunter, and Cain a plowman …

We are made for diversity, not habits as great as an habit can be. Do not become slaves, as the Hebrews became at the time of the new Pharaoh who did not knew Joseph. Do not make a slave of yourself. 

Because slavery begins inside.

When God saved the Hebrews from slavery, internal as well as external, He saved humanity also, at least potentially. You are able to not recognize this, but you cannot say that it doesn’t make sense. In one of my last posts that I called « Proud », I did not expand althought I wanted to ! 

What I wanted to say was that there was still hope, above all the mayhem that occurs and had occured until today. Mankind is on a path of diversifying and this comes with two prices, unity and segregation. We are seing this because, whatever, when you work daily with a Philippino, a Syrian, a Turk, an Indian, an Arab, as I do, you consider him or her as a human being first.

The goal of the PTB’s is clear to everyone, it is not only and not primarily as may seem to oppress but to divide because you cannot oppress people who are united. They aim at permanent civil wars. How many civils wars did Rome have ! Look at Wikipedia ! And what took Rome down ? An outsider force that profited from the divide and the corruption. Today, the outsider force is an insider one because the world has become one despite the boundaries. We cannot expect to be freed from the neo-roman emperors. 

However, a people is not just its geo-political image, neither a country is its touristic one. People live daily together and most of them, of us know very well who the culpable is, governments as well as international entities beginning by the financial ones. There are many untold thoughts that despite not being proffered loudly are binding people together because the ennemi is the same for all.

There is a genuine desire for peace, for truth, for nature, and if it cannot bring a revolution, it unequivocally creates an evolution. So, the PTB’s plot to overwhelm the West with migrants to create dissent, segregation and war may not succeed because as I said, if a revolution is not near, more slavery, ‘ Covid style/WEF’ will not be accepted passed a certain point.

The civil war desire of the powerful must be brought down by understanding and hope in human nature over collective fabulations. The PTB’s wishes can be overcome down to up and not the contrary, the building blocs being individual living people that are not originally inclined to darkness, look at a kid.

Will the fight with our own instincts go on forever ? Ask women maybe …

One thing is certain, God did not renounce his plans and behind what we see, a hidden reality is doing its way tirelessly and irremediably through life which is its front.

There are many dark spots on earth from Gaza to Ukraine (1 million dead), from North Korea to Haiti where life is threatened daily and these spots are the tip of the iceberg because all humanity lives under the power of arms and laws enforced by a minority. Orwell & Huxley are the present. You can fool all the people all the time, it seems. We are all under control, both un-voluntarily and voluntarily.

But, let’s look at what is happening here, in Israel. In 1986 when I first came, Israel was a big village of around 3.5 millions consisting of maybe 2 of Ashkenazim and 1.5 of Sephardim. You now add 2m of Russian origin, one from Ethiopia and another from elsewhere. All of them having their own closed communities. But all of them answer, when they’re asked: « How do you do ? » they answer « Baruch Hachem » (Thanks God/God be blessed), yes, most of us indeed ... 

Against the will of the PTB’s, is this the rebirth of the Hebrew people ?

Ha ! Wasn't my first blog named: "Ierushalaim Frontline" ???

But, well, this is all a dream because this is reality (not the worst but quite heavy yet):

Slaves we have been, slaves we are, slaves we will be.
Is it written in the DNA ?

And here are 2 examples of fascism in Israel, merging of state and corporations in order to decide for ‘the people what it should believe in, what it should do, how it should behave …

For the brinks pic, it is written on the sticker on the side « Together we will win » (Gaza’s war) and for the donut, religion is giving its blessing for the feast of ‘Chanuka’ with all the religious sects uniting in supporting the war
(the donut is wearing a military green beret that reads Tsahal, the israeli military).

The name below, Yochananof, is that of a big supermarket chain sponsoring the army with the forwarding of gifts of donuts to soldiers.

It reads: « True heros »

The Rise of Propaganda-Dependent Elites and Lonely Masses (Malone/Desmet)

"They're Openly Telling Us They're Going to Brainwash the Next Generation of Americans..." (The PTB's have shifted their tents Eastward)

Consumers Are Rejecting the Great Reset, A Nation ofNon-Compliers (Jeffrey A. Tucker)

Is the US Ready for China’s Mass-Produced Humanoid Robots ?

Read this !!!

« Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct

A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible »

And that:

Human Artificial Reality is a Mortal Threat

Technocensorship: When Corporations Serve as A Front for Government Censors

'We, The Exploited': The US Government Buys & Sells its Citizens for Profit and Power

Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

Authored by John & Nisha Whitehead via The Rutherford Institute

Lara Logan outs Corporate Media-Government Collusion

Why we are Sleepwalking into Tyranny

The problem boils down to this: it is Force by Eric Peters

Why Social Trust is Cratering: The Difference Between Elites and Commoners

Mob rule versus survival of the West: Why Americans should be watching The UK

A last word from Henry who comes to the same conclusion that I do although from a totally different angle:

Self-Restraint is 9/10of Worship

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

(Revised from Sept 15, 2013 & Oct 6, 2018)


"Have you noticed that nine of the Ten Commandments are proscriptions?

They tell us what we shalt NOT do.

Surely this is an important clue. We worship God by disciplining and controlling our lower nature

The only affirmative Commandment is to "honor your father and mother."  

The other nine are concerned with obeying, i.e. Self-discipline:

You shall have no other Gods; not make idols; not take His name in vain; not work on the Sabbath; not commit murder; not commit adultery; not steal; not bear false witness (lie) and finally, not covet your neighbor's wife or possessions."

« Ticket please »


Monday, November 13, 2023

App II: The book of Ruth & the NWO, Joseph Ehrlich (2003)

Hi again,

Joseph’s texts about Torah are as unique as invaluable !
I possess around 200 pages that I printed in 2005/6 from the original site of which you can find examples below and that you won’t find anywhere else.

If someone is interested, contact me at:

NB: I would like to find someone who would put back on line all of it and all what is available elsewhere

This is a study about some wrongs of Torah’s characters and their consequences

This is an insight about the value of prayer

This is the first page of a study about how the ten commandments are relevant nowadays

This was the SenderBerl home page


Original text from the then SenderBerl site:

(sorry for the size, save and open in a pic viewer)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Appendice I, Joseph Ehrlich


I cannot leave the internet without a tribute to Joseph Ehrlich whom, in 2002 had a site called 'SenderBerl & Sons'. Maybe some do remember. It was mainly geopolitical but among all, there was a few texts dedicated to stories found in the Torah like the one of Ruth, the intruder. Another one taken from the Talmud was that of the "Oven of Akhnaï" where the definite ruling of the 'Jewish church' was defined: "God is not in the sky". 

That those two stories can bring light to contemporary events was the intent of Joseph's work. The few small books he wrote later were the development of those stories with the intent of saying that, what happened before happens today, under the eye of God.

Then, not a year after his death, all he had published disappeared. He was wise to write some books !

Here is a text he wrote about Diana's death

And another of geopolitics.

Another inspiration had been that of Dr. Sheedy who asks: " Is God the 'Life-Drive ?"
Henry Makow has always been interesting too even if he considers Jews as Jews while they are nothing close to the fact ! Let's say it again, Jews is an empty bag. 

Only the people living in Israel, believing in God and being of Sephardi descent (with some percentage of other originated people, Yemenites for the most part, Ashkenazim for a very few ...) can be called Hebrew, Ivri, from the Hebrew word 'Ever', the other side. The Hebrews are the people from the 'other side', from Egypt and Mesopotamia at the times of Moses and Avram, Abraham, as a people and as a family. They then got the surname of Israel, 'meaning 'Who has fought with God'.

pics from Greece, South Italy

Saturday, October 28, 2023

"Yes God or yes man" ! The 400th post:) + vid NK hid cam


Hello everybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbody !

I tell you: "stop loving to hate, do not be happy to give a kick to anyone, don't take pride in inflicting pain to someone else, yes, there is no other way."

This is the last post of this blog, ten years after the first one, fifteen since I began blogging and around fifty since I first thought: "I am a world citizen, I do not recognize borders, laws and identities." To which I could add: "my identity is that of a life being, life has given me all who I am, and a consciousness in which I trust. I do not need any guidance, any religion, any law because I have my own, that I have acquired by birth, that is a present of life. "

Look, life is sustainable, humanity is not. Life will prevail and humanity keeps destroying itself, say, humanity is not sustainable unless man becomes better than who he is, who he has been everywhere all the time. 

So I said, this post is the last and it will take some time to complete. I have been happy to share my thoughts with you all, many of them quite unique around ! One of them being that God, besides being the God of the universe, the God of life is the God of Avram the (As-)Syrian, could it be said, from Haran. 

What is the biggest problem of all, the root cause of the inability of mankind to progress ? I think that the reason lies in that children do all the mistakes their parents do most of the case, at least, enough to froze in the egg the ability to evolve the right way. Crime is up, war is up, violence is up because in private, we like it. It is not an organic problem but a cultural one, and why is it ? Because the value of family interest is low, primitive to say the least.

But what God wanted to do with Avram ? What did He tell him ? What did He ask him to do ?

God wanted to create the seed of a family with a moral and spiritual compass, a family who would become a people that would be an example for humanity to build upon. At its guise must it be said, freely, everyone according to its uses and instincts as long as it would respect life and the God of life. That was the plan and the people, just like Avram himself, was to be ousted from the midst of idolatry and infamy that were the common place ... and still are. 

Why none rise up against the 9-11 real perpetrators and what is more, more clear than crystal water, why no one is rising against the 10-7 ? The answer is: because the president of the United States has a son like the one he has. Is it not clear enough ?

Yes, Avram became Abraham and waited 99 years to have a son from his wife. And yes, his wife chased his first son out of the family home. The goal was a family that knows, that understand and love the God Who has not only given a moral and a spiritual order but the God that had given to man what he wants, what he desires, what he needs: a spiritual compass. Because man is not only flesh as some say since.

The root is education and the transfer of values, of beliefs, of examples to follow, of patterns to replicate in order to be a man and to like it, to love who we are and the life that comes together, our own and others, and particularly the newborns and the elders. Because the first has all to learn and the second can teach a lot, if there is someone to listen.

There is not one animal that does not rises young well and loves its family, when there is one. We are failing to love and raise our children and this is the trouble, the grain of sand in humanity's evolution. Hate, arrogance, egoism, haughtiness, negligence, disrespect, selfishness are the habits that are transmitted with their legions of violence, of crime to which the usual preys are the weak who should be on top, the youth, the women, the elderly instead of the values of life.

We need not bringing the Skulls and bones, the WEF, the Rothschild, the Illuminati or any conspiracy theory to trace the origin of the defeat of humanity in face of its suffering and the killing of his own, the Moloch attitude comes from inside everyone to be able to be tolerated in common. Covid, Ukraine, Gaza, all the mayhems that has been and the ones to come would never have been a possibility to begin with if, individually and globally, man was following the compass of life, of all the moral values he does not ignore, man is not guilty of not knowing because the compass is imbedded with life. Every life being has a knowledge of what is good and bad.

However, God's plan didn't succeed because of two reasons, the Golden Calf and the will of having a king. 

What is the greatest desire of man ? Being free.

And, since free, among other meanings, means being free from oppression, that is, deciding for oneself what will be one's life about, then, being independent is to be powerful enough for not having to bow to the other's pressure. The root of the quest for power lies in the natural feature that freedom is the value above all. Just ask a wild animal ! We're not different about that.

However, there is a difference between animals and us. Animals view their freedom as an individual matter, not a societal one. They live together in good harmony as long as their vital territory is not threatened. We on the contrary will see liberty as a societal goal. Man will want to have the greatest power he can grab because the aim of life, that is life itself as animals show us is turned into global dominance. 
So that he will see himself as the freest, that is, the most powerful. The rules of life have been changed, perverted. War is the aim, no more the way. Violence, treachery, killing, all means are legal in the quest for power. The means have become the end.

The Golden Calf event's significance is that man is not ready to accept an outsider as his master. God is an outsider, an unknown entity with which you cannot deal. Man would accept for master only one of his own, or a manmade representation of the power to be, an illusion that he will be able to rule upon at his will, a masquerade that will let him free of accountability to anything and anyone.

That lead us to why the Hebrews did want a king.

1793, the fourth year of the French revolution has been called 'The Terror', and that not long after it. Peoples like Carrier, infamous for its drownings of 'Aristocrats', priests, nuns and anyone deemed suspect did more than their best to apply the then general rule of 'le niveau', the level, and the lowest one. 
People want a king to be able to see no other greater than them under a tyrannical rule of an omnipotent despot that tells you what to do, how to live. What applies to me applies to others, in front of the Guillotine, we are equal. Robespierre got through it after having sent thousands. The desire for a king is the desire for a level, a societal guillotine. No animal has ever dreamed such a barbarity.

And yes, if you are weak, bye bye ! This is Amalek, about what much is said around. Amalek is the power that reaches the weak. Globally, the weak has always been Children, Women, Blacks, Indians, Arabs, Indians, people who are left behind, who cannot deal with going 'up' the societal hill, who indulge themselves with being who they are, willingly or not, and not seeing as their ideal the conquest of social highnesses.

Unfortunately, the Weak mostly represents life itself. Children and women are definitely the most oppressed part of mankind, and that, both by the powerful and the weak, and also which is remarkable between themselves. Kids are fighting, women are competing the most. Why is that aberration ? Because of all the values of man, the one that is absent and that should be on top is family values. 

The goal is ending the reign of force and there is no other tool than to restore shared family values.

Another reason why they wanted a king was that all the people around had one. The Hebrews didn't want to be different than others, to singularize themselves, no more than they wanted to venerate an outsider, God. They didn't side with anarchists, 'no God, no master' but on the contrary, they wanted an idol and a king, as we still do ... illusions and governments.

That is what God wanted for His people, that is what no one wants to understand because family values destroy the illusion of societal power, of individual greatness, as the aim. You can become a great individual only through family values because before becoming what we want, we are who we are, natural beings with an unlimited power of understanding ourselves and the other, thanks to family life.


Where the milk and honey flows

Effectively, this is a no brainer to say that the people who succeed, except a very few, are the ones that have had a decent family life, from top to bottom. 

I believe that, until now, the 19° century has been the apogee of civilization, particularly in south Europe and in France. Since then, the powerful have become more and more so thanks to technology with no end in sight. The cure for this unending illness is family values, and yeah, no one likes it folks but family values is what the Torah is about, nothing else, stories of families, from Genesis to the books of Samuel. And the record goes on.

Teach your children a little prayer before going to bed ...
God bless !!!

Yes God or yes  man !





Free-free, set them free

If you need somebody, call my name

If you want someone, you can do the same

If you wanna keep something precious

Gotta lock it up and throw away the key

You want to hold on to your possession

Don't even think about me

If you love somebody

If you love someone

If you love somebody

If you love someone, set them free

Free-free, set them free (set them free)

If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes

Or a whipping boy, someone to despise

Or a prisoner in the dark, tied up in chains you just can't see

Or a beast in a gilded cage

That's all some people ever wanna be

If you love somebody (love somebody)

If you love someone (love somebody)

If you love somebody (love somebody)

If you love someone, set them free

Free-free, set them free (set them free)


Free-free, set them free

You can't control an independent heart (can't hold what you can't keep)

Can't tear the one you love apart (can't love what you can't keep)

Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live

We can't live here and be happy with less

So many riches, so many souls

Everything we see there, we want to possess

If you need somebody, call my name

If you want someone

You can do, you can do, you can do the same

If you wanna keep something precious

You gotta lock it up and throw away the key

You wanna hold onto your possession

Don't even think about me

If you love somebody (love somebody)

If you love someone, set them free

Free-free, set themfree (set them free)



The first need of man is « not to know » what bothers him, even the pain of his brother.


We need one another, Black people for their tempo, for their strong love of life, Asian for their patience, their finesse, White for their curiosity, their capacities to solve problems and evolve, not always in the right way, and so on !