So, you are perfectly aware as I am that there is a war going on, a world war, part by crude force, part by mental bending, part by corruption and by depravation.
Perverting what is to reign on what is left, and remanufactured.
Governments, agencies, industries, municipalities and media (...) have colluded which means millions of individuals are complicit in the process, from the minister to the municipal street sweeper. Willingly or not, there are around more than enough people who have an interest in complying with orders. No 'Plan B' for the majority of them who cannot but view their status as totally dependent of the social net, as it is, and thus consider society, as it is, as the natural inescapable realm.
This is the first level of obedience's motivation and the 'outer' one. The second can be named 'the mother of all conspiracies', although not viewed as such even for those who acknowledge it, usually, that is man's proclivity to consider himself as a social element, it is man's natural inclination to view himself as a social role player, and only this, or this first, inside the social net of his time.
In this context, man determines who he is by opting for a multitude of social role models. This process which gets started nearly after birth does a curve when nearing adulthood. Then, knowing more or less what rank to expect on the social scale, one bends oneself to reach the best spot one can dream of.
Society's gravitation is the most potent occult power ever !
You want to obey ? obey to the principle of life, and to yourself !
The principle of life is the exchange of sentiments and knowledge.
Like parents obeying their children to provide them with their needs,
moral and material, like children obeying their parents, the main objective in
the exchange is sentiment and comprehension. Respect, curiosity, good will,
honesty are on par with understanding one another although not necessarily approving.
This is a natural process where individual life is the measure, this is
the matrix of a normal society. There is no notion of profit in it, neither of
dominance, but this process when extended is encompassing the trade business
that provides for the needs of people.
There lies the knot, the weakness of the human enterprise.
Profitable means dominance because if everyone gets the same, there is
no profit. Profit is a force that allows you to get more than the other while
the other must do more to get the same. If profit had remained a technical
scale to better perform for the greater good, and not to allow individuals to
get more than the others, it would be fine.
That is not the case. Profit does not only mean enslavement but
suppression of everything that is contrary to its laws, laws that are embedded
to the law of all the nations of the world, and in some cases superior to all
other laws (see the power of the customs). This law is not that of demands and offers but
its cause: it is the right to buy and sell everything that is, humans included.
The consequence is that everything bought for profit must serve profit
and, to serve this purpose, can be coerced and modified as needed. Men (and
more so women and children) have been coerced for ages and modified by the
imposed rules of being. From being kept in dire poverty in rural areas void of
any comfort and wellbeing until being massed in city flats, humanity has always
fallen under the law of the few mostly because the first consequence of harassing
people is for them to turn their lives into a slow motion tempo, to avoid
interactions and step their heads in the sand instead of talking together and
uniting to get rid of the oppression. Self-isolation is the main effect of aggression
when the power to confront is too big to keep a hope of winning. ‘Self-victimization’
is another one coupled with over over-consumption.
Today, the best two tools to aggress people are city life and cars. City
life is perfect to induce people in a hive mind, cars being the wings … A ‘city-mind’
in a 4 wheels’ armchair, this is what man is now. Big money and compliance owe
a lot to these two weapons.
The tyrants have an excuse: anyone can reach the top. But in practice,
since you must play by the profit rules, that are immoral, only a few will go
up and only the ones who put morality below success, willingly or not, the
general result of which is that the worst of mankind’s deeds succeeds, although
on the surface, these people look the most beautiful and the most encompassing.
For the majority, success, social success is the blessing of one’s life.
But success in the context described above means giving oneself to the fate of profit’s
goals severed from any moral accomplishment, promoting injustice, violence,
isolation, on the contrary. There has never been so much distress, poverty and
hate than today after two centuries of profit and ‘progress’.
So, since in every individual no matter what he does and think, there
remains a part that is weighing good and bad, a part that sees what is good and
what is bad, every man lives disconnected from this part, that is, from
himself, from his self.
The distortion felt, consciously or not, increases the effect of the oppressing
power and leads to accept and even support all the rules because success is the
only escape one sees to not being ‘thirld-worldized’ in a reckless environment,
while keeping a ‘low profile’ all the time. Looking strong while being weak. People
live in denial and, for most of them, contrary to the opinion in the
alternative press, it is conscious.
The force at the helm of society looks overwhelming to even try fighting
against it. And on its part, it does anything it can to look so. Terrorizing, aggressing,
taxing, pushing the rule of law into the least detail of life, invading the
body, the spirit, 24/7, on a fast pace, thanks to smartphones, indeed …
The “City Eye” doesn’t sleep.
Bang Bang !!
These poor beggars full of “Bon-adventures” carry nothing but future
Jacques Callot
But wait !
All I have described does not fit all the populations of the world.
If I ask a man where Western ‘civilization’ is endemic if he feels
blessed, he will translate the question as: “Have you succeeded ?” and his
answer will be accordingly, yes, I have a good job, a big car and so on.
In both cases, feeling blessed of successful, one needs to believe in a
higher order of things that can bless or reward. The ‘western’ man, as a higher
order, will believe in society, in man as the highest order of things. His
reward relies on the outside, on the system he is voting for relentlessly, no
matter what form it takes or what laws it edict.
The other man on the contrary will feel blessed for himself, for what he
is and not for what he can achieves. He will believe in a higher order, not
focused on man’s power and ‘cultural’ results, but dedicated to the universe, to
nature, to life, a higher order that can be reached through its best
achievements that are beauty, love and freedom. He will be proud to be who he
is, an accomplished individual able to direct himself, to comprehend the world,
to choose the good part of things, proud to be a man that can be trusted,
liked, loved.
This other man is an exception in western society but he is the majority
in Africa, among Arabs and Gypsies (and to a much lesser part Latinos).
This concept is more important than it seems.
Did you even wonder why in the world only African and Arabs did not
develop like American or European, like Taiwanese or Japanese ? Why Berlin is
in Germany and not in Congo ? Did you ask why Christianity engulfs all the West,
including Russia for the matter, that is all white men ?
Because white men do not feel blessed. White men must conquer, they must
build, they must lead. Christianity pretends men are born sinners. Who else
than white men could have agreed with such a defamation of life ! White men do
not feel blessed. Humanity today is invaded by white men’s ‘kultur’ war. White
men are a curse for mankind and we live under their curse. Life under their
boot has become a traffic jam with only one escape: destruction.
Woke propaganda, work addiction
WEF, UN committees, Charities, Hedge funds, Religions, Medias, the
biggest associations of criminals work together but now, openly, governments
and their payroll nuts are in it, and that changes the picture.
God destroyed Sodom because the “cry of the Many” (women & children)
that had reached Heavens was no more accusing individuals but the collectivity.
Vice has been made official. This is what God had sent His messengers to check
for. (Genesis 18)
As a result, the Woke propaganda becoming official means a Damocles
sword over the head.
Concurrently to the Woke addiction which is a feature of the PTBs
destined to challenge God in the end, the majority’s part for the white man,
and the Asian for the purpose is a work addiction. Money is god for the
minority but work is the religion of all. Working for the white man is a pass
to good consciousness. I work. No matter what work. Working is the antidote to
consciousness …
In the materialistic ‘civilization’, the principle of life I mentioned at
the beginning has failed. Knowledge, say a part of it, is transmitted,
sentiments are not, or the worst part of them. Yes, knowledge, but distorted, but
selected to fit in the profit matrix.
The outcome from a fake knowledge and wrong sentiments like fear,
cruelty, disdain, envy … can only be a tyrannical order, from up to down. No
class of people is exempt of its grasp, even those who pretend benefiting from
such a fate, and them more than the others !
What else ?
Yes !!
Lately, a man asked me why I came to Israel and quit France. I answered
something that I began to feel Jewish and he said: “Yeah ! There is a lot
anti-Semitism in France. Did you feel it ?” I responded that there is no
anti-Semitism in France and neither did I feel it. He just didn’t understand. I said
that if something made me quit France, it is the French stubbornness that does
not accept God, the French acceptance of tyranny inside its society in the form
of ignoring the values of life, racism being only a small part of it.
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